
In the Naruto world ... with me for his position

take it as a reissue, I have many ideas but I can not implement them all in one story, take it as this is the universe 2 description: dying like a hero, now naoru is in an endless line with thousands more souls, what happened with our favorite prota (created by me) because he died as a hero ?, what will happen with naoru hora? ... at what time will the author bathe? wait for it

Alezero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

003 - problematic


-Does it, he hurt grieve me, for that? ... why? It he hurts grieves me too much, someone please help me


- it hurts a lot

-someone ... h-e-l-p !!!!!!!!!!

[system: congratulations for awakening your soul consciousness ... congratulations for receiving the title: "new life" ... helping the host ... analyzing ... 1% ... 2% ... 5% .. ... ... 50% ... 70% ... 100% ... incompatibility was found in both parents' blood line ... solution: put together and mutate your bloodline ... {yes } {do not}]

- do it...

[system: received order ... analyzing your bloodlines ... 100% ... mutating ... ... ... 100% completed ... implementing in the host system ... ... ... 100% deducting 500, 000 pk (karma points) ... blood line created ... threat of abortion: discarded]

the pain went away when the last notification was made ... after this I saw my soul like a smoke around an embryo ... - of course, I am still a baby - ... it seems that there is a lot of noise outside ... no I want to give problems to my new parents ...- I think I'm going to sleep, I feel tired -...

pov mama ...

-because it hurts, it hurts a lot, my belly seems to be tearing, what happens ... I think I'll go to the doctor ...

2 weeks later....

good is easy to get used to, just sleep and eat, whore hahahahah offered, good thing is that it seems that my new mom is afraid of something ... also since I woke up the system did not contact me again, no matter how many times I've tried to contact ... I'd better go to sleep ....

pov mama (2 weeks later)

doctor: congratulations Miss hyuga, is pregnant ...

****: I am? (with a big smile) ... Doctor, what was that pain I had?

Doctor: it was an abortion attempt Miss ... sorry lady, should be without displeasure and in any way should do training, this was just a warning, if you do not want to lose the baby should rest, understood?

****: Yes doctor

-What will I say to dad? ... this is not my baby, I want to have it and even he can not prevent it ... maybe I can hide it ... if I can do that, to save my baby from the hand of my father and the clan

3 months later...

again my new mom, has a fight ... I do not know who, but she's very afraid ... maybe being born gives her problems ... I hope she solves her problems and where is the useless potato? can not protect mom? ... when I get out of here I kick her ass, for abandoning mom ... ahhh mom I manage to calm down I think I'll go to sleep to not cause more problems ...

pov breast (3 months)

-until here I could hide it ...

patriarch hyuga: WHO IS THE FATHER?


grandmother (it is to distinguish): my girl, say it we will make the honor of the clan recover ...

****: and what will happen next? ...

grandfather (I do not want to say patriarch always): you will get rid of that damn thing in your belly ...

****: never, it's my son and I'll never sacrifice it

Grandpa: It's your fault, that I'm so spoiled ...

Grandma: daughter please, we have to ...


grandmother: chloe, reconsider ....

chloe: I DO NOT CARE ....

grandfather: then you are banished from the clan ....

chloe: (drawing tears from his eyes) seriously ... do you want more to your honor than to your family? ...

Grandpa: if you get out of that thing, I'll reconsider ...

chloe: it's not a thing, it's your grandson

grandfather: do not say that this thing is my grandson ... I will never accept that our family is combined with another bloodline ... we must be pure ...

cloe: I do not care, I DO NOT CARE ABOUT CLAN, IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO RECOGNIZE MY SON, THEN I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER ... (running towards the doors of the clan

Grandmother: DAUGHTER ...

grandfather: stop ... GUARDIANS

guards (1,2,3,4,5 and 6): we are at your patriarch services (kneeling)

grandfather: from 1 to 3 get rid of all the information that links chloe as a daughter of the hyuga clan and from 4 to 6 you already know what to do with a clan traitor ...

Grandmother: YUN ....

grandfather: I do not mind going to fulfill your orders ....

guards: HAIII ...

(somewhere else)

chloe: I think that's fine here ...

Grandma: No, my girl, you must go farther ...

chloe: mom, why are you here? ...

Grandma: I have to obey your father in the clan, but here I am your mother, do you know how much pain you caused me when you were born? ... your father will never understand the link mother and son ... have your father sent to someone to eliminate you ... take (giving him a backpack) here are a few ryo that I have saved ... there are also a few rations and a change of clothes

chloe: how did you get here so fast?

grandmother: silly girl, in my youth I was known for my speed ... I still have some agility in these old bones ...

chloe: mama ... (crying)

grandmother: quiet daughter, now go and we have a long time here ...

chloe: thanks, mom

grandmother: I hope my grandson is born well ....

while leaving, from the cave to again run ...

6 months later ....

here the evening news with your Naoru driver ... ahhahahhaha, well I already have hands and feet and I can move just a little bit, although the previous night was really active, I think that Mama was exercising, because even I felt her fatigue finish his training, when he finished, caressed his belly with great warmth, (assent) if it is going to be a good mom ... I think I'm moving a lot so I'll go to sleep to not give problems and can rest a lot ... will have to gather strength to give birth to me ...

pov mama (6 months later)

-I'm hiding in the border of the country of fire, my belly grows more and more, I hope you are growing well my child (caressing his belly), and the ninjas are more and more attentive, I have to change the town every week so that I get caught and I think I have to increase the pace, but I worry about my little one, almost does not move ... it will be normal that ... I will have to work a bit to eat, mama put some ninja items in the backpack so the I will sell ... where are you? Why do not you come and get me ... I have to rest ...

8 months later ...

is really annoying ... mom is in a military formation or what?, every day I exercise a lot, my new mom is worrying me ... I already love her, with this regimen she will not be able to endure the birth, I can only avoid spending a lot of energy for her to use it to recover, in these last few months, there are times that she does not stop for days until she faints because of fatigue ... do not think that she is being persecuted ... I do not know but I want to believe that she is training ... well this is the summary so to sleep again ....

pov mama (8 months later)

- I was discovered, I was in a restaurant as a waitress in a humble town, until the Hyuga guards found me ... I had to flee, now I do not have money, clothes or food ... and my baby is about to be born ... I'll have to get away from the villages now ... I have to find some food, but there seems to be no life in this mountain (sigh) ryou, where are you? ... miss you?

day of birth

-the birth is an effort of mother I have sonooo .... aggggg that pain, if one is special, let me tell you not to be born again ... it is very painful ... but now I am in the arms of my mother, fowl , is a true beauty, black hair in a tail to the hips and a good size breasts, neither big nor small, besides his angelic face and his bearing that gives an air of nobility ... bone is very beautiful .. mmm, it does not seem that it is more than 22 years old ... it seems that it is the standard in this world ... everything was honey on flakes in the first minutes of life but ...


- yes a asshole is threatening to mom ... wait a few years in order that it she stamps on the back for insulting to mom

Friends at the end of the cap, wait for the other.