
In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

He wakes up in a hospital in Japan With no memories of how he got here, he finds a Pip-boy 2000 Mark VI by his bedside. [Welcome to multiversal fallout system!] [Quest Received: Prepare for the end. It will be an AU so some things won't be all accurate. Worlds traveled to. 1st: HighSchool Of Dead 2nd:??? 3rd:??? Slow updates. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/zYTd866cme

Scott47 · Videojogos
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5 Chs

New Friend, Getting Money

Good morning Vault-Tec calling, Thank you guys for the positive feedback. I just wanted to let you guys know there is still a discord link I could use your guy's input and ideas for this story in the future. 

Anyways enjoy.


Zack: 'Saya Takagi! one of the anime's main characters and a very good person to have on as an allay, because she is considered a genius and could be good for tactical and strategy planning.'

As Zack sees her sitting on the ground she sees his imposing figure she backs away a little.

Zack: "Ah, sorry ma'am are you alright I didn't see you there I was a little distracted."

He holds his left hand out to help her up and she hesitates at first but takes his hand and he lifts her to her feet. 

Saya: "Hmph, maybe you should watch where you're going next time!"

Zack:'right she can be a real ass maybe I can change that over time since I want to try to be friends with her over time' "Well if it's all the same to you I would like to apologize in some way?"

Zack picks up her school bag and holds it out to her. Saya looks at him still a little irritated from before and takes her bag from him.

Saya: How?

She eyes him suspiciously thinking he might do something weird to her or worse but before he can say anything a beep interrupts them both. It was Zacks Pip-Boy beeping at him.

"beep" "beep"

Zack looks at his Pip-Boy and sees he got a quest from the system.

Quest Received: Forming Friendships [Become friends with any of the main cast of this world] - Reward Blueprints for Power Armor Frame/Power Armor WorkBench, 300 CAPS

Side-Quest Received: Earn some CAPS [Rob local gangs of their money to get CAPS (Optional: Rob a bank or an ATM) 

While Zack read the Quest and Side-Quest, Saya saw the Pip-Boy on his arm and grew curious about the strange device on his arm and was getting irritated that he was ignoring her so she got mad and said something.

Saya: "Hey you stop ignoring me and what is that thing on your arm?!"

Saya points at his Pip-Boy. He looks at her then the Pip-Boy then back at her he thinks of a way to tell her what his Pip-Boy so he just pulled a lame ass excuse out of his ass and hopefully she buys it. 

Zack: "Ah this, well this is something I invented. I call it a Pip-Boy or the Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI. It is basically a wearable supercomputer."

Saya looks at the Pip-Boy and is quite interested now and wants to know more about it but she remembers she has school to get to. Zack sees she might have to go so he seizes the opportunity to form some kind of bond with her.

Zack: "Hey by the looks of it you seem to need to go I can walk you to where you need to go as a way to apologize if that's fine with you." 

Saya eyes him for a second and nods.

Saya: "Alright... But no funny business OK.

Zack puts his arms up in surrender.

Zack: "Wouldn't even dream of it."

Zack walks Saya to her school and they talk on the way he tells her about his Pip-Boy and how it works and talks about other subjects like science and other subjects she actually enjoys talking to him but she doesn't show it. They arrived at her school 15 minutes later and before she left she thanked him and he stopped her to ask her for contact info.

Zack: "Hey I know we just met but if you want to learn more about my Pip-Boy and just want to hang out maybe I can get your contact info."

Saya raises her eyebrow and is silent for a second then she pulls out her phone.

Saya: "Make it quick I have classes soon."

Zack nods and puts his Pip-Boy near her phone and she sees a notification that he was added to her phone.

Zack: "I can only text as I don't have a talk feature on here yet, but I can text you."

She nods and turns to leave but I say one more thing before she enters the school.

Zack: "My name is Zack Brooks I didn't catch your name miss?"

Saya looks back and introduces herself.

Saya: "Takagi Saya."

Zack Smiles and sees her off. After she left he got a Notification from his Pip-Boy.

Quest Complete: Forming Friendships [Become friends with any of the main cast of this world] - Received Blueprints for Power Armor Frame/Power Armor WorkBench, 300 CAPS

Zack: 'Nice now I can at least have a power armor frame on stand-by when I can build one but now I'm going to rob some local gangs but first I'm going to buy some perks.'

Zack bought 11 perks leaving him with 525 CAPS left each perk cost 25 CAPS per perk. Yes, it's cheap but can get expensive over time it took 275 CAPS to get them. He bought Concentrated Fire, so he could have a better aim when it comes to guns. Awareness so he has a 6th sense and better knowledge In V.A.T.S on where to hit his targets. Basher will be good for when he hits an enemy with a gun it will deal critical hits which will be useful. Toughness will be good so he has high pain tolerance and bonus toughness to armor. CAP Collector will help increase the number of CAPS he gets from items and when he sells items and can get discounts in the system store. Inspirational is a good perk for leadership and bringing hope to others when times seem dark. Intimidation can be useful when he wants to pacify an enemy target and can entice fear into a target to get information like a certain dark knight. Commando will be very good as is it will give him military special forces training and bonus damage with automatic weapons. Sneak, is good for stealth and hiding his presence from others. Moving Target so he has less of a chance of getting hit by bullets or any kind of weapon fire. Ricochet is a perk for his armor as it will make it tougher and make bullets bounce off his armor.

Zack: "Alright that's good for now I think I'll rob an ATM Since I have a hacking skill but first I need some sunglasses." 

Zack Buys some sunglasses for 5 CAPS in the system store and goes to the nearest ATM to make sure no one is around and he hacks it. It was easy of course and he took all the money about 24,237,825.00 YEN converted to 150,000 CAPS which is a lot now he will buy some weapons and a power armor set later in the day.

Zack: "Hehehe this going to be fun."

As he was laughing to himself he realized he leveled up and hadn't added any points to his S.P.E.C.I.A.L so he added the points to his stats and walked to a crime-filled area so could collect items, money, and weapons. Good thing he has that NCR Armor.


Name: Zack Brooks

Age: 20

Sex: Male

height: 184cm or 6'0ft

Level: 23



Strength: 11

Perception: 8

Endurance: 10

Charisma: 12

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 7

Luck: 5


Thief, Educated, Lady Killer, Medic, Hacker, Science, Gun Nut, Gunslinger, Idiot Savant, Ninja, Concentrated Fire, Awareness, Basher, Toughness, Cap Collector, Inspirational, Intimidation, Commando, Sneak, Moving Target, Ricochet


WEAPONS: Combat knife, 10mm Pistol, Hunting rifle, Wazer Wifle

APPAREL: Sunglasses, Black trench coat, Fedora, NCR Ranger Armor, Full set of combat armor

AID: 7 Stimpaks, 3 Radaways, 1 Psycho, 3 Med-X, 5 Antibiotics, 1 Super stimpak

MISC: Opened Starter Pack, 150,270 CAPS, Power Armor Frame blueprint

AMMO: 184 10mm round, 70 .308

SUMMONS: Liberator Mark II

Quests: Prepare for the end[You have 2 months till the apocalypse happens get what you need and be ready] - Reward: Anti-materiel rifle + 100 .50 caliber + 1000 CAPS + 5 perks 

Quest Received: Earn some CAPS [Rob local gangs of their money to get CAPS (Optional: Rob a bank or an ATM)

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