
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · Anime e quadrinhos
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234 Chs

Women and Terrorists


Bakshi looked at Russell with some disbelief, wondering if he had misheard.

Wait a minute! 

Wasn't Russell the type who loved money and pleasure, was vengeful, and wouldn't do anything without benefit? How did he agree so easily?

What were those psychologists even doing? The reports they submitted were all garbage!

Bakshi recalled the psychological analysis report he had carefully reviewed last night and cursed in his mind.

"What's the matter? Judging by your appearance, Mr. Bakshi, it seems you're not too thrilled about my joining?" Russell looked at Bakshi, who clearly hadn't reacted yet, and said slowly.

Indeed, HYDRA wasn't a noble organization.

But it couldn't be denied that HYDRA was a powerful and long-standing group.

Such an organization being eliminated by S.H.I.E.L.D., it was a bit of a pity.

From a different perspective, HYDRA simply took a few wrong turns.

They needed an exceptional leader to guide them back onto the "right path."

Russell felt he was quite suitable to be HYDRA's leader.

Leading the prodigal HYDRA back, reformation and atonement were in order!

"No, I was just a bit too excited. I didn't expect Mr. Bradley, you would be so willing to join us," Bakshi calmed down his excitement and said slowly.

"We're on the same side from now on; there's no need to be so awkward. Just call me Russell."

Russell said lightly.

"Alright, then I'll just call you Russell, and you can call me Sunil." Bakshi responded promptly.

"Good! In that case, I won't stand on ceremony with you, Sunil."

"Coming over today, you probably have more than just inviting me to join the organization, right?"

Russell straightforwardly asked.

"It seems I can't hide anything from you. Yes, I came over today not just to invite you to join the organization."

"That... did you, by any chance, fly around the city in a high-tech suit of armor yesterday? The organization is very interested in the armor you were wearing. Would you be willing to let the organization study it?"

"Don't worry, the organization won't take advantage of you. If you're willing, the organization will provide you with satisfactory rewards!"

Bakshi didn't hide anything and directly asked.

Just as expected!

Just as he had guessed, HYDRA was indeed interested in the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor.

After Bakshi finished speaking, Russell intentionally put on a difficult expression and furrowed his brows, saying, "Yes, it's true that I was the one flying in the armor around the city yesterday. However, that suit of armor isn't mine; it belongs to someone else."

"Someone else's?" Bakshi asked, puzzled.

"That's right! You should also know that I'm an assassin; how could I possibly know about high-tech stuff?"

"That suit of armor was actually a gift from my girlfriend."

"She was worried I'd get hurt, so she gave me the armor to prevent me from getting injured so easily."

Russell said earnestly, not worried in the least that Bakshi would see through his words.

HYDRA knew exactly who he was and naturally understood that he didn't possess the ability to develop high-tech armor.

Ask him to kill someone, and he's really good at it.

Ask him to study high-tech armor, and it's clear that it's an impossible task.

In fact, HYDRA didn't believe that Russell had developed the armor himself; they had even suspected that Diana had created the armor.

However, Diana didn't seem like someone who would research such high-tech equipment.

Indeed, Diana was powerful, and HYDRA was well aware of this fact.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have attempted to recruit Russell to indirectly gain access to Diana.

But what had left a deep impression on them was Diana's appearance as a warrior, wielding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, unstoppable like a war goddess.

High-tech armor like that didn't seem to suit Diana's style at all.

However, they didn't dare to completely rule out this possibility.

Being a powerful being with extraordinary abilities doesn't mean one can't use high-tech equipment.

These two aspects aren't mutually exclusive.

In a matter of seconds, several thoughts flashed through Bakshi's mind.

"So it was a gift from Miss Prince. I wonder if Miss Prince would mind if we studied the armor a bit?"

Bakshi used a more tactful wording.

Giving up was definitely out of the question!

The value of a high-tech suit of armor with flight capabilities was undoubtedly immense; you didn't need to think too much to understand that.

Even if it wasn't used for combat, just the various technologies used in the armor held significant scientific and economic value.

Even though they had only captured some scattered images and data derived from the flight path, HYDRA was already extremely interested in the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor.

S.H.I.E.L.D., on the surface, had a more technological focus and was interested in superhuman abilities.

Meanwhile, HYDRA, which appeared to be more interested in superhuman abilities, was actually quite enamored with various high-tech technologies.

"I can't ask her about this. Sunil, you should know the nature of women."

"If I let her know that I handed over the gift she gave me to you guys, not only will I get into big trouble, but you guys will too."

Russell shook his head helplessly.

"I understand; I was just asking casually."

Bakshi replied with a rueful smile.

How powerful Diana was, HYDRA knew very well.

But what couldn't be denied was that Diana was a woman.

And women, sometimes, were terrifying creatures.

Especially if you happened to offend them.

There's a saying that's quite accurate: women are more dangerous than terrorists.

Terrorists can negotiate conditions, women can't!

Terrorists will clearly tell you what they want; women won't!

Terrorists are straightforward; women aren't. They can be dissatisfied for reasons spanning from the past to the present, and even include events that haven't occurred yet!

When negotiating with terrorists, the ransom might decrease the more you negotiate; when negotiating with women, the amount of money spent might increase the more you negotiate!

More importantly, you'll never know why women are angry in the first place.

Although HYDRA really wanted Russell's Endosymbiotic Battle Armor, they wouldn't hesitate to give up on it if obtaining the armor meant thoroughly angering Diana.

"As for the armor, let's discuss it another time. What I want to know now is, what kind of benefits and assistance will the organization provide for someone like me, a new member?"

Russell changed the topic directly.

He definitely wouldn't hand over the armor; even if he thoroughly researched it, he wouldn't hand it over.

However, using HYDRA's power to enhance the armor, that was something he wouldn't pass up.

Until he became the master who led HYDRA back to the "right path," he didn't mind utilizing HYDRA's strength.

After all, it could be seen as an advance use of his underlings' power.

"Uh... benefits and such, of course there will be. For example..."

Bakshi had thought he would hold the upper hand this time, after all, he had come prepared.

However, upon arriving, he realized that the preparations he had made were better off not being made at all.


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