
Training and analyse of the mutation

*Ryan POV*

After the massage, I go in my lab to train my new ability. I first drink water and see if I can control it, break the atoms links. I think that with more training I can even live without breathing just by using the O2 from water. For the moment I just try to separate pure water from minerals. It's nearly impossible for me, I need to start with easier things. I will just eat something and try to separate water and food.

After a while it's done, in the left of my stomach, there is food and in the right, water. I will wait a bit and digest everything. I need to see the limit of the ability, I don't know when a substance is considered foreign, is it when it's digested, when it's in my blood stream? I have no idea. Let's drink a cup of coffee too, I can try to separate water and coffee.

Those experiments and training are finished in only a couple of days. I'm now able to do a lot of things, I'm not at the level of controlling links between atoms but I'm safe from any diseases, poisons, or even bullets. I can't really stop bullets but I can control their trajectory to make them pass through only unimportant part of my body, or easily healed things. A knife is harder, I can just expulse it, or bend it a bit but not more. But who uses a knife nowadays?

It's now that I'm very happy with myself for having chosen this particular mutant. The dream of many people is currently in my hands. Curing HIV, or any incurable disease that come from outside. I can't cure cancer yet but this mutation will allow things never done before.

I just need some of my cells, tell the AI to export the gene sequence that destroy the foreign element, find another substance that can localicate the disease, and here after some manipulation, the mixture will be able to localicate the core of the disease, and destroy it. It's really costly fo the moment but with a little more development, it will be a revolution for the entire world.

This mutation was wasted with the murderer, I'm glad that I took it.

Now with all the experiment done I will give a conference for my company new AI, the press is dying for news, maybe I will just do my pitch and leave them, I don't know...

After 2 tiring hours:

The conference was a huge success, I'm sure that the sales will be very good.

I receive a phone call from mom, she says:

"Watch the news, there is a special flash for Tony Stark, he was kidnapped!!!"

So the age of heroes starts.