
The Girl In Purple and Black

What I saw was the distinct purple and black striped dress of the girl I had found lying at the bottom of the stairs. The problem with that was that I had looked for a pulse but I had found nothing. However, by the time, this processed in my mind she had already started cracking the door and before I could get my warning out of my throat, she broke the door open. 

The first thing she did when she got in was tackle the principle and start trying to bite his neck. Before I even realized I was doing it, I grabbed one of my pencils and started moving toward them, both laying on the floor. Once I realized what I was doing, I realized I could not back out without the principle dying right there. As I moved I realized no one else was moving, for that fact no one was doing anything but staring and breathing. When I saw this, I started rethinking the fact that she had been dead and instead had just been unconscious but then I thought people still have heartbeats when they are unconscious so maybe I had just failed at finding her pulse. Then I saw the blood that was coming from her mouth and the bite mark on the principle's arm and decided right there that she had to be a zombie. Either that or she was rabid and the principle needed help.

With the second thought running rampant in my head I dropped the pencil and lunged for the girl knocking her off of the principle but putting me pinned against a book shelf and her facing me. With her right in front of me and nowhere to go, I started pushing her away, as hard as I could, hoping someone would help me. Suddenly her head lunged forward and she stopped resisting. Just like she was, not moving at all. When this registered in my mind I looked up and saw the principle standing, there blood on his hand looking at her as if she was something that couldn't happen. "I swear she had no pulse when I found her," I said standing back up.

"I know, when we went in there to look at her body we hadn't found one either. Then the assistant principle turned around to talk with us she jumped up and bit the back of his ankle. It shocked the guidance counselor so much she fell down the steps behind her and broke her neck. When the assistant principle stopped screaming and went to kick her off of him he also fell and cracked his head on the railing," said the principle explaining what had happened after I went back to class.

"So what are we going to do now that we have a dead, for lack of a better term, zombie in the school what are you going to do now?" I asked since everyone else was still in shock.

"Well until we find out what caused her to come back to life we will have to close the school. I will go make the announcement to the rest of the school," he said making his way back out staying clear of the body. 

"Mr. Principle during your announcement will you add one to the end of it for me?" I asked thinking of some people whom I would like to talk to before they left to make their way to their houses.

"Sure, what do you need me to say?" he asked stopping before going out the door.

"Well, will you ask some of my friends to go the tables outside the PAC?" I asked naming the people I thought would be able to survive if something large scale was going on.

"Sure," he said as he took the paper I had wrote their names on and walked out. About 3 minutes later the announcements came on. "Sorry for the interruption and inconvenience however due to extenuating circumstances this high school will be closed until further notice. On another note will these people please go to the tables outside the PAC?" he then states all my friend's names, "Decruss has something he wishes to discuss with you all. Oh and will the teachers near the front facing northern most staircase please keep people from using it, the cause of the extenuating circumstances are there and need to be undisturbed." 

And with that, Highlands High School officially closed for the zombie apocalypse.