
In the city of blood [BL]

In the city of blood, where shadows dance among the flickering lights and whispers echo through the labyrinthine streets, there exists a darkness that seeps into the very soul of the metropolis. It is a darkness born of forgotten dreams and shattered hopes, a palpable presence that hangs heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. In this city of blood, where the heartbeat of the urban sprawl pulses with a relentless rhythm, there are tales untold and secrets buried deep beneath the asphalt and concrete. It is a place where the sins of the past stain the present, where the lines between right and wrong blur in the dim glow of neon signs. Amidst the chaos and corruption, there are those who navigate the shadows with a grace born of necessity—a ragtag assembly of survivors and sinners, each with their own demons to wrestle and their own battles to fight. They move through the city like ghosts, slipping between the cracks of society, their footsteps muffled by the din of the streets. And yet, amidst the darkness, there are glimpses of light—a flicker of hope in the eyes of the downtrodden, a spark of defiance in the hearts of the oppressed. For even in the city of blood, where despair hangs heavy like a shroud, there are those who refuse to surrender to the darkness, who dare to dream of a better tomorrow. In the city of blood, where the sins of the past cast long shadows over the present, there are whispers of redemption—a chance for the lost and the broken to find their way home. It is a city of contradictions, where beauty and brutality collide in a symphony of chaos and despair. But amidst the darkness, there is always hope—a glimmer of light in the heart of the night, a beacon of promise amidst the ruins. For even in the city of blood, where shadows reign supreme, there are those who dare to defy the darkness and forge their own path to salvation.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Inspector Thai's Unspoken Bond

Inspector Thai arrived at the threshold of Win's penthouse, his knuckles poised to caress the wood with a rhythmic tap. The door absorbed the gentle percussion, a symphony of expectation resonating through the corridor. Each knock was a heartbeat of hope, a whisper that echoed the yearning woven into the fabric of the night. Yet, the echoes of his persistence returned to him unanswered, a poignant reminder that, for now, the door of destiny remained firmly closed.Restlessness gripped him, a storm of impatience driving his actions. Kicks reverberated, a tempest against the door's resistance. Stirred from slumber, Win and Nib exchanged knowing glances in the dim light.With a playful tone, Nib quipped, "Seems a terrestrial typhoon has ventured forth."Quickly attired, they emerged into the night's embrace, silent anticipation guiding their steps. As they advanced, the atmosphere pulsed with intrigue. Inspector Thai's unwavering resolve met the door's resistance, a resounding crash announcing his triumphant entrance into the enigmatic sanctum. Nib's voice broke the silence, a mix of disbelief and concern, "What on earth are you doing here at this hour?"Inspector Thai's gaze met Win's as he entered, prompting Win's inquiry, "Sir, what prompts this unexpected visit? Did a dire situation necessitate breaking down our door?"Thai explained, "I received word of a potential threat to Win's safety. Despite knocking, no response came. I was compelled to intervene."Win's disbelief echoed, "How can this be? Kimsy was in her room. Allow me to confirm."As Win approached Kimsy's door, it swung open, revealing her presence. Her query rippled through the room, "What's happening, and why is the police here? And Nib, what are you doing here at this hour?"Silence draped over the scene, Nib finally speaking, "Aunt—"Kimsy corrected, "Kimsy. Just Kimsy."Nib continued, "Kimsy, there's a slight misunderstanding with the inspector. We shall take our leave now."Kimsy's concern lingered, "And who will bear the cost of my damaged door?"Nib replied, "My friend Thai—"Kimsy pressed, "Well, your friend better compensate."Nib addressed Thai, who intended to pay, but Win interjected, "No need, I'll handle it."Inspector Thai, against Win's refusal, placed an amount in his hand and departed, Nib following suit.A current of anger surged within Kimsy's voice, "Remember, you're a guest, not a burden."She retreated to her room, leaving Win to grapple with the day's events. Lost in thought, he eventually retired.In the aftermath, Nib's grip held Thai's hand, his eyes revealing a complex emotion. Inspector Thai's gaze met Nib's, carrying a weight of unspoken sentiments.In a calm yet resolute tone, Nib spoke his thoughts,"Sir, please respect a certain distance from Win. I can watch over him."Inspector Thai responded, his words carrying a mix of explanation and assurance,"Understand, Nib. I'm not his romantic partner. I received concerning news and felt the need to be here."Nib persisted, "But your concern goes beyond the norm. The way you look at him, the care you exhibit—it's far from ordinary. Please, respect our space."Without another word, Thai departed, leaving Nib to his thoughts.As dawn painted the sky, Win's voice reached Nib through the phone,"Nib, I'm heading to see Mew."Concerned, Nib inquired,"We? Why not together?"Win's explanation followed,"I want her to believe I came willingly, not because of your persuasion. I want her to unleash her anger without holding back."A flicker of annoyance colored Nib's tone,"Are you out of your mind?"Win affirmed with conviction,"Yes, I am. Once I've talked to her, I'll call you. Goodbye, Nib."The line disconnected, leaving Nib to repeat Win's name in vain.At the police station, Nib sought to meet Inspector Thai, requesting assistance from a constable. The officer conveyed the message, but Thai declined the meeting. The constable suggested Nib leave due to Thai's busy schedule.Frustration etched on his face, Nib took a seat on a bench. Time passed, nearly an hour, yet Thai hadn't emerged. Meanwhile, Kimsy's voice echoed through the corridors, calling for Win. Realizing he wasn't in his room, she discarded the prepared breakfast.As the sun arched higher, Win's anticipation grew. He found temporary rest on the bench. Soon, Inspector Thai stepped outside, occupied with paperwork. His gaze shifted, landing upon Win, who had succumbed to sleep.Thai's thoughts swirled, witnessing Win's vulnerability amidst his slumber.He muttered under his breath, "So stubborn," before heading for lunch. A short while later, Win stirred awake and approached the constable, his request hesitant yet determined,"Could you please arrange for me to meet with Mew?"The constable's response held a measure of constraint,"Such matters require approval from our senior officer."As Win prepared to enter, the constable inquired,"Where are you headed?""To see Thai, actually," Win replied.The constable's tone carried surprise,"He's already left for home."Win's disbelief was palpable,"What? When? Why didn't you wake me?"A mix of frustration and contemplation clouded Win's thoughts. Determined, he considered his next move and settled on a plan—to visit Inspector Thai's home.