
In the city of blood [BL]

In the city of blood, where shadows dance among the flickering lights and whispers echo through the labyrinthine streets, there exists a darkness that seeps into the very soul of the metropolis. It is a darkness born of forgotten dreams and shattered hopes, a palpable presence that hangs heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. In this city of blood, where the heartbeat of the urban sprawl pulses with a relentless rhythm, there are tales untold and secrets buried deep beneath the asphalt and concrete. It is a place where the sins of the past stain the present, where the lines between right and wrong blur in the dim glow of neon signs. Amidst the chaos and corruption, there are those who navigate the shadows with a grace born of necessity—a ragtag assembly of survivors and sinners, each with their own demons to wrestle and their own battles to fight. They move through the city like ghosts, slipping between the cracks of society, their footsteps muffled by the din of the streets. And yet, amidst the darkness, there are glimpses of light—a flicker of hope in the eyes of the downtrodden, a spark of defiance in the hearts of the oppressed. For even in the city of blood, where despair hangs heavy like a shroud, there are those who refuse to surrender to the darkness, who dare to dream of a better tomorrow. In the city of blood, where the sins of the past cast long shadows over the present, there are whispers of redemption—a chance for the lost and the broken to find their way home. It is a city of contradictions, where beauty and brutality collide in a symphony of chaos and despair. But amidst the darkness, there is always hope—a glimmer of light in the heart of the night, a beacon of promise amidst the ruins. For even in the city of blood, where shadows reign supreme, there are those who dare to defy the darkness and forge their own path to salvation.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Crimson Reverie

Jian inquired, 'What's our course now?'Pit pondered, 'Indeed, my thoughts exactly. By the way, heard the serial killer's a woman. You reckon she's attractive?'Mew rebuked, 'Enough, guys! We're confined here, and you're dwelling on such distasteful matters...'Jian concurred, 'Mew's right. We should steer clear of discussing her...'Mew's gaze met Jian's, a subtle grin surfacing.Nine suggested, 'Indoor games could pass the time...'Fifi agreed, 'Solid plan...'Nine's gaze wandered, 'Where's Win...'Pit speculated, 'Where else? Likely with Nib...'Nine contradicted, 'No, look! Nib's out there. They might've had another spat...'Approaching Nib, Mew inquired, 'Nib, everything alright?'Nib confessed, 'Not really... feeling unwell...'Mew offered, 'Can I assist in any way?'Inwardly, Nib mused, 'Those who should care...where are they? Perhaps Thai, a surprise. And his concern, unexpected...'Mew probed, 'Your thoughts distant. All well?'Nib reassured, 'Nothing... Your query means much. Thank you, Mew.'Abruptly, Win entered the festivity, seeking Nib. A trace of jealousy colored his gaze as he found Nib conversing with Mew. With a gentle smile, he approached, seeking a moment alone. Win beseeched Mew, 'Could you grant us privacy?'Nib intervened, 'No need, she stays. Whatever you wish to say, say it before her.'Win's gaze met Mew's, and then Mew nodded and departed. Seated beside Nib, Win began, 'You know, you're quite dashing. But when your anger flared... Words elude me, how intensely I'm drawn to you. And...'Nib's voice filled with curiosity, 'And...'Win's remorseful tone interjected, 'I apologize. It was just...'Yet, Nib's grip on Win's hand tightened, a display of formidable strength. Win teased, 'You're impressively strong, but the setting might not warrant such a show.'Nib's retort held a touch of steel, 'I never shy away from displaying my strength. And should you emulate me, expect forthcoming penance.'Win acquiesced, 'Alright then... I'd welcome that.'Around 2:30 am, Pillow proposed to Shine, 'Shall we venture outdoors?'Shine declined, 'Safety's a concern, especially for our ilk.'Pillow persisted, 'Let's, please. This place feels stifling, and with you by my side, I fear no threat...'So, Shine readily agreed to accompany him. While they ventured outdoors, Win glimpsed their departure, an urge to call them welling within. Yet, Nib's ire kept Win's voice in check. Outside, the constables dozed, providing an opportune escape.Nib's words sliced through the air, 'Why do you always favor him over me?'Win countered, 'It's a misunderstanding, Nib. He's a good person, despite your misgivings. But tell me, why does he evoke your ire?'Nib's voice tightened, 'I've explained it before... the way he gazes at you, I can't abide.'Abruptly, a menacing cacophony pierced the night, sending shivers down their spines. All hastened towards the source, including the constables. The campus beckoned, but the ominous sound remained unexplained. A suggestion arose, 'Perhaps the roadside?'Win, consumed by worry for Pillow and Shine, pressed on. The road revealed a ghastly sight – Shine lay motionless, his head wounded, as though struck by a mighty blow. Shock held the onlookers captive; disbelief painted across their faces. Reacting swiftly, Win cradled Shine's injured head in his lap.His lips parted, attempting to speak, yet only a rasp emerged. His feeble hand pointed toward the nearby jungle before consciousness slipped away once more. Amidst the tension, Nine summoned an ambulance, a testament to the lingering spark of life within him. It was a night shrouded in darkness, tainted by a hint of crimson.A constable dialed Inspector Thai while a group of students ventured into the jungle. What they uncovered defied their readiness, inciting collective cries of shock that pierced the air.