
In Six Moon.

You can't change the past. But you can make changes today for a better Tomorrow. IN SIX MOON. She has to decide her twisted fate. Rescuing people from sucide and helping ghosts to the afterlife. Love comes in between. Past comes along. Redemption... She also discovers she has a special ability...to see people's death. "In Six Moon" is a story of redemption, power of love, mystery and fantasy.

HeartzDiary · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 01


That was all that clouded Ava's mind at that particular moment. No hope. No chance. Exhausted.

"It will all end now. Today!" She slammed on the brakes, driving the car at an alarmingly high speed, her gaze unfocused.

"You can't do this!!" He screamed as they both struggled with the steering wheel, driving recklessly on the empty road.

"Isn't this what you wanted for both of us... Father!" Her voice filled with hatred and vengeance as she took full control of the steering, heading towards the upcoming bridge.

"I can't die... You lunatic!!" Her father's voice filled with hatred for his daughter and horror, as he once again fought with the car's steering.

Yes, she was crazy... A lunatic, but this life she had always been forced to live was frustrating and tiresome. Hell was where she felt she belonged.

"You will regret this!!" He screamed as the car approached the bridge.

She scoffed. "I already am. See you in hell, Father."

With that, the car swerved violently towards the bridge, plunging deep into the ocean.

She could feel herself losing her breath as she frantically struggled with the seatbelt. A feeling of regret crept into her mind, but it was too late. Her gaze turned to her lifeless father, obscured by bubbles in the water.

It was time. Every breath caused a sharp pain in her heart, and she realized that this wasn't what she truly wanted. Her vision blurred as she struggled to swim, but her body had already grown weak and limp. There was no hope anymore.

This wasn't what she wanted. She wanted her father dead, but still...

"It's done." Her eyelids started to close as she couldn't feel her heartbeat any longer. Darkness enveloped her as her eyes shut.

Being forced to live a life I never wanted. Never desired. People getting hurt and killed right before me, and I couldn't do a thing.

...I guess it all ends here.


A bright light shone brightly, causing a flash of pain in Ava's eyes as she continued walking along the desolate road. It was lined with bare trees and felt incredibly lonely.

Is this hell? It doesn't look like it or am I in heaven?!


She looked around and realized she was still wearing the pink gown she had on before her death. Was she dead?

Then, suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew across her, causing her vision to blur. She felt a presence in front of her, undisturbed by the sudden gust, which eventually subsided.

"Who are you?" Ava asked, blinking her eyes to get a clearer view of the figure before her.

"You have to go back... to the world," a deep, commanding voice replied.

"I can't. I won't."

She could hear footsteps approaching slowly, causing her breath to hitch. Finally, she saw the intimidating presence standing before her.

Who was this captivating being? His long, dark hair lazily swept around his neck as the wind gently tousled them. His deep blue eyes held an intensity that could make anyone kneel before him. How could she describe his appearance? Perfect?

"You have an unfinished mission," he spoke again, sending shivers down her spine.

"I-" Before she could utter any words, he snapped his fingers sharply, causing her vision to blur and her body to feel weightless, as if she were lifeless. A veil of darkness surrounded her, as if she were being transported to another dimension, world, or time.
