
Revolution of Craftia-Part 1

//3rd POV//

As Techno And the monster trio began approaching the army which seemed to be increasing by the second. What had started as around 50 men now where almost 500.

"Let's make this quick guys. I'd rather the king not do something that can fuck us royally." Techno says as he transforms into his complete boar form.

"Relax Porkchops. It won't take long." Sanji replies lighting his cigarette.

"What the love cook said." Zoro said as he took out his three swords and got into a battle stance.

"shishishi this'll be fun." Luffy says as he smashes his fists together.

The trio and Techno rush towards the approaching army and start to take them out. Zoro slashes through the soldiers as if they were butter while Sanji kicks them into hell. Luffy uses his Gomu Gomu No Mi powers to his current ability with pistols and barrages. Techno just charges through them and takes them out.

After what seems to be quite a while they successfully take down the last soldier.

"I told you it would be quick." Sanji says.

" Yeah, yeah. Let's hope it was quick enough." Techno says in return after shifting into his hybrid form.

//Techno POV//

I know I may seem a little too worried but after all the things I've seen go wrong in fiction and seeing as though I am part of one of those fictional worlds where anything that can go wrong will go wrong I don't want to risk it.

"Take these guys." I tossed a vial of regen potion to each of them and drank one myself. I only had one more left from the batch I'd brought with me.

"You Guys ready?" I asked.

"""Yes""" I heard them say.

"Well then, Let's go." I say taking out my diamond axe and walking forward.

Diamond was a rare material but it was still used to make tools for mining and for the hunters. I made one myself and now used it to hunt.

As we approached the door behind which the king had fled after the fighting began we were stopped by the kings personal guard and the four most influential nobles.

"Halt now you scum." One of the guards commanded.

"Surrender now and your death will be painless." one of the nobles said.

" I think we'll pass on that." I say

" Yeah what Techno said." Luffy replies.

" Very well then. You were given a chance and know you will perish." Another noble said.

All in all there were 8 of them against four of us. So I decided to it would be a good idea to divide them equally.

"Guys let's each take two of the idiots each." I inform The Straw Hats.

""" Sure/Ok/Why not.""" Came there replies.

We all then got into our fighting positions as the kings defense came towards us.


I'm Back. Had exams so couldn't upload. I also know the chapters are short but I try to make them as long as I can. I've decided to never say anything to writers who make short chapters. Writing is hard.

Also I want your feedback on how often I should change to other straw hats POVs and whether I should detail their fights as well. I'm thinking of not doing so but still would like your thoughts.
