
In Nica's Shadow

NOTE: This story is discontinued and completed. It was written at a time I was very sick and thought. It would not turn out well. I have shifted the energy of writing to a new story that is a more intense form of BDSM and romance but doesn't delve as deeply in pending death and doom. In the realm where mortals tread, I observe their frantic scurrying, stumbling from grace, and bowing before false deities. They sacrifice kin and companions, seeking fleeting solace. The art of traversing known realms and conquering fear eludes them. I have allowed them to wander aimlessly for far too long. The foul scent of hope pollutes the world as they yield to fear, devoid of valor and pride. I dispatched my begotten sons, time and again, to seduce and ravage the sins of the masses, heralding an era of death and desire. Plagues and wars unfurled as my sons painted the world in chaos. A sly grin emerges upon my lips, for I delight in the spectacle. It reminds me of a nursery rhyme from a bygone era, whispered at a child's bedside. The darkness weaves strange reminiscences of the bittersweet. A child afflicted by plague's boils and the mother's dread realization of transmitting her malady. Through the ages, naught has changed since their first steps upon the earth. Agony and despair linger in the air, the essence and longing of existence. Amidst the apparent serenity, a subtle note of turmoil wafts—a melody of corrupted souls. For even in their docility, these creations can wield ruthlessness. Alas, they revere strength, unaware that the mightiest often shatter, crying like infants as their bones snap between my fingers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Should you seek a tale of systematic oppression, generational torment, vile assault, and the macabre, I extend an invitation to the narrative of innocence's demise—the beauty found within life's darkest corners. The battle yet wages, and perchance, as my final thoughts manifest, redemption shall unfold its melodic strains. Or perchance, I shall pen their ultimate sentence—an exquisite requiem, unbridling my vengeance in the shadows cast by Nica.

DerekJPerna · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

CH 16 - Lily's Choice

Lily pulls at her dress, fearing the call to Caesar's great hall. It seemed almost like a Master's chamber in the worst sense. A great hall littered with whips, rods, and chains lined against the walls.

No matter how hard she pulls at her dress, it won't pull beneath her mid-thigh. Unlike any other time he had called her, it was midnight, and she was wearing only her nightgown.

She had told Gabriella she would willingly change but was advised against it. At this hour, it was her option to wear a nightgown or nothing. It was her honor to see him as he was; he would see the same of her.

She knew that both Gabriella and Nica would soon be held accountable for their actions. Most likely, he had wanted to know her feelings before their correction.

The way that Nica saved Sera was courageous. Lily doesn't know how but feels that her desire plays a part in it. It wouldn't be possible without her surrender; perhaps it is time for him to collect. Lily would yield entirely to his desire so he could get out of the tormented anguish that haunts Sera and her daughter's lives.

Olivia had spoken on the acts of men and how they can be genuinely vicious in their conquest. For some men, the knowledge of being the first. Purity was the most essential thing to take from someone, so it was highly prized. For in giving up her purity, she will rob the world of her salvation. Only in the Oracle's embrace should she surrender everything pure.

As Lily walks forward, she feels the lights grow dim as she witnesses Caesar sitting on a throne like a conquering God. The glass portals allow the faintest glow of the full moon to seep through the halls.

In the moonlight, he has already appeared much older yet more formidable than ever. He was strong, and even if he wasn't holding a silver dagger, there was no doubt he could destroy anything he set his mind to.

Lily pauses as she stands before Caesar at the foot of the steps leading up to the throne. Pulling at the hem of her dress, she wonders how long he has been waiting for her. How great his desire was and why he let her sleep peacefully until the full moon before pulling her within these wicked halls.

"You are fearful?" Caesar asks quietly.

"Yes, I am afraid. I don't know why I am here."

"You are here either to surrender or to bear witness. To receive a mark of formal protection. Or to be free to return to a village to live your life."

"Why do I need protection? Am I safe here with you? Am I not?"

"You are protected from the things you can see. But it would be best to have more protection from the things you can not. Your innocence makes you vulnerable to the unseen."

Even in the cool of the stone floor, a hidden breeze chills her. Soft droplets of sweat bead down her back. The nightgown provides almost no warmth as she contemplates a loss of innocence. "My innocence makes me vulnerable?"


"So I need to submit to you to be protected."

"To be protected outside the villages, yes."

Lily chews her lower lip, "Why are you asking me this?"

"To give you a chance to choose to submit or not."

"But I have already promised my submission."

"To save a mother and child?" Caesar asks.

"Yes. That is a noble sacrifice."

"And if Sera vanished in the night one day?"

"You would turn her away?" As tears spring, Lily asks, "Please, what must I do so she can stay?"

"You don't know what you want. This is not the person you should risk your soul for... especially since you don't know the cost."

Pulling at the hem of her nightgown as Lily lifts it quietly above her head. Walking up the steps, she feels her body tingling softly. As she climbs the stairs, she hears her heartbeat in her ears. The pulsing of her earlobe as her mind goes out of focus.

Placing her hands on Caesar's knees, she kneels before him. A delicately strange scent radiates from his body. Almost melodic sounds emanate from being so close. Trapped within the musical moment, she nuzzles in close until her small pert breasts nestle into his inner thighs. "Please, what must I do to be worthy of you?"

"You will obey what I command."

"Done... I will submit to your every need."

"And if you fail to obey, I shall whip you as you deserve."

"I won't fail you, Master. Please allow her to stay..." Lily begs.

"If you want to stay in your submission to me after he enters these halls tonight, I will take ownership of you. But until that time, kneel with your back to me, and get ready to feast."

Wondering what she has done wrong, Lily turns her back to her owner and feels his knees embracing her. She closes her eyes softly and is ready to sacrifice herself to save Sera. Lily decided in a split second, but she knew it was right. She has spoken to her and even held her daughter Lilith in her arms. She can not allow her to be sent away now.

Lily looks up as she feels Caesar leaning forward. With his eyes following his movement, she witnesses the dagger puncturing his right hand's fingertips.

She feels intoxicated at the scent as blood drips down his middle and ring finger. As her mind passes at the moment, she leans forward, allowing his fingers to slip into her mouth as he curls them back.

Her eyes fog at the delicate taste of his body, the blood warming his soul. Lilly's lower body clenches in desire as soft throbbing build between her legs.

Closing her eyes, she yields to her senses, wanting nothing more to taste or serve him. Her body trembles as she wants nothing less than to be his. His desire to talk her out of her submission only depends on the depths of her desires.

Lily shifts her hips as she hungrily sucks upon his fingers. The soft movement of his fingertips in and out of her mouth increases her desire. As he tries to slip them out, she sucks them back in with all her might.

Sucking upon his fingers, Lily knows she is showing him her desire to serve. Her desire to serve him protects them. As she does this man's desire, the great hall doors open, and footsteps are approaching.