
In Naruto With Gamer System

A man that never found his purpose in life even at his last moments in his deathbed with his family surrounding him, he still felt an emptiness in his heart, and with deep regrets, he finally closed his eyes for one last time.. or so he thought. ---------------------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ---------------------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
299 Chs

Misleading the hokage and progress

As I was enjoying my lunch with Mikoto and Sasuke, somewhere else inside of konoha ,an old man wearing a hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that is tied using a white sash was walking towards a simple but popular restaurant with the name 'Ichiraku Ramen' while holding a smoking pipe, alongside him walked a little kid with spiky blond hair , and from his face , he seemed to be in a bad mood for some reason even though many in his position would be happy walking alongside this old man.

They both took a seat on the stall and Hiruzen said with a warm smile " it's been a while since I took you out for ramen, Naruto, how you are doing these days?".

Naruto didn't even look at him and said "I'm fine".

Hiruzen looked surprised because this sad kid which used to be easy to get close to suddenly became distant so he said " let's order first " and so they ordered while thinking after Naruto sees the food his mood will improve , yet as the ramen was quickly prepared by the skilled Teuchi and served in front of them , Naruto was still in the same bad mood making Hiruzen frown secretly so he asked " you seem to be in a bad mood , did something happened ?".

Naruto who was about to start eating suddenly stopped and said while glaring at Hiruzen " yes , my friend is sick and I was in my way to visit him with Sasuke but you just had to appear at that time. Were you following me or what?".

Hiruzen's eyes flickered at the question and thought ' well of course I won't let you enter the Uchiha compound alone, but was this question a coincidence ? Yea, it's just Naruto , it's impossible for him to really mean something like this' , but what Hiruzen didn't know is that this is far from a coincidence.

Hiruzen quickly regained his cool and said with an apologetic look " ah , I'm sorry I didn't know your friend is sick , want to tell me what happened?" ' Let gather some information while we are at it on this new Uchiha kid'.

Naruto was genuinely sad and said " I don't know ,even Sasuke doesn't know ,yesterday when Sasuke's mother went to visit him she found him passed out in his house , and Sasuke said the doctors didn't understand what's wrong with him, so today Sasuke was sent to buy medicine for Bakorio and I was going to accompany him".

'it doesn't seem like this was planned to lure the jinchuriki inside their compounds ,maybe we just overreacted but better safe than sorry' Hiruzen thought and said " I see , I hope he's doing well , it seems you really like these friends you made?"

Meanwhile inside Naruto's seal , Kushina was getting really mad at how blatantly Hiruzen was interrogating Naruto in the guise of a harmless old man while minato kept trying to calm her down with a weak smile hiding behind it the coldness growing in his heart.

Naruto with a stuffed face said " yes, I like Bakorio, as for Sasuke Hmph , he's just annoying."

Hiruzen said " oh , it seems this Bakorio is really amazing for you to like him this much "

Naruto's eyes lit up before they dimmed again and while eating he said " yes, Bakorio is the nicest person I know , I just wish he wasn't obsessed with money and rather be more talented than Sasuke so we could beat him up".

'Oh, good to know another monster isn't going to come out from the Uchiha clan , dealing with Shisui and Itachi is hard enough' Hiruzen thought but found something weird and asked " what do you mean obsessed with money?".

Naruto stuffed his face with food again to hide his expression as his father ordered him and said " well, *munch munch* he always says his dream is to become the richest man in the world".

At this moment Hiruzen remembered that the kid already has a pastry shop and thought 'he's simply someone who wants to make money, maybe he will end up as a businessman or something either way nothing to be worried about' and decided to end this conversation since he got what he wanted.

"I see , well I have to leave now since I have work to do, goodbye Naruto, may the will of fire burn on all of you " Hiruzen said , paid the bill for the ramen they ate and left while smoking from his pipe.

"Burn your ass you dirty old man!" screamed Kushina and said with an angry look "Bakorio was right ,the Hokage really doesn't care about our little Naruto" . Minato nodded agreeing with her and she followed saying "I told you it wasn't worth it to sacrifice yourself and leave Naruto alone to these people".

Minato gave her a guilty look and said " I am sorry Kushina let just hope Bakorio-kun can really help make new bodies for us so we can take care of Naruto properly".

Kushina nodded with expectations in her eyes and asked her husband " do you really intend to work for him ?".

Minato nodded " I made a promise , plus we are really indebted to him for giving us the chance to take care of Naruto so as long as it's not harming innocents , I will help with anything he needs".

Kushina looked at her husband approvingly and said " yes, we are really indebted to him helping him is the least we can do , let see what he needs when we meet him next time". Minato nodded at her before they started talking with Naruto about various things..


Back at the Uchiha clan head's house ,I was finally back alone in the room I woke up in and had time to check my progress so I said in my head



Name : Bakorio Uchiha.

Health : 7800 (+100/min).

Chakra : 11800 (+160/min).

Stamina : 3000 (+40/:min).

Attributes : strength 120 / agility 100/ physique 200 / vitality 250 / stamina 300/ spirit : 400.

Skills : throwing art level 37 , slithering throwing art level 19, close combat fighting level 61 , water bullet jutsu level 15, clone jutsu level 1 , transformation jutsu level 1 , shadow clone jutsu level 1, cooking level 21, chakra control level 19 , meditation level 21.

Abilities : save and load , map.

Bloodline : Uchiha 50%.

Talents : chakra master. , body greatmaster , cooking advanced , sealing advanced.*

I was surprised at how crazy my attributes has risen. With these attributes , if I had only high agility but average strength I would still be as strong as lee at the Chunin exams , but with both high strength and agility I should be capable of dealing with special jonin level ninja , add to that my physique and vitality and then I would simply be a war machine if unleashed on a battlefield , but if we add my senses and reaction speeds ... even I can't estimate how strong I am right now since fighting isn't just about attributes , in the ninja world unless you have crazy defense like a Susanoo or something , tactics will allow you to skip levels easily.

I also noticed that my attributes gave me more health and chakra than previously, probably because of the increase in my chakra and body talents, now I think my chakra is at jonin level , I only lack some ninjutsu and more practice on my control which I believe will be easier with my current level of talent.

Satisfied with my progress I started thinking what my next course of action should be ' learn as much as I could from minato and Kushina since I am lacking a lot in ninjutsu and seals while training my body to reach jonin level with it alone and even elite jonin if possible , expand my business , and finally collect information on a very dangerous person with an even more dangerous ability ' I thought , of course I was thinking of one of the two people with a Mangekyo Sharingan in the clan 'Shisui Uchiha'.