
In Naruto As a Mage

Levi Carter, a 17 years old boy has just finished his finals exam. On the way home his surroundings suddenly turned black. Seconds later he was on a grass plane...... Find out more on the next cha.. First chapter? **The fanfict will cover 2 world the first one is my own world (it will just cover how MC got his magic) the second one is of course the Naruto World. **Just writing for fun. **Not My cover. **I don't own Naruto or any of the characters in naruto. I do own my OC and all the characters in the first world if any.

Error9999 · Anime e quadrinhos
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40 Chs


* Levi's POV *

I've made up my mind to destroy this Empire. What I've found out that the experience I gain from [Time Magic : Restore] is mine to keep. Restoring all those knights and mage has been hell, but have also gain their combat experiences and a hundred times at that.

(A/N : the MC didn't go crazy because of his strong will. Yes! The will to destroy this Empire! So he didn't go crazy or brain dead)

I've found a way to destroy the Slave Seal. It's a new spell I've been working on, but It'll empty my mana pool and I'll faint immediately. The first thing I need to do is to complete the spell and find the right time to use it. With that in mind, I'll released the seal when I use restore. They'll think it's the side effect of th spell.

( days later)

It was finally time for me to break the seal. Preparing myself to restore a knight, I readied my spell. Then I came close to the knight and casted [Time Magic : Restore] and wisperd [Time Magic : Unravel]

/// explaination time ///

[Time Magic : Unravel]

Unravel means undo. The spell is made to undo any abnormal status the caster have.

E.g. Poison, Sickness, curses.....

In the MC's case, the Slave Contract's seal on his chest is a type of curse. So it's possible to undo it.

Spell requirement: Mana pool will be emptied. /can only be used once a decade

/// end of explaination ///

Waking up in my cell, I can see it's already dark. Checking my chest, the markings are gone. I've succeeded. I looked at the moon and L laughed. (imagine evil laugh of a villain)

The guard came to shut me up. They opened the door like I anticipated. "shut up slave. I'm gonna beat you if you keep this up" the guard said.

I didn't stop. He raised the staff and readied to hit me when I grabbed it. They were shocked, I've never done this I fear fo the seal, but now the seal was gone, I can do whatever I want.

Since my magic is still sealed, I knocked the guards out with the experience I got from using restore. I took their keys and locked them inside. Next I just need to get the keys for the anti-magic cuffs and I'm outta here.

Getting the keys is easy cuz they use the sa, e key for every cuffs. Like what the hell? It's good news for me though. I removed the cuffs and vanished through a portal.

*General POV*

(After Levi escaped)

Guards were everywhere around the capital finding something or someone.

In the Palace, all the high ranking nobles, knight captain and head royal mage gathered waiting for Emperor and Princess. The doors opened and there they walked in. All those in the room stood up and bowed.

Knight Captain: "Your highness, we have searched every inch of the capital. We couldn't find him."

Head Mage: "I have deployed mages to searched around the borders. We have also found nothing. Princess, is the seal responding."

Princess: "No, it's like he broke the seal"

Head Mage: "impossible! There is a way to!"

And so thier dosscussion goes on like this, but in the end the couldn't come to a conclusion. Levi was a valuable tool to them but still a disposable one. So, they didn't care too much. They are proud of their Empire and didn't think one man can cause them any harm. But what they didn't know was that that man would be their end.

*Levi's POV *

(after entering the portal)

I'm sure they are searching for me. But that'll be just for a while. I'll lay low for a while before starting my revenge. They're to prideful to belive I could cause them any harm. I'll destroy them in a year.

Narrator : Levi started his journey out of the capital. He learned new magic, collected different relics and weapons and most importantly learn proper fight techniques. Why? Beacaue he can.

(A/N : next chapter will be a time skip. I'm not gonna write about his journey. It'll just take too long. I tough that this volume would only be about 3 or 4 chapter but was wrong and I apologise for that. Hope you enjoyed it)