
In My Next Life I'll Win the Heart of the Male Lead

There's nothing wrong with Adelaide's life. There's nothing wrong with being cheated on. After all, half of marriages end in divorce and most end from infidelity. There's nothing wrong with getting addicted to an otome game. After all, everybody has something they're obsessed with. There's nothing wrong with reincarnating as the villainess instead of the heroine. After all, the villainess is richer and more powerful. There's nothing wrong with the villainess chasing after one of the love interests. After all, it's not like he's the canon route. There's nothing wrong with Ophelia's life.

Amesaya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
350 Chs


The storm rages on as I fall asleep.

At some point, the sound of the wind on the window becomes the sound of breathing.

At some point, the sound of the rain becomes a heartbeat.

I'm standing in an ornate hallway I don't recognize.

But I know this place.

This place...


Where have I been?

This is a place I've never known.

This must be...


Voices drift up from behind me. They echo as if from far away.

I look over my shoulder, but I don't see anyone.

The voices are too distant for me to understand any words.

In the distance ahead of me is a figure.

I can't make out what its shape is, just...




In the distance.

Waiting for me.

I swallow and take a hesitant step forward, and then another, and another, slowly walking toward the thing.

...I know I'm dreaming.

But...it...feels like reality.

It feels so real.