
In My Next Life I'll Win the Heart of the Male Lead

There's nothing wrong with Adelaide's life. There's nothing wrong with being cheated on. After all, half of marriages end in divorce and most end from infidelity. There's nothing wrong with getting addicted to an otome game. After all, everybody has something they're obsessed with. There's nothing wrong with reincarnating as the villainess instead of the heroine. After all, the villainess is richer and more powerful. There's nothing wrong with the villainess chasing after one of the love interests. After all, it's not like he's the canon route. There's nothing wrong with Ophelia's life.

Amesaya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
349 Chs

Making Camp

The path we take won't intersect with many towns. It's not a well-used path, but it is the most direct path to Neraw, and the quickest way we can get there to help. As a consequence, though, we won't be getting much use of inns.

Or beds.

After spending all day and evening on the road, the sun had begins to set over the horizon. We came across a fitting spot for a campsite and Roland stops us and ties up his horse to one of the nearby trees. "Come on."

He pulls a saddlebag off his mount. "Let's get a fire started, grab something to eat, and bed down for the night. The path ahead only gets more treacherous. We can't be trying to navigate it in the dark. Especially not tired."

Lucas agrees, sliding off his own horse and starting a fire pit while Roland pulls out food stores. Celeste gathers kindling and I unsaddle and feed the horses.