
In My Next Life I'll Win the Heart of the Male Lead

There's nothing wrong with Adelaide's life. There's nothing wrong with being cheated on. After all, half of marriages end in divorce and most end from infidelity. There's nothing wrong with getting addicted to an otome game. After all, everybody has something they're obsessed with. There's nothing wrong with reincarnating as the villainess instead of the heroine. After all, the villainess is richer and more powerful. There's nothing wrong with the villainess chasing after one of the love interests. After all, it's not like he's the canon route. There's nothing wrong with Ophelia's life.

Amesaya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
349 Chs

Loading the Wagon

Once the weather clears up and the road becomes dry enough to support traveling on, it is time to depart.

I heft May up onto my hip, carrying her back and forth as we pack up the wagon.

It's early morning, so May doesn't put up any fuss about wanting to walk. Instead, she leans her head against my shoulder, barely awake, and absently sucks her thumb.

It's more accurate to say she just has her thumb in her mouth, but...it looks the same.

It's rather cute to see, and she still has her baby teeth, so I don't see much reason to tell her to stop.

It's just one more sign that the girl trusts and feels safe with us, and I like seeing her this way.

Roland gives a broad smile when he sees the sleepy girl half awake leaning against my shoulder. He strides over and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

She jerks and gasps, her eyes snapping open.