
In My Next Life I'll Win the Heart of the Male Lead

There's nothing wrong with Adelaide's life. There's nothing wrong with being cheated on. After all, half of marriages end in divorce and most end from infidelity. There's nothing wrong with getting addicted to an otome game. After all, everybody has something they're obsessed with. There's nothing wrong with reincarnating as the villainess instead of the heroine. After all, the villainess is richer and more powerful. There's nothing wrong with the villainess chasing after one of the love interests. After all, it's not like he's the canon route. There's nothing wrong with Ophelia's life.

Amesaya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
350 Chs


I smell rain before it begins to fall.

Then there's the distinct smell of petrichor that spreads over the earth as raindrops strike the ground, and I look up to confirm my suspicions.


Definitely raining again.

It's only the afternoon now, long enough that Valentine has tagged out on his shift for Celeste, but the sky's already gone from clear to heavily overcast to falling rain.

It seems that the region has experienced more heavy rainfall in recent times than usual. I'm not the most familiar with this area, admittedly, but the roads themselves indicate that flooding isn't usually this much of a concern.

It's good for the environment, of course, and helps grow a lot of new plants. It's healthy and necessary for the land in general. Especially out here, a drought is the last thing anyone wants to see.

But it also causes problems, especially for travel, when it's this frequent.

Like mud.