
In My Hero Academia with a Jujutsu Kaisen Gacha System

What would happen when someone from our world was suddenly reborn into the world of My Hero Academia with a Gacha System that rewards him with abilities, techniques, and skills from Jujutsu Kaisen? Grand epic fights and crazy shenanigans as he goes through the story to cause chaos and change the world to his liking.

GAF_00_TW · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

NO. 7 - Testing and New Goals

Quick AN:

I've seen someone ask this question, so I'll go ahead and answer it for everyone.

The question: Can the people from the MHA world see the MC's abilities?

Answer: Sorta, kinda.

No, the people of MHA can't see pure cursed energy, cursed spirits, or shikigami. With one exception, I'll explain why when it gets to that point. (lol)

But at the same time, yes. They can see physical attacks created by cursed energy. Examples are fire, ice, water, or any natural or elemental constructs or attacks. Mahito's transfigured humans could also be seen because they were originally human. Domain Expansions can also be seen. Also, beams made of cursed energy, like Ishigōri Ryū's Granite Blast, can also be seen as well. Because it's too cool not to be.


"I don't know about this one, Mei."

"It's fine, it's fine. You're built different. I'm sure you can handle the knockback."

"You said there wasn't going to be any knockback."

"…you must have misheard me."

[+5 SP]

I squinted my eyes at Mei as she finished adjusting the pair of mechanical arms on my body. I grunted as she tightened one of the straps extremely tightly around my bicep with a sweet smile on her face.

"That sorta hurts."

"Ah, does it? I'm sure it's fine."

[+5 SP]

Ever since I came back to work after my month-long grounding, Mei has been acting weirder than usual. By weirder, I meant she's been treating me much more… roughly than before.

This made sense; she wasn't very subtle about hiding the fact that she was mad at me for up and leaving her alone for weeks. I had underestimated how much she had grown to care about me, which was odd in itself, knowing her character.

Then again, I had given up on expecting the world around me to stay the same as in the anime/manga. The people around me were very real with human emotions. Not characters behind a screen or on ink on paper.

When I entered the shop on my first day back, Mei looked extremely happy for a split second before her happiness melted into a blank smile. Her eyes looked at me with a silent message of future retribution. But when it came to Mei, that meant I would end up being her Guinea pig for the several babies she had made in my absence.

All Minato said to me was, "Good luck," and left the storefront.

What a traitor.

So, for the next two weeks, I've been subjected to testing baby after baby in the hopes of getting her to forgive me eventually. Sure, her anger was a bit nonsensical, but she was 10. So, she got a pass.

"Alright, remember to undo the safety mechanism! We don't want a repeat of yesterday!" Mei said as she took several steps back and stood behind an old rusty car for cover.

We were outside behind the shop where Minato stored a lot of his junk and large mechanical parts that took up too much space inside. There were also some cars lined up outside that he worked on in his free time. The car Mei was using as a shield was an old 2015 Toyota that Minato gave her to use as she wanted.

I rolled my eyes and did as she said. I grabbed the small switch on the top of the left forearm armor and gave it a spin, turning off the safety. I moved my arms up, down, left, and right to test their mobility. They were a bit hard to move, and the arms locked at times, but it was much better than the Mk. 3 from a few days ago. So that was a win.

"Alright, let's see what these can do," I whispered and stepped closer to a large boxing bag made out of steel, courtesy of Minato. I slid into a loose stance and leveled my gaze on the steel bag. I heard the inner mechanisms in the arms whirl and waited.



A small dent appeared on the steel bag from my right punch. I slid back and swiveled to land a left hook punch onto the bag's side, leaving a more significant dent than before.

I paused and looked down at the knuckles of the arms fists and saw several cracks and indents from my strikes. "Okay, that's it. Any more than that, and they'll break, Mei." I said as I looked back to see Mei run out from behind her cover, a large grin on her face.

[+8 SP]

"Heh-heh! Amazing! Amazing!" Mei swept her hands on the steel bag to feel the dents that I caused. Well, her mechanical arms caused. "What an improvement!" She then turned to me and grabbed the sides of my arms to inspect the damage. "I see. It seems the shock absorption for the arms needs work. How do you feel?"

"My hands feel a bit stiff, but they're not in any pain," I said as I flipped on the safety switch in order for Mei to start removing the arms. "However, the elbows were locking up between strikes."

"Unfortunately, this is as fast as I can make them right now," Mei said as she entirely removed the right mechanical arm and placed it on a nearby table before moving to the left. "At least, if we want to avoid breaking your bones, I can improve the inner power regulators to circumvent the time to charge between strikes."

"Ah, yes. Please do that. I like my bones not broken."

"Yes, yes. I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Mei smiled as she placed the fully removed left mechanical arm on the work table.

She then grabbed my hands in hers while her thumbs swept over my red knuckles. The cross hairs in her yellow eyes grew slightly as she took a close look at my skin. "Hm, they're a little swollen. Are you sure you're not in any pain?"

"Yeah, they're fine. Just be sure to increase the padding inside the gloves." I said as she let me go in favor of writing down several notes on her clipboard.

"Will do!"

[+10 SP]

I smiled at her as she continued writing and drawing all her ideas. It was pretty fascinating watching her work. It's still hard to believe she's capable of such amazing inventions at such an early age. I turned my head to the steel boxing bag to look at the small dents the mechanical arms created.

Then again, she will eventually create support gear advanced enough to handle Midoriya using 10-20% of One for All after all. No, stuff like these power arms are just the start.

"You're amazing, Mei," I said without looking at her. She paused in her writing and rambling to look at me in confusion. "These arms of yours are just the beginning. I know one day, your babies will change the world. I'm sure of it."

[+15 SP]

"Of course they will! Way to state the obvious, Souta! Just you wait! My name will be known throughout the world!" Mei said with a large, proud smile on her face as she puffed her chest out.

[+30 SP]

I chuckled at her egotistical attitude but didn't disagree. Having an unorthodox mindset and a strong sense of self will only serve to push her to new limits. A fact that pushed Jujutsu Sorcerers like Gojo and Sukuna to the very peaks of the Jujutsu world.

I have to be like Mei. I have to push myself if I want to be among the strongest in this world. That fight from a month ago has shown me I can't keep living my life like I did before. If I do, I'll get killed by the likes of Shigiraki, All for One, Overhaul, the Nomu, and so many other strong people.

I looked down at my hand and clenched it into a tight fist.

I have to become stronger. For that, I need more fighting experience to improve my understanding of Jujutsu. I can't rely on the inherent knowledge of how to use my cursed techniques. Knowledge isn't mastery. I need to push beyond and reach the heights of Gojo or Sukuna. No! I have to surpass them! And with the power of this Gacha system, I can reach levels far beyond and lap them!

Suddenly, a stray drop of water fell on my clenched fist. I blinked and looked up at the sky to see dark grey clouds and rumbling. Mei looked up as well and quickly scrambled to grab her mechanical arms.

"Ah! It's going to rain! Baby # 12 isn't waterproof! Souta, help!"

x x x

…Three Months Later…

The rainy city at night was a spectacle of glistening streets and shimmering reflections. The glow of streetlights created a soft ambiance, casting a warm halo around the rain-soaked pavement. The sounds of raindrops tapping against the roofs around me and splashing onto the ground fill the air, creating a soothing symphony.

The city lights dance in the puddles, creating a mesmerizing mosaic of colors. The reflections of neon signs and traffic lights add an otherworldly quality to the urban landscape, turning the city into a dreamlike, ethereal place. Despite the wet sidewalks and misty air, there's a certain beauty and tranquility that comes with a rainy night in the city.

But what stood out the most to those paying attention to the rooftops of the surrounding buildings were the dozens of perched crows looking down at the streets. They watched the passing citizens with an eerie razor-sharp focus.

I looked out at the city of Hamamatsu with a steady gaze. A black hood sat over my head to shield me from the non-stop rain as I kneeled on the edge of one of the roofs near the financial center in the city.

Underneath my black jacket was a long-sleeved white shirt with a high collar. Below my waist were black jeans and sneakers while a sheathed katana sat on my left hip. Sitting inside a black Kevlar shieth strapped to my back was a short but wide-edged combat knife with a black fur guard.

I pulled out Slaughter Demon from its sheath and held it out for the black crow who was standing on my shoulder. Its head twitched as if to nod to my silent command, and it grabbed the blade between its feet. Once it secured it, the crow jumped and flew away.

Nodding, I stood up and used my CE to help me jump from rooftop to rooftop toward my new destination. After traveling for a few city blocks, I stopped at the edge of a rooftop belonging to an old warehouse. My attention focused on the scene below.

"Where are you heading?" A voice said with amusement, cutting the putter patter of the rain.

"C'mon sugar, we just wanna chat!"

"L-leave me alone!" A feminine voice yelled.

Down below on the dark city streets, a woman dressed in an attire fit for a hostess speed-walked across the dimly lit backstreets. Her dark brown hair was wet, and so were her slightly revealing clothes, causing them to cling to her curvy body.

Following behind the clearly fearful woman was a small group of men. They walked after her with amused smiles on their faces as they ignored the pouring rain that drenched them. Two out of the five men had mutant features due to their quirks.

One of the mutated men had four arms and red skin, while the other man had a large head and small limbs with yellow skin. The other three men all had normal features, their quirks most likely being the emitter type.

I watched the woman from the rooftops as she continued to try to escape her pursuers and make her way in and out of several streets. But no matter what she did, the group of men continued following behind her. This went on a while longer before the woman came to an unexpected dead end at the end of a long, dirty alleyway, her face lighting up with fear and dread.

"Oh no." The woman said, quickly spinning around to try and leave, but she was soon halted by her pursuers, who were creating a wall with their bodies. "G-go away! O-or I'll call the police!"

"Please, you probably don't have a phone. If you did, then you would have already called them." One of the men said he had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. "You ain't callin' no one, Sugar."

"T-then I'll scream!"

"I wouldn't. The last gall that did that got her tongue ripped out." The man with red skin and four arms said with a grin, causing the woman's face to pale.

"Yeah, so shut ya mouth!" The man with a large head and yellow skin shouted. This caused the last two plain-looking members of their group to chuckle.

"Ay yo, boss man. Ain't she a looker?" One of the plain men said. His tongue slowly glided along his lips. "Much prettier than the one from last night."

His comment caused the woman to begin shaking in fear, her legs slowly walking back until her back hit the cold brick wall. Her arms slowly rose up to wrap around herself.

"Five on one. I like those odds." I muttered.

I used CE to strengthen my legs and jumped off the roof I stood on and fell. A surprisingly soft crash rocked the wet floor as I made landfall onto a puddle between the men and the woman, sending water everywhere. I rose to my feet and slid my hands into my jacket pocket. Several moments of silence hung in the air as I cooly stared at them from the darkness of my hood.

"…whose the shrimp?"

"Just for that, I'm kicking your ass first." I pointed my finger at the man with four arms and red skin.

[5x6= +30 SP]

Four-arms looked dumbfounded for several seconds before he began to laugh his head off. His four cronies soon joined in on the laugh as they all looked at me with amusement.

Blood Manipulation…

"It's just some kid playing hero! Listen here, kid. Get out of here before we-"

Flowing Red Scale.

Before anyone could react, I dashed straight at the four-armed man and sent my blood-covered fist straight into his stomach, causing the man to fold over in pain, his face twisted in agony. The man's entourage all looked so shocked at my sudden burst of speed and power that they remained frozen. The woman behind me stared at my back with wide eyes, clearly surprised at my show of power despite my size.

I leaned in close to the red-skinned man's right ear, a mask made of cracked blood now over my eyes, and whispered.

"I told you, didn't I? You're going down first."

[+5 SP]