
Changes in Hueco Mundo

An unchanging night covers the sky, an endless white desert covers the ground. The tree-like objects are not plants, but rather quartz-like minerals.

The landscape of Hueco Mundo is a seemingly never-ending white desert, with a multitude of dunes, littered with boulders. In Hueco Mundo, the moon is on the opposite lunar phase of that in the Human World. The vast desert seems to lack any bodies of water and contains rocky formations. Like in Soul Society, the atmosphere is filled with a high concentration of Reishi, thus allowing smaller Hollows to gain nourishment despite the lack of Human souls.

Like always, here those small Hollow fight for devouring each other.

In far three Hollow can be seen fighting. All of them look very scary. If someone sees this they might've never gone to sleep. Well, that's for normal humans of course.

Suddenly three arrows come flying from far away. Each of them penetrated each of the fighting Hollow and kill them.

A complaint also comes with the death of Hollow "it's not fair Allison, you always kill them before we could reach."

Looking at the voice you can see 13 Black ninjas. With a different mask on each of their face. A girl wearing a dog musk complain about a black musk with an arrow design.

All of them are Ryuus women who come here to level up. But because of Allison Bow and arrow, she is always the one who is killing.

Besides them, a snake wearing musk woman said "ok calm down Lydia, she has the advantage in long-range." She then look at Flower musk and said "what do you think we should do?"

Robin tap her chin and said "let's split up, we will make a team of two. With strongest with the weakest and go for a hunt on our own way."

Then she look at everyone and said "Hancock with Sadi, Domino with Ulti, Allison with Yoruichi, Lydia and Rangiku with me, Kira with Haein and Yamato with Malia."

Hearing her everyone nodded. Malia suddenly ask "big sister, how do you think it will take us to reach peak sovereign realm?"

Robin looked at her and said "with the Hollow Ryuu inform us, it will take us at least 15 days. There isn't many Hollow, to begin with. Also don't forget, Don't kill those Hollow Ryuu told us about."

Hearing her everyone nodded. "Damn I cannot meet Ryuu for 15 days at least." Yoruichi complain about this. Rangiku besides her added, "why not level up another time?"

Knowing her character Hancock smack her head and said "don't try to run from this. Stop complaining and start the killing. We need to hurry up to reach the peak of the sovereign realm."

Lydia suddenly ask "why only sovereign realm, not higher?"

Robin said "because before reaching Divine real we need to be with our body. Or else our body won't be able to hold too much energy. We need to level up both our body and soul. After divine realm, we can just level up in our human body and it will level up our soul too with it."

Then he stops take a breath and continue "as for why we are levelling up separately now is because this is a world of soul. And only soul energy can get from here, which can only be absorbed by the soul. So when we again return to our body this energy will also grow our body with it."

Hearing her everyone finally understands. Even Yoruichi feel shocked at her detailed explanation.

"Okay start the hunt." With Robins word, everyone go a different direction for their level up.

~scene break~

It's been 14 days since all of the Ryuus women comes to Hueco Mundo. They have been killing every Hollow they meet on their path.

Because of this, a great disturbance happens in Hueco Mundo. This disturbance was even noticed by all the high ranking Espada.

"Is there any news, what's causing the massacre?" Asked a giant bold headed Hollow.

A black hair boy with a tear mark under her eyes nodded and said "yes, it seems some shinigami appears here. But they didn't come las noches for some reason."

A blue hair man suddenly said "hahahahaha, some dare to come and challenge us here. I will go and face this insect."

"But lord Aizen didn't order us to do anything, grim jaw." Said the boy with a tear mark.

"You stay here, I will just see this new guest." As he starts to run to the place where he can feel disturbance.