
In MHA With Haki

An office worker finds herself dead and reincarnated in MHA as Yamato with Haki. I don't own the photo, My Hero Academia, or One Piece

TypicallyMixed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Over did it?

I honestly expected them to come banging down my door after my flashy exit but the next day they just sent me a letter saying what class I'm going to be in and a uniform. Which I promptly tossed in the trash.

Yeah… There's no way I'm wearing that.

While putting on my only set of clothes I look over the letter I see I'm in Class 1-A. Makes sense with my "Quirk," Aizawa would be the best person to watch me. Though, now that I think about it. It kind of doesn't since I did display myself using my "Quirk," while in Quirk suppressant cuffs. I guess they just thought it was faulty? Or maybe not strong enough?

Oh well, it's not like it matters to me.

My agenda for today is that I plan on showing class 1-A just how weak they are. Imagine the face Bakugou and Todoroki would make when they realize that compared to me they're weak. That's going to be enjoyable.

I might also rob Midoriya again, I'm running low on pocket money. But the plan is pretty much messed around until I get bored.

I'll probably cause a ruckus at the sports festival. I feel like the sports festival might be the best place to grasp Advanced Conqueror's Haki so I'm going to limit myself to Conqueror's Haki for offense only, during the fighting matches. Though I'm not sure how much good that will do since those kids are weak compared to me.

Eh, we'll see what happens when we get there.

I'll probably wait until Bakugou gets kidnapped so I can follow the league of villains and have a "meeting" with All For One. Then dro- I mean… graduate early.

Locking my apartment I head to U.A


Once I arrive, I take a good look at the building.

People always talk about how big it is but never how weird it looks. Is this design really practical? I feel like a college campus-style would work better but I'm no architect.

I should really think about more unnecessary things or I'll be early for class…

After exploring campus and scaring a few people I check the time and head for class.

Finally finding the right room I just walked in.

Hmm? I can sense Aizawa is more annoyed than usual, I wonder why?

"Yamato you're late... And not in uniform." Aizawa angrily grunts

"Oh." Is all I reply.

Noticing a large seat at the back of the class I walk over and take a seat, ignoring everyone's stares of fear and admiration.

"Yamato! Get back up here and introduce yourself," Aizawa yells out at me.

Sighing I make my way to the front of the classroom.

"My name is Yamato, Yes I know I'm tall. I was the person that defeated Nomu. And I did in fact rob Midoriya." I say pointing at him

The class goes silent at my last sentence but Aizawa just ignores it

"Alright, ask your questions now," Aizawa said to the class.

They start blurting out questions.

Aizawa activates his Quirk, silencing everyone, "Raise your hands and do it one at a time."

Lida's hand shoots up. I already know what he's going to ask but I point at him anyways.

"Why are you not in uniform!? This is the prestigious U.A! You must dress properly!"

"I'm not gonna wear whatever that was. Plus my clothes are fine as they are." I can tell he has more to say so I quickly say, "Next."

Ochaco raises her hand and I point at her.

"Uh, you're the girl that saved us right?" she asks

"Hmm, I wouldn't say save… Well, I did save that frog girl technically." I point at Tsuyu "But I was more or less there to get something I wanted you guys just happened to be there."

After my response, she puts on a complicated expression.

Then a certain explosive pomeranian angrily chimes in, "You think you're better than us, don't you? These extras might have needed it but I didn't need your help. So don't you think for a second that you're better than me!" Bakugou said, not to bothering to raise his hand.

"I see, so you call people extras to validate yourself as better than others? To answer your question no, I don't "think" I'm better, I know I'm better than everyone here." I say putting on a nice wide grin.

After that declaration the tension in the atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I can practically feel the chill coming off of Todoroki. But I can literally see the smoke coming off Bakugou's hands.

"Does anyone else have any questions?" I ask.

Midoriya raises a shaky hand.

' Looks like he's gained a fear of me… Or he's just too nervous to talk to a girl.'

"C-can I have my m-money back?" He asks me his voice getting progressively weaker.

I look at him like he's stupid. And I think he understands too because he lets out a quick "Sorry! Forget I asked."

"Can I sit down now?" I look over at Aizawa and he nods.

After I sit down he begins the class.

"Alright everyone, the fight is not over yet."

Everyone tenses up, "The U.A Sports Festival is in two weeks,"

"THAT'S A TOTALLY NORMAL SCHOOL EVENT!!!' Almost everyone yells out.

'Jeez do they have to be so loud, I'm starting to regret not going for my fourth option.'

"But Sensei! Isn't it dangerous!?" Jiiro asks,

"We have to show the public that our school is not shaken by these events, plus security will be strengthened 5 times as well as many top heroes present."

"But is that really a good reason? They should just cancel it" Mineta whines.

At this point I'm just zoning out, everyone here is stating the obvious. Sports Festival = Opportunities to show off = better future, etc…

The next thing I know class was dismissed and I'm being surrounded.

"It was really manly when you beat the Nomu. My name's Eijirou Kirishima."

[A/n: everyone introduces themselves since I'm not gonna write all that.]

Then a hear a voice coming from the ground, "You know, we seem to have a lot in common. My name's Minoru Mineta," Mineta says trying to look cool.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "I don't think me being extremely tall and you being extremely short really count,"

"We can make it count."

This situation is pretty amusing.. Oh! I've got a good idea!

Putting on a devilish grin I tell him, "All right then, If you can stand still for 5 seconds I'll be your girlfriend."

He jumps at this opportunity, drooling with an even more perverted face than usual.

"Hey you don't ha-" Kirishima tries to interject but Mineta stops him, "Shut up Kirishima! She said this herself no one is forcing her."

He seems a little apprehensive but after looking at my calm face decides that I will be alright.

"Okay all you have to do is stay conscious for five seconds," I say

"Wait you didn-"

I release my Conqueror's Haki full force directed at Mineta, of course, it leaked out and others felt it but Mineta to the brunt of it.

…He didn't even last a second. I guess it was to be expected. Now he's laying on the ground passed out with his mouth frothing.

Looking at this I start laughing, "Maybe I overdid it." I say through laughs.

After taking a second to collect myself, I look around and see that everyone is frozen like statues.

I chuckle a little bit and stand up.

Placing a hand on Kirishima's shoulder he flinches. "Come on you guys didn't even face it full force like a grape boy over here." I look over at Bakugou who seems to be frozen/dumbfounded, "What are you doing frozen Bakugou? I thought you were stronger than me?"

Hearing my words he starts muttering obscenities and walks out the door. I follow, "You guys gotta move or you're gonna be late not like I'm a good example though." I chuckle walking out the door.

Registering my words they start scrambling to get their stuff together. But everyone was still feeling the same emotion…



It's finally lunch, after a bunch of zoning out and remembering old show plots I pulled through. At this point, I'm probably going to skip the rest of school and go home.

As I'm walking away from the lunch line I notice a fellow horned girl.

We point at each other. [A/n: spiderman style]

"Nice horns, they have the cool rings around them" I say.

"Ehh? But yours are colorful mine are just plain. My names is Pony Tsunotori by the way."


After having a short conversation on how having those having horns was superior to those without she goes over to eat with her other classmates.


3rd Person POV:

"Young Midoriya you may master One For All sooner than expected." Yagi says seriously.


"First It's Yamato. She is extremely powerful and she isn't exactly on our side."

"What do you mean?"

"She's only here because it seemed like the best place to have fun."

"I'm sure you've seen her use an aspect of her Quirk since Mineta earlier was screaming about him seeing the devil."

"T-the intimidation?" MIdoriya swallows shuddering at remembering the pure fear he felt.

"Yes, her Quirk seems to have three aspects to it. I will go over them with you later to prepare but I have to tell you this. I can only activate my muscle for 15 minutes."

The door gets slammed open.

Yamato POV:

After school, I walk to where I sensed All MIght and Midoriya.

"-15 minutes."

I burst through the door causing Midoriya and All Might to panic, "Wow All MIght only 15 minutes?"

Coughing out a bit of blood he regains his composure, "Yes Yamato I only have 15 minutes left."

"Hmm, you better use them wisely then." I look over at Midoriya his face blatantly showing that he wants to ask something "Midoriya." He flinches "You look like you want to ask me something."

"I- Yes I do. I can tell from what All Might told me that you don't want to be a hero. Why?"

"Well for one I'm a Pirate, and I personally dislike heroes like All Might."

"Why!?" They both exclaim.

"Simple. He's too perfect. I don't think anyone actually views you as a normal person with feelings. And that's a problem since the public is going to think this is how a "true" hero should be. So the moment you disappear they are going to look for other heroes to rely on and fill the void but they aren't going to find the "perfect hero" instead they are going to find just.. Heroes. But hey those are just my thoughts, I'll see you around,"

I walk away leaving them to their thoughts.

Alright time to not pay attention in my next class.


After that snoozefest of a class was over I quickly head to the door but I'm greeted by a group of people standing outside the door.

"Can you guys move?" I say to them,.

"You're the transfer student right?" A purple-haired boy, Hitoshi Shinso, asks me.

"That's what they're calling me? I guess I am then."

"You're pretty happy huh? Lucky to be born with a strong Quirk you kn-"

I cut him off, "Save me the speech since I don't care. Stop talking about all that unnecessary stuff and get strong if you want to prove someone wrong."

I walk through the crowd as they awkwardly move out the way of my towering figure.

'Jeez, people are so moody. I can't deal with this anymore I'm going home now.'

But still, this is a good opportunity since the Sports Festival will be live-streamed All For One will be watching. He'll probably take great interest in me and order Shigiraki to try and kidnap me along with Bakugou.


A spicy new chapter. Taking things a little slow now. Look forward to Yamato dominating the Sports Festival in the next chapter.

Chapters might slow down since I have an essay due Friday and a final draft due Thursday…. Yikes.

Time to get some rest.
