
In Memoria

When I think of the greatest blade I don’t think of one that can cut anything, no I think of one that could cut through the very fate and destiny of the world, one that could cut through the bonds of time. A tower, one that had consumed earth and its inhabitants. Filled with magic and opportunities, one that may just give me the chance to create the greatest blade, the one that I had dreamed of for so long.

SpacesSnips · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs


With those final words she stood from her seat and a moment later she was gone. I found myself alone and with nothing but a destination in mind.

The tower. It wasn't far from here so as soon as I finished my meal I would head there.

I looked down at the various foods that were laid out before me, they were all extremely delicious. Even if I didn't know what they were.

I took my time eating them… so long that by the time that I was done eating it was already nearing afternoon.

I sat from my seat and left. There was no need for me to pay as it was all put onto Nia's tab. It seemed that she was some sort of regular here.

Not that I was complaining as when I had seen the price of the food here I couldn't help but gape. They were in the thousands.

I could have gotten one of my stats past the 5 mark if I had used these points in the system store.

As I walked through the streets, my destination set, I couldn't help but glance at my stats. The updated points and gift sitting there for me.

[Mihr Masamune]

Vitality: 2

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2.5

Mana: 4.5


[Memoria(rank 1) (12.73%) Allows the user to remember] [Swordsmanship rank 1 (1.46%)]

[Mana Manipulation (rank 1 10.81%)] [Fire Resistance rank 1 (21.82%)] [privileged shopper]

[current pts:10350]

I looked at my status, nodding at the amount of points I had. It was more than I had collected throughout the tutorial but it still wasn't enough.

My newest skill [privileged shopper] allowed me to spend my points on various items. Though the ones that I could afford right now were trash. There were skills but those went for thousands of points and that was for the low level ones such as simple skills. The better ones that I actually wanted cost so much that I doubted I would be seeing them for a long time.

Then there were the other things that I could actually afford, most of them were useless like food and such. And even then they were overpriced to hell.

I mean they went for hundreds of points but I could get a good meal from the stalls around me for just 1 or so points.

There were some foods that were in that price range but they were dubious at best. Most of them seeming like they might actually kill me if I ate them.

However, despite some of the useless and overpriced things in the shop there were also some very good items that I wouldn't mind buying.

But I couldn't afford the space or the points right now. Even then I wanted to save these points for some situational things should I need them.

There was one thing that I wanted to buy though. It was expensive and could take up a good chunk of my points but it would be worth it.


"Halt! Tower Level."

I looked up from where I was walking and found that I was already where I needed to be. The massive tower looking even bigger from where I stood.

"I said what is your tower level."

It was then that I finally noticed the guard in front of me. He looked pretty generic, wearing some sort of mass produced armor.

"Ah… I've never entered the tower, I just finished my tutorial."

He glared for a moment before sighing and ushering me somewhere.

I was inclined to not resist as wherever he was headed wasn't anywhere hostile. It was filled with many people. Most of them wearing suits and ties.

It looked like some sort of bureaucratic guild or something of the like.

I was given to one of the tellers, his build just as plain as the guards.

"I was told you were new to the tower. -must be one of the losers-" The first part must have been what he wanted me to hear but the last part was quite interesting.

It seemed that they discriminated against those that didn't do well in the trial they gave out. So much so that there was some sort of innate disdain for those that weren't guided.

"Yes, I'm quite new I actually only found my way here recently. Quite a maze this place is." I laugh a little, buttering the guy up and playing the role of some idiotic nice person.

"Ah… Yeah it is quite a maze, anyways i'm going to need what difficulty you picked and your name then I can let you into the tower."

"Oh that easy I chose the easy difficulty and my names John."

"Alright thats all I need any other questions, John?"

I smiled and shook my head before hesitating for a moment trying to put some thought into my actions to create my persona.

"Actually there was one."

"Well I'd be happy to answer anything that I can."

"In that case then I just wanted to know if this whole thing was managed by the tower, the identity and access to the tower?"

He hesitated for a moment before sighing discretely cursing about some ignorant newbies.

"This isn't actually managed by the system, it is managed by the Republic of Dwellers, silly name I know but they are quite good at what they do. They were actually some of the first to come here. They created this to streamline things and make sure that information is shared. The identities only really so we know about the people that come in and out and so that we can give some help to you guys." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Once we issue you a card you can use it to find information on the trials that have been cleared."

I nod before turning and giving him a smile and a wave.


"My pleasure, just give them this ID for now and they'll let you in." He handed me the ID and then turned back to the paperwork at his desk.