
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
358 Chs

Chapter 133

The next day, the news was filled with the news of the death of the leader of League of villains, many people were talking about it with happy expressions and how the society would be much more safe from now on.

The authorities were investigating the scene and told the public that they will give an explanation.

'Give an explanation, I just saved you guys asses' I couldn't help but curse, although I said I saved them, the threat isn't truly gone until I catch that mad scientist that helps All for One and the leftover league, the small crooks that worked for the league have all run away, afraid that whatever killed Tomura will come for them as well.

That Can happen when you leave behind a small threat, when you leave dead bodies behind, a single dead body at least.

I have planted a transformed Clone on each of the villains I had caught yesterday so that if they meet their old friends, I can get rid of them as well.

I was called by Nighteye, along with Mirio and the others, I noticed how Ochako, Me, Usui and Kirishima were all going to the same direction and that's how I know that we will be briefed on the Yakuza gang or whatever they are.

I plan on telling them whatever I have found out about the organization, or at least what I will find once I summon back my clone and get all the info.

We had a brief chat along the way, others pointed out about what happened with the league of villains, Ochaco was kind of happy when she told us about how they won't be troubling us any more, when Usui scared her again by telling her that whoever defeated them and killed Tomura might be a bigger evil.

I could only smile in awkwardness when Usui asked me if I also thought the same

"Well, I think whoever did it, he helped the heroes a lot, it will give us some time to prepare ourselves for what's to come." Everyone turned silent once again as we reached our destination.

"Whoa! so many heroes are gathered in one place!" exclaimed Kirishima as he recognized his own mentor and made way towards him while Usui and Ochaco walked towards Ryukyu who was being grabbed into a hug by one the girl with twirly hair.

'Which means I should go stand alongside Sir Nighteye.' I was feeling a little awkward standing all alone so I made way towards Nighteye.

"Oh! Midoriya-Kun so you are here as well....listen, what happened Yesterday with League of Villains?" he said, I wondered what he was going to say, maybe he would try to console me or something.

Just as he was about to speak again, Nighteye gathered everyones attention.

We were told the general situation as he led us to another room.

Everyone was seated when Nighteye turned on the projector.

"This is our target, His name is Chisaki, he is the current leader of the Chia Hassaikai group, it's a yakuza group that is monitored by the government, recently we have seen some movements done by this group, for example."

Nighteye stood up as he pointed at the next picture, it was the same building I busted last night.

"This is an abondaned bar that was being used by the leader of Leagues of Villains, who was later found dead, his allies were beaten to near death and have somehow lost their quirks."

Nighteye showed pictures of all the members including a Tomura with a hole in his chest.

'Wait! is that spinner?!, that guy looks like a wet kitten, where did his reptile body go.' I couldn't help but chuckle a little, which garnered some attention from the other heroes, I felt someone gaze, it was the guy with the weird quirk to lock things in place.

I gave a rough smile and a hi at him, to which he just glared,

"Ahem! as I was saying, we believe this was done by none other then Chisaki, but recently some evidence has been brought into light that says otherwise" Nighteye said before he changed the picture, this time it was someone I didn't recognize.

"This is a villain or a drug traffickers that we captured yesterday , thanks to Fat Gum, He is part of an organization that sells quirk enhancing drug." Night eye said.

"Yeah! many villains have been using that,it's honestly becoming a chore." whined a second rate hero as he sighed.

They discussed the topic for a while until Nighteye showed the people a small dart like bullet.

He told the other about the recent of Chisaki and that he might be making them in bulk, the lock guy mocked about how students shouldn't be involved when Fat Gum intervene and told his part of the story, at the end,everyone was as disgusted as I was about what Eri was going through.

'I think now's the time to come clean.'

"I have something I wanna say!" I called out and raised my hands.

Everyone spared me a glance.

"Midoriya-kun!" Mirio, who was sitting beside me, was looking at me with confusion.

"Go ahead Brat." Gran Torino called me out, the guy was a good old uncle, Izuku's memories made me love him like an old uncle next door.

I nodded at him as I stood up.

"If we all work together, we will surely be able to work up a countermeasure and deal with this Chisaki fellow!" I called out.

Those that previously had a grieving face were a little stumped by my actions. "kid! step down will ya, we aren't here to play, if you wanna be acting like that, you should leave." the heroes were already aggravated , they thought I was trying to mess around so they got a little angry, I understood that so I didn't mess with them either and continued.

"What I meant to say was that it might take many days even if we use Sir Nighteyes abilities, that's why when we had an encounter with the supposed child of Chisaki, which is a lie, I planted a bug on them."


"Really!" Mirio stood up as he looked at me with surprised in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Nighteye inquired, I told a straight lie.

"It went offline for a while so I wasn't sure but now it's online "

Nighteye nodded at me, everyone praised me, I wasn't here for that." although I appreciate the applause, but there are more concerning matters at hand, Eri is located in this place."

I handed over a map with a marked location on it, I could have gone after Eri on my own, but I didn't wanna take chances with a human life on the line.

Everyone was quiet for a while when Bubble girl uploaded a satellite view.

"It's the main residence of the Villain Organization." she said.

Everyone was quiet for a while before Fat Gum asked, "So Nighteye! now that we have confirmed the location, what's the plan?"

The African guy with the Lock quirk stood up as he pointed at me, his face was filled with hesitation.

"Hey! are we really going to go ahead and believe that what he said is true,at least confirm that this is really the place."

With that, everyone began discussing in hushed voices.

"I believe in him." Mirio shouted in a loud voice as he stood up, sending his seat flying in the process, he sure is full of energy.

"I believe in my student." Aizawa.

"Me as well." Ochaco.

"Count me in." Kirishima.

"Robbie!" Usui.

"Hmm!" Gran Torino.

"I suppose if Mirio says so." said the guy who can turn into anything he eats.

'Can he turn into a dragon if I give him some bone soup, let's try that later, hehe' I couldn't help but think.

I was moved when the others stood up to support.


Eri POV:

Eri met a very nice nii-san yesterday, he gave Eri comfort and a small human that hid in her hairs, Eri was really afraid but Nii-san said that he was a hero and that the bad brother wont be able to hurt her anymore, he said that the mini him will protect her while he comes back with backup.


The big bad brother was about to harm Eri when he suddenly stopped, Eri noticed the little Nii-san on her shoulder, he had scary red eyes and then Big bad brother started acting like he was already done with Eri and let Eri go back yo her room without punishment.

"Thank You Nii-san." Eri thanked the Little Nii-san.

'I hope Eri can escape this place with Nii-san's help.' I thought as I fell asleep, Nii-san kept watch like a hero, I felt safe for the first time in my life.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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