
In marvel as Aquaman

Arthur was accidentally thrown into the chaos of the Titanic, believing he only had to survive the shipwreck. However, it became apparent that escaping the sinking ship was not his sole challenge. Something far more daunting awaited him. Hey guys, I'm back with another fanfic that won't end after just a few chapters. Just a reminder, English isn't my first language.I'll be posting two to three chapters a week, but mostly two chapters."

Great_Sage_5302 · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Chapter 29

Arthur, upholding his ethical values, swiftly organized the aftermath of the altercation, ensuring minimal disruption for the local residents.

Theyoung troublemakers, visibly shaken, cooperated nervously as they assisted in removing the deceased, tending to the injured, and cleaning up the area, under Arthur's guidance.

Observingthe scene, William Shaw arrived with Drake and the others, feeling a mix of concern and complexity. Approaching Arthur, he offered his support."William, leave this to them," Arthur reassured him with a pat on the shoulder.

"I need your help finding a place.""Where to?" William inquired." A Temple," Arthur replied. "It's an ancient building managed by enigmatic religious figures. Though details are scarce, you should find it in this direction, marked somehow.

"This temple, Arthur believed, could potentially trigger the entry to one of the three temples mentioned in the [Doctor Strange] realm, offering a chance to access its 'punch-in' system.

Intenton exploring and possibly learning magic, Arthur saw it as an opportunity to enhance his existing abilities beyond relying solely on his trident.

Meanwhile, in an Oxford University classroom in England, Professor Charles Francis Xavier delivered a captivating lecture on genetic mutation, engaging his students with a compelling narrative of human evolution. His eloquence and humor earned him their admiration and applause as the session concluded.

Outsidethe classroom, Raven, Charles's mutant 'sibling', joined him, teasingly addressing him as 'professor'. Their camaraderie was evident as they headed to a nearby bar to celebrate Charles's success.

Back with the Gang, the repercussions of Charlie's demise lingered. The surviving gang members, intimidated by Arthur's actions, dispersed and spread the news. Inside the gang's quarters, the leaders deliberated cautiously. Some advocated for retaliation, while others, aware of potential external threats, advised a more cautious approach.

The discussions oscillated between seeking revenge and exercising prudence.Unaware of the brewing tension with the Gang, Arthur, under William Shaw's guidance, headed toward an ancient structure, unaware of the ramifications his actions had stirred in the criminal underworld.