
In marvel as Aquaman

Arthur was accidentally thrown into the chaos of the Titanic, believing he only had to survive the shipwreck. However, it became apparent that escaping the sinking ship was not his sole challenge. Something far more daunting awaited him. Hey guys, I'm back with another fanfic that won't end after just a few chapters. Just a reminder, English isn't my first language.I'll be posting two to three chapters a week, but mostly two chapters."

Great_Sage_5302 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 24 : Untitled

In front of the group, Arthur openly revealed a lychee-sized pearl from the space ring.

"I need a few people to assist me with tasks, join me, and this pearl is yours."

Actions spoke louder than ideals.

Upon spotting the sizable pearl, Will Shaw's breath hitched; even lacking much knowledge, they recognized the pearl's immense value.

Derek, Max, and Jake gazed at the pearl in Arthur's hand, their eyes filled with greed and anticipation.

Unaware of the space ring's significance, they perceived it merely as a pearl Arthur had obtained through trickery.

Will Shaw subtly warned the trio with a glance, prompting them to stifle their covetous thoughts.

Derek's intentions were transparent to Arthur, but he brushed it off.

As the saying goes, 'boldness makes a master.' Arthur couldn't claim to be invincible in the world, but facing Will Shaw and Derek was undoubtedly an uneven match. There was no need to fret about the other party's deceitfulness.

Max's eyes lingered on the pearl in Arthur's hand, and he exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Wow, such a huge pearl must be worth a fortune, Will, we're rich now!"

"Yes, Will, we've encountered a benefactor today!"

However, upon witnessing Will Shaw's cautionary signs and the valuable pearl, Derek's demeanor promptly shifted.

Will Shaw was also wary, but he wasn't oblivious and tended to be prudent. Surveying Arthur, he inquired, "I'd like to hear my brother's thoughts."

"Certainly, I don't make things difficult for others," Arthur replied.

Will Shaw considered Derek, Max, and Jake, asking, "What are your thoughts?"

Derek stated, "William, we'll follow your lead."

Max chimed in, "Will, we've come to Riverland to work hard with you. As brothers, we'll go wherever you lead us. We trust you."

 Touched by his brothers' trust, Will Shaw sought a prosperous future for them.

Arthur exhibited great enthusiasm, presenting a valuable pearl upon his arrival.

With this in mind, Will Shaw cheered, "Arthur, the brothers will follow you from now on."

Since he intended to follow Arthur, he naturally regarded him as the boss.

Arthur nodded, stating, "Let's go, first exchange some money, then get yourselves some new attire."

Arthur was currently shirtless and while he didn't mind being observed, it was uncomfortable remaining unclothed.

Will Shaw nodded, affirming, "I'm following your lead, Arthur!"

Faced with poverty, Will Shaw's desires were modest; now, he merely wanted to earn money, establish prosperity for his brothers, and later bring his wife and children to enjoy a peaceful life in Riverland.

He had a premonition that accompanying Arthur could be perilous.

However, he recalled his father's words before his passing – life and death are destined, while wealth comes from heaven.

He sensed an opportunity and believed it was worthwhile, despite the potential dangers.

Arthur patted Will Shaw on the shoulder and handed the pearl to him, "From now on, consider us family . I assure you, today's decision won't be regretted."

He didn't intend to be a lone hero; with individuals willing to assist him upon his arrival in Riverland, he could relax.

In the current era, superheroes were scarce, and the locations for their exploits were limited.

Arthur aimed to set small objectives initially, establish a foothold in Riverland, then steadily expand and intervene at the right moment.

In contemporary society, money was essential.

Under Will Shaw's guidance, Arthur arrived at a pawnshop in New York.

Will Shaw presented the pearl to the pawnshop owner.

"Good item, I'll pay 20,000 dollars," stated the pawnshop owner.

"Twenty thousand," exclaimed Will Shaw upon hearing the offer.

The pawnshop owner glanced at Arthur and the others, stating, "This is the fixed price, non-negotiable."

Unfamiliar with the current market, Arthur was disinterested in money and casually nodded, "Agreed."

The pawnshop owner was overjoyed; this superb pearl possessed exceptional qualities. It could easily sell for at least 80,000 dollars on the market, potentially fetching more at an auction.

Realizing the other party wouldn't counteroffer, the pawnshop owner offered ten thousand.

After receiving the money, Arthur handed it to Will Shaw, "Keep this money. Come to me if you need more."

"Thank you, Arthur."

Confirming Arthur's trust, Will Shaw accepted the money, further convinced he hadn't misjudged Arthur.

In this year, 20,000 dollars was a significant sum, and Arthur's willingness to part with it astonished the pawnshop owner, a rarity in New York.

For Will Shaw and his brothers, 20,000 dollars was an enormous sum. In this era, hard work only yielded two to three hundred New York dollars per month. After paying rent, utilities, and living expenses, very little remained.

It was the first time Will Shaw encountered such a substantial sum of money.

He was trembling with excitement, envisioning how this money could help his brothers build houses and find wives for the unmarried ones.

Arthur wasn't joking. He then produced a well-preserved antique from the Space Ring and placed it on the counter, "This, please appraise."

The pawnshop owner examined it multiple times, carefully setting it down. Excitedly, he exclaimed, "This appears to be an antique from the 18s. You're a straightforward person. I won't play games with you. I'll offer three hundred thousand dollars."

Hearing this, Will Shaw and the others were taken aback.

Maintaining composure, Arthur cast a chilling glance at the pawnshop owner.

Feeling like prey in the presence of a predator, the pawnshop owner swallowed nervously, wiping sweat from his brow. Tentatively, he held up five fingers, "Five hundred thousand, my final offer."


Arthur nodded, and the pawnshop owner rushed to the bank to retrieve a box of 500 dollars.

In the 1960s, the largest dollar denomination was 1,000, primarily symbolic rather than practical. Most individuals earned a meager two to three hundred per month and had never seen five hundred dollars.

With the transaction complete, Arthur carried the cash box and proceeded to New York's business district with the four brothers under Will Shaw's guidance.

New York stood as one of the busiest area

Their excitement soared; having money in their pockets made them feel as if they were living a dream.

Arthur withdrew 10,000 dollars and handed it to Will Shaw, "This 20,000 dollars was your relocation allowance. This additional 10,000 dollar is for your brothers. Each person should buy a few suits and blend in. We wouldn't want to stand out."