
Chapter 21 Tempting

Sharon got up and walk to Christy.

"Damnit…. I just want to take her

 and have her", she start thinking

 and looking at Christy seductively.

    "What is she doing?" Christy ask

 herself, "I don’t like the way she

 looks at me."

 "Huh…" she gasp when Sharon

slide her hand into her bra.


    "Let me keep this very well for you,

don’t show everything", Sharon said

adjusting Christy bra for her.

   "Don’t worry I will do it myself,"

she pull away from Sharon.

"What the hell?" She shouted


    "Ok, be fast about it we are running


"Am almost done," Christy hurried

 up to meet Sharon in her car.

   "Babe you look hot, I hope they will

 not steal you from me?"

"What did she mean from me?"

Christy wanted to ask but she

 just smile instead.

    "Let’s go, we are going

 somewhere very important, so

behave yourself ok."

   Christy nod.

Sharon drove to this fancy place

 and stop, but Christy did not know

where they were, and she didn’t

know what place they entered,

she was just following Sharon, to

her Sharon will protect her from

 anyone who wants to harm her.

    "Let’s go inside, remember what I

 told you, behave yourself ok."

    "Ok" she came down from the car

and follow Sharon inside, "Is like this

place is a bar, or no, but there is no

single male in this bar" they are all

girls, everyone of them keep

wigging their eyes at her and

licking their lips.

"Why are they looking at me like

that? And what is it with the licking

of lips?"

She wanted to ask Sharon but

 she kept quiet. 

Sharon offer her a sit and whispers

 to her to stay calm, "Don’t go

anywhere with anyone understood."

"Yes," Christy nods her head.

Sharon want away talking to one

 of the women, is like she is the

owner of the bar. Or wait, is this

even a bar?, no single male in this

 bar, only strange girls eyeing each


"Hello, how are you? Do you mind

 if I sit with you?" One of the ladies

came to Christy.

"No, I don’t mind, you are free to

 sit anywhere."

"Ohsh… thank you, beautiful thing

 like you, are you knew in town?"

"Yes," Christy reply.

"Oh gosh… will you like me to show

 you around town? We have

beautiful places in town."

"I would love to,  but am here with

someone maybe next time." Christy said.

"Oh.. is it that lady that just left?"


"She shouldn't leave you alone all

by yourself, beautiful things like

you should be well taken care of,

if you come with me, I will bring

 the world at your feet."

"Yea,.. thanks but no thanks, am fine."

"Did she pay you that well?, I will

 double whatever she use to give

you, just try me and see."  She raise

 her hand to touch Christy but

someone knock it off.

"Stay away from her, she is taken."

"Oh... don’t be too hash lion queen,

am just joking ok."

"Joke elsewhere and stay away

from my table". Sharon said when she

notice how Christy was dumfounded. 

"Taken! By who?," Christy question


"Don’t mind her", Sharon said,  "What

will you like to eat?"

"Am not hungry", Christy said.

"Look remember I told you to behave,

just eat something and behave

normal ok".

"Ok," Christy nod again.

And Sharon began to order things.

     Paul called and called and called but Christy’s phone was not reachable.

"This girl is driving me crazy, where

 in hell will she leave her phone to,

she can’t even charge the phone.

Damnit" he curse and throw his

phone on the bed.

"If she is not answering then go to her,"

Paul heard a voice and turn to see who it was.

"Dad, how long have you been

standing there?"

"Long enough, and I know that a girl has

captured the heart of my boy."

"Dad it hurt, I just want to stay away

from her but I can’t, it hurts dad."

"I know, I know how you feel, but

what if something bad is happening

 to her.?"

"What! Really?"

"No, I didn’t say something bad is

happening to her, I said what if.

So don’t blame her too much, just

 go to her and see why she is not

 picking up your calls."

"Ok dad, thanks"

"No problems, just take it easy on

yourself ok."

"Ok dad", Paul said and walk out to

get his car keys.

"Christy no longer stays here,"

Bridget and mother said.

"What! Why? where is she?"

"You should have ask who did she

 run away with", the mother said.

"She ran away with someone?"

"Not just someone but a man." The

 mother said.

"What?" Paul almost fell down.

"Mom please stop, you don’t have

 to put it that way." Bridget said.

"Shut-up, if she didn't run away

 with a man then where is she?

Who is feeding her, where is she

 sleeping?"  The mother ask Bridget

 but Bridget could not provide an


Paul turned to look at Bridget to

confirm that she truly run away

with another man.

"Yes Paul, am afraid is the truth."

"Patrickkkk…., am going to kill

Patrick" Paul shouted.

"What! Who is Patrick?" the mother

ask Bridget.

"Is another guy, I think he is Paul’s

friend, he too has money."

"Then what were you doing allowing

Christy to have all of them"? The

mother yell at Bridget.

"I don’t get you, what will you have

me do, Christy always throw herself

at them, and they think she is the

 coolest girl in town how is that

 my fault"? Bridget ask her mom.

"I knew it, that is her mother’s lifestyle,

always throwing themselves at

men nonsense." She said and

close her door after Paul has left

to go and fight with Patrick.

"Patrickkk.. come out, if you know

 you are a real man come out

and face me."

"Is that not Paul?" James ask.

"I think so".

"What is wrong with him?"

"Are you asking me? let’s go out

 and see what is wrong with him". Patrick said.

Immediately Paul set eyes on Patrick he

 rushed him and take him down.

"Let go of me you mad man, what

 did I do to you"? Patrick struggle

to get up but Paul pinned him down.

"I told you to take your hands off

 her, didn’t I? now you are going to

 bring her out, where is she?".

James don’t know how to pull Paul

away from Patrick, he needs help to

do so.

"Paul what’s going on with you?

We didn't see any girl and Patrick

did take any girl."

"What is he talking about?" Patrick

ask still under Paul.

"Where are you hiding Christy? She

ran away with you, Bridget told me

she ran away with you."

"Let go of me, I don’t know what

 you are saying and I have never

set my eyes on her since that

Christmas day".

"What?" Paul let go of Patrick and

 Patrick gave him a blow that send

 him flying through the sky.

"That’s enough" James yell at both

of them, "Why do you guys always

fight? Am getting tired of both of


"Did I do anything wrong? Where

you not here when he came at me

 with full force?" Patrick said with

 so much anger.

"Is ok, calm down"

"Paul what is your problem?

Because I have been with Patrick

 since yesterday and I have not

seen your Christy anywhere near

this place."

Paul did not say anything, he was

so ashamed of himself and his


Patrick took some ice and placed

them on his face.

"Give me one of that" Paul said taking

 the ice from Patrick to place on

 his face too.

"But what’s up with you?" Patrick

 ask Paul.

"I don’t know, I was calling Christy’s

number for the pass two days and

 the phone is switched off, only for

me to go to her house and her

mother told me she ran away

 with a man."

"What?" James and Patrick shouted simultaneously.

"And you thought is me?" Patrick ask.

"Yea, will you blame me?" Paul ask.

"Then where could she be?" James ask.

"I don’t know." Paul reply.

"You know what? let's look for her" James suggested.

"Where are we going to look for her?"

"Let’s go back to their house maybe the mother could be lying" James said.

"You have a point", Paul said, "I now

 remember Bridget was telling her

mother not to say that".

They all drove to Christy’s house

and just then they saw Bridget

 coming out.

"Look that is Bridget, let's follow her."

They follow her and when she was

 about taking a taxi they came

out in front of her.

"Heyy.. what are you guys doing"? She ask Paul.

"We are here to take you shopping."

"Really? That will be lovely, let’s go,"

she said and enter the car willlingly,

They took her to a building and ask

her to tell the truth.

"What are you guys doing? I don’t

know anything about where Christy

 could be right now, because she

ran away from home when she

saw that my mom was about

to beat her."