
Chapter 138 Bad experience

Paul keeps drinking and drinking until he gets drunk.

“Guys is ok you are getting drunk, don’t let these things get to you just stop drinking”. James took away the drinks from him and took him to the car. “I’ll drive you home because you’re really drunk”

 “mann.. don’t worry about me you can go home I can drive myself”

“No I’m not leaving you, I don’t want to hear that I’ve lost a friend tomorrow morning so please I will drive you home then I’ll come back to take my car”

 “Do whatever you like” Paul said and then he slept off in the car. James took Paul home.

“Thank you James. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience” Christy told him.

“It's fine but Christy please take good care of my friend I don’t want to hear that something bad happened to him and I also want to use this opportunity to tell you that please don’t listen to whatever his mum is saying. Paul loves you so must, please don’t leave him again”

“It's okay I promise to take care of him. I promise to be by his side always”

 “Alright I'll see you tomorrow bye” James left.

Christy stood there looking at Paul, he’s so drunk that she don’t know what to do with him. “why did you go drinking this much?. I really got hurt by what your mum said but it’s ok at least I know that I'm not a gold digger” Christy told the drunken Paul.

 “Come let me take you to the bathroom you need to have your bath” she took him to the bathroom.

“Christy am so sorry for all that my mother is doing to you. I'm truly sorry please forgive her for my sake” Paul told Christy after the drink has gone down a little.

“It's ok I'm not that angry. I promise to stay by your side and never leave you again” Christy told Paul.

“Really?.. thank you so much I love you so much Christy. I will always love you” Paul kissed her.

“You are drunk” Christy said “you need some rest”

“No…Christy please give me another child” he said looking straight into her eyes.

 “What is it?. Is it because of what your mum said?”

“No, not because of what my mum said but I want you this night and I want you to give me your heart your soul and your body” Paul whispers in her ear.

“No, I'm not in the mood” she said because she was still angry about what his mother said.

“But you told me that you're not angry”

“ Yes, but am not in the mood”

“Please let me I beg you” he whispers.

“Ok, I will let you because I love you” Christy whispers back at Paul.

Bianca stood at the door eavesdropping as Christy moans in pleasure.

“Shit…I’m going to kill this girl. She's here enjoying everything that's supposed to be mine. I'm the one who's supposed to be in there right now. Don't worry am going to kill her” she said and walk away.