
Chapter 108 Giving up on you

“Honey please stop, all hope is not lost” Mr. Brown try’s to control his wife.

“No honey, all hope is lost, look at him, at this age no girlfriend, so what have you been doing at the city?”

Paul wonders if he should be going about looking for girls in the city.

“Mom I’ve been working”

“Working what? I create that work, the only thing I ask of you is give me a good girl that will bear me beautiful grandchildren but no, that is took much for me to ask”

“Mom relax, you will have all the beautiful grandchildren that you want”

“When? When is that going to happen?”

“Soon mom soon, that is why am here”

“Enough! Mr. Brown calming everyone down. “ Look Paul, you can take your time ok, don’t be in a hurry if not you will regret it”

“Yes dad”

“You can do what ever you want” she stormed out of the sitting room.

Mr. Brown turned to Paul “What about Christy! What happened, hasn’t she gotten back her memory?”

“I don’t know, I can’t say but am giving up on her, I’ve try my best to get her back but is like she’s not willing to come back to me, just let her be dad”

“So what is she up to now?”

“She is now a fashion designer, owns her own money now, I doubt if mom will even recognize her again”

“So why don’t you go to her?”

“No need dad, she’s with someone else”

“What? No, it can’t be, after all you went through for her?. Give me her address and I will personally go there and talk some sense into her”

“Dad there is no need, I know what am talking about”

“Are you serious?” Mr. Brown ask with so much disappointment written all over his face.

“Yes dad, there is nothing I have not say to her but she prefers some other guy, there is nothing I can do anymore”

“Hmm, you just have to be strong, I hope you will find another woman”

“I hope so too” Paul spend the night in his father’s house and left early in the morning.

“I don’t like this one bit” Mrs. Brown complain to her husband”

“About what?”

“About Paul, I never expected him to turn out this way”

“How do you mean? All the boy ask for was the women that he loves but no, you won’t allow him to be happy”

“Are you blaming me now?”

“Am not blaming you, I am only asking you to leave the boy alone”

“Fine, suit yourselves” she yells at her husband.

“But one thing I will not do is allow him to waste away, am going to find him a wife”

“Now, I will advise you don’t do that woman”

“Watch me do it” She said and left Mr. Brown sitting all alone in the sitting room.

Two weeks later Mrs. Brown is in the city with a woman that is supposed to be Paul’s wife.

“Mom are you serious?, Let me see you in private” he took his mother aside.

“Who is she”

“Your wife, she is from a good home, besides you were complaining about not seeing a good woman in the city and you are working all the time and you don’t have time to go and look for a woman so I did the job of finding one for you”

“Hahaha, mom you will never seize to amazed me, and I love you mom, I love the fact that you are always trying your best to help me, but you can’t help me on this one”


“I don’t know but let me look for my own wife”

“She is not going anywhere, you have to love her”

“But mom…..” she left Paul still standing there.

“What is wrong with this woman? Why is she making my life miserable?”

Paul went inside to meet them.

“Look, he is your husband you will be in this house while I go back so be a good wife to my son” Mrs. Brown told the girl while she only nods her head in agreement.

Paul was just looking at his mother demonstrating to the girl and he knew better than to interrupt her at this time.

She took the girls bags into the room and ask her to come with her.

“Here, this is your husband’s room and you will stay here with him ok” she nods.

Paul simple went to his daughter’s room to sleep there.

“Dad are you going to sleep in my room?” little Sharon ask.

“Yes dear, grandmother is going to sleep in my room”

“That other woman is going to sleep in your room too, who is she?”

“I don’t know, mother brought her with her”

“Is she going to be my nanny?”

“You already have a nanny, do you need another one?”

“No dad, I don’t need another nanny”

“Good, let me tell you a bedtime story”

“Yea…” she rush to take her position, she likes it when ever her dad tells her bedtime stories, is just that he is not always around and leaves her in the hands of nanny Nancy.

Paul put her to sleep and went to bed too, he dreamed that Christy is been dragged in the mud and she was crying for help but no one seems to help her and Paul himself was just standing by not doing anything to help her.

He woke up and was so confused, “ Why is she asking for my help? She never want to see me and yet she is asking for my help. I just hope she is fine”

 for the first time Paul was forced to pray asking that God protect her were ever she is.

Early next morning he called Bridget on the phone to ask of Christy.

“She’s fine, she is preparing to go to work”

“Ok thanks, I will check up on her later”

“Paul please, promise me you won’t leave her” Bridget told Paul.

“How I wish is easy, Bridget you need to see Christy she has turned into someone I don’t know” Paul said almost in tears.

“I understand, but please don’t leave her, I don’t trust that lucky guy she is going out with”

“So you know about it” Paul ask.

“Am just suspecting am not sure”

“Ok, I will see what I can do”

“Ok, thank you and take care”

“Bye” Paul hang up the phone and was thinking maybe something is not right with Christy, maybe I shouldn’t have left her the way I did… but then his mother interrupted his thoughts.

“Am going today, so maybe by the time you get back I must have left, take care of the girl I brought for you. I heard you didn’t sleep in your room but that is ok, now that am going I know you will do the right thing” Paul didn’t want to argue with her so he let her be. After instructing the nanny on what to do he left for work.

“Take this money, go and cook for your husband and make sure to serve him very well ok” Mrs. Brown told the girl she brought.

“Yes ma’am” She lower herself in respect.

“That’s my daughter in-law” she smile and pat her on the back.

The nanny took Sharon to school and came back only to see the girl cooking in the kitchen.

She didn’t say anything she walk to her room.

“Hey… come here” she called Nancy.

“Am sorry but I don’t know your name”

“Ok, my name is Nancy”

“Ok Nancy, am Bianca, please what kind of food do your boss like”

“My boss doesn’t eat in this house”

“What?, So he doesn’t eat at all”

“Yes, he eats in the office I guess, he only give us all we need but doesn’t eat”

“Wow.. that’s strange, so you and that little girl are the only people that eat in this house?”


“So who is the little girl”

“Is obvious, is the boss’s daughter”

“Oh.. and the wife? Sorry for asking so many questions”

“Well, that I don’t know”

“Ok, thanks”

“You are welcome”

Paul went to see Christy after work but he wasn’t happy seeing her.

Christy could see that Paul wasn’t happy but she didn’t ask why.

“I have to go since you are ok” he told Christy.

“Alright, thanks for checking up on me” she saw him off to his car.

“Take care of yourself” he told her and enters his car.

“Thank you, I will”

She went back inside wondering why she felt sorry for him. “ what should I do now? I can’t leave lucky now, he has helped me to get this contract and more are coming but Paul… I felt sorry for him”

Paul keeps thinking about the dream he had about her, “does it even mean anything? Maybe is just a dream after all, let me leave her to live her life”

Before Paul knew what was happening some people are after him so he speed up the car.