
Chapter 104 Killing love

“Am sorry ok, I didn’t mean to insult you, but please forgive me”

“Is fine, I over reacted, is not your fault”

“Thank you” pat went inside her house while Christy drives home, only to see Paul sitting down with her stepmom.

“What is he doing here now?”

“Christy calm down and listen to him”

“About what? That he is my husband and I had a daughter with him whom I can’t remember?, Is that what you want to say?”

“No, am not here to say that, am here to ask for a divorce”

“What??” Bridget and her mother shouted simultaneously.

“No Paul, I didn’t bring you here to do that, it hasn’t gotten to that” her stepmom pleaded while Christy just looked on.

“Mom I’ve try waiting for her but she is not coming around, I need to move on”

“I know, I know, but give her more time”

Christy just raise an eyebrow and murmuring something no one heard.

Bridget saw him off while Christy went to her room still murmuring.

“I think is time to hook up with someone so they leave me alone” she thought, a card fell from her when she try’s to place her bad down on the dresser so she bend over to pick it up.

“Wow… she looked at the card and smile. “This is just the perfect timing” she said smiling at the card. “Am going to call this number and end all this.

“Hello Lucky is Christy, how are you doing with the drinks?”

“O my goodness, how is your friend, is she ok now?”

“Yes, I rushed her home so she is fine”

“I thank goodness, so this is your number?”


“Ok, I will store it now and we will chat later”

“Is ok” she said with so much excitement.

“Yes!!, I got him, pat said he is a big shot, let’s see how that plays out”

Christy was about going to bed when she received a call from lucky asking her to come online.


She went online and they chatted the whole night with lucky telling her all the sweet words in the world. She just keep laughing and rolling on her bed.

 “How sweet?” she keeps rolling and smiling all the time.

They agreed to meet the next day.

“So how are you today?”

“Am fine”

“I can see that, you are always beautiful”

“Thank you” she said smiling from ear to ear.

“So what did you say to my proposal, will you be my girlfriend?”


“Oh thank you” he hugged and kissed her but Christy pushed him away.


“Am sorry, am sorry about that” she apologize for minutes.

“Is ok, maybe is my fault, since we are just meeting for the first time”

“Yea, I guess so” but Christy knew that is not the case, she was feeling strange with every of his touch.

“Can we go out to some place and have some drinks?”


And so he took her to a fantastic restaurant where the big boys are hanging out.

“Wow, this is beautiful, you come here all the time?”

“Yes, this place is more like a second home to me, you know we don’t do things anyhow, if you want to hangout, do so with the big boys” he said and Christy hate the fact that he likes showing off.

They took a table and he made a call and before minutes four guys appear hailing him like a king.

“What is this?” Christy ask but didn’t say it loud.

“Yea, meet my girl, isn’t she beautiful?”

“Yea, she is just like an angel, hahaha” they all laugh and Christy fake a smile.

She just want to disappear from there, because if there is anything Christy hate is someone showing her off to his friends and they all are saying something about her. is kind of like they are mocking her.

“I want to use the restroom” she got up to leave.

“Ok, take your time” lucky said.

“Guy..guy…guy… how did you do that?” they all rushed lucky.

“I told you she can’t say no, just a little showoff and she is here” hahaha they laugh at her.

“I told you, any guy who cannot take care of his babe we are going to take her away from him” hahaha they keep laughing and having fun without Christy.

Christy finished and started back from the restroom but bumped into someone “Be careful and look where you are going” the person said. Christy turned to look at the person but he walk pass her.

“What is he doing here, is that not that Paul guy? I hope he is not stalking me again?, He better not because I will so sue his ass” she murmured while going back.

But then she thought she saw someone who looks like pat and she followed the person only to find out that is not pat.

“Oh..” she turned to leave but saw Paul with another woman so beautiful that she couldn’t help but stare at them.

Paul just walk pass her without saying even a little “hi”

“Are you serious? Not even a hi?, Whatever, I think he will stop disturbing  me now that he found his wife, such a beautiful woman”

She then turns back and went to her tablet

“Where are your friends?”

“They are all gone, they are all busy people you know, my friends don’t like wasting their time, like wise me, I just agreed to come out here because of you”

“I see, then we can go home now” Christy said and he was like “ no..no..no.. let’s stay a little longer because I love you”


In a minute he call other set of his friends and they arrive almost immediately.

“Heyy.. guy how are you?” one of his friend ask looking at Christy.

“Am fine you know” he keeps smiling.

“Is this the girl?” another one ask.

“What?..” Christy stood up “ Are you serious right now? So you have been calling your friends to come and make fun of me?”

“No..no…no., Why will I do that?”

Christy storm out of the place and went to her car, just as she was about opening the door lucky rushed her.

“Where are you going to?”

“Home, am done with you, I have not even said yes to you and you’ve already invited your whole community to come and see me and some are even making fun of me”

“That is not what it is Christy, am only introducing you to them in case”

“In case of what?”

“Please don’t go, am sorry”

“No, am going home”

“So what do you want me to do?” lucky ask referring to the drinks, because last time Christy has walk out on him with drinks on the table, it was his guys that came to help out and now again? No.

“What else do you want to do?”

“The drinks who is going to drink them?”

“Well you can help yourself” Christy said and was about  entering her car when lucky held her.

“Look, am trying to be a gentle man here, but don’t force me”

“Let go of me” she struggles with him.

Paul couldn’t take it anymore so he went to rescue his wife.

“Hey… get your filthy hands off her” Christy turn to see her savior, but it turns out to be Paul.

“Guy stay away from this” lucky said facing Paul.

“I don’t like repeating myself but I will give you the honor of getting out of here in one piece”

“Who did you think you are?” lucky yells at Paul.

Before lucky could finish his sentence Paul gave him a punch that send him backward trying to hit someone but that someone gave him another punch.

“What did I do to you guys” lucky yells trying to call his guys but Patrick land him a slap across his face.

“What are you people doing? You will kill him” she yells and Paul drag her to his car while Patrick drove Christy’s car leaving lucky on the floor rolling with pains.

“Where are you taking me?” Christy keeps struggling with Paul.

“Home, you should be home and not following useless guys around town”

“Have you been following me?” she yells at Paul but he didn’t say anything because he has made it his duty to keep her safe.

“Answer me and stop this car” she yells and start hitting Paul but he keeps driving.

“I said stop this car” and he pull the car to a stop in the middle of nowhere.

“Where is my car?, I am going to sue you if I don’t see my car, I have lots of documents in that car so please, tell your friend to return my car” Paul sat there looking at her, he wasn’t hearing anything she was saying, he was just thinking how he is going to lose her to someone else.

“Are you listening to me? And why are you staring at me like that?”

Paul pulls her with full force to himself and plant a deep kiss on her lips that she finds it hard to breath.

“What do you think you are doing?” she ask when Paul finally release her.

“I love you so much is killing me” Paul said but Christy moved backwards away from him.