
In Love With Vengeful Billionaire

Cali is aware that she is falling hard for Niklaus Pierre, the cold, calculated, and immensely sexy billionaire hell-bent on regaining what is rightfully his from his father and her boss, whom he despises to the core. Cali made a vow to Niklaus's father years ago that she now greatly regrets, which would unavoidably put her on Niklaus's opposing side. Which side should she take in this conflict between father and son? The father she vowed loyalty to or the son she is fascinated with? Is she the cure for this broken father-son relationship? Or is she simply collateral damage in the conflict between two men?

PiscesGene · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

No More Secrets

The long hallway is dim and quiet, with no soul in sight. Cali walks in the hallway cautiously, wary of any movement.

After a few minutes, she finally reaches the elevator hall. Pressing the down button, she waits for the lift to arrive at her floor.

She steps into the elevator when the door opens, without giving much thought to the man standing in it with his back to her.

At the exact moment, the elevator door closed, fear gripped her heart, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She pushes the open button furiously, but it doesn't work.

"Got you!" A familiar and sinister voice sounds behind her. A cold, ugly hand comes from behind, dragging her to the corner.

Cali tries to scream, but no sound comes out, as if she is mute. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks. She feels so helpless. The man is too strong to fight off.