
In Love with the preacher

Vanessa Jordan, who had faced every horrible thing the universe could throw at her. From being chased by a perverted stalker, to losing a job she finally got for something she didn't do. And as if that wasn't enough, she found out a horrifying secret about her long-time boyfriend. Losing her parents at a very young age had made her given up on God, to her he didn't exist, and if he did he just didn't care about her. And now she's giving up on love too. But everything changes when she meets THE PREACHER... A man who had also had his fair share of sorrows and pains from the past, together with his lovely daughter, they will teach Vanessa what it means to trust once again, and most importantly, how to love again. But the question remains, can Vanessa who hates God more than anything learn to love a preacher... Excerpt In the next minute, Vanessa found herself tumbling into the well. "Miss, MISS! Are you okay??" The all too familiar voice called out to her, striking panic through her whole body. Why did he always ask her that question? Why was she not always okay when he saw her? He always met her at her lowest point. And this is the lowest of the lowest. "YES!! I MEAN NO. NO I'm not okay... Don't come any closer." She shouted at the top of her lungs. "Don't worry miss, I'll get you out of there..." He assured. "NO!!!" She screamed. "Don't look into the well please." "Lady what are you saying? I'll get you out of there! Or do you want to drown in a well??" He said almost angrily. "NO. Please don't_ I'm... I'm naked." She said out loud. "I'm completely naked, I'm not wearing anything, my towel got caught up as I fell, now I am bollock naked so don't come any closer." PS. The Preacher doesn't come into full view until chapter 27... So hold on to your phones and tabs, cause it's gonna be a crazy read.

_Queen_A · Urbano
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162 Chs

5. The date...

Vanessa got to the "usual spot" by 7:45pm... It was a fine restaurant on the 2nd floor of a building... When Vanessa and Mark first came to the city, it was the place they had their first date... Mark had found the place online.

The place was known for their famous pasta... Thankful to whomever was the owner of the restaurant, the meal wasn't too expensive, so they were able to afford it at that time....

Vanessa loved pasta, but the one that this restaurant made was divine.. It was simply heavenly.. Before here, she had never tasted anything better, and even now, she was not sure anyone or any other restaurants pasta could rival this one...

When she first tasted the pasta back then, she was forced to call the waiter...

"excuse me.... Yes ma'am need any help?... Uhhmm not really, but this pasta is so good, I would like to know who made it.. Is it a chef from France., Italy., or somewhere else, I just really want to know... It just tastes so good... Even the name sounds sweet... 'LA PASTA EMILIANA' .... She said making the shrek's cat eyes to the young waiter... Mark just sat there smiling foolishly like he was hit in the head with cupids arrow...

"well ma'am, if you look over there.... The young man pointed in a certain direction.... You will see our star chef.. He is the one who came up with the recipe for the pasta....

Vanessa's eyes followed the direction the waiters finger was pointing to, then she saw a tall young man, he was facing the other way talking to some people, but you could tell he was no older than twenty-three ... He was wearing a simple short sleeved tight fitted black shirt, and plain white pants... His brown hair carefully gelled and styled backwards...

"that is your chef... She whispered in shock like the man in black was going to here her if she talked any louder...

" yes that is him... Ma'am if you don't need anything else, can I go now... The waiter asked with a smile...

Oh yes.. Yes..definitely.. Thank you so much... She said finally letting the poor guy go..

" oh my gosh Mark did you hear that... She turned to face Mark who was laughing his heart out.... Van babe, you know you are the world's most adorable clown... Mark says as he takes her hands in his and places a kiss on them both...

Mark seriously can you believe it, how is such a young guy the chef of the beautiful restaurant... You could actually feel the surprise in her voice....

Through out that night, she tried getting a better look at the chef in black shirt, but for some reason he never turned... Instead he just moved forward and suddenly disappeared... Which made her very frustrated, like she had failed a test or something.... Mark on the other hand was having a blast watching his curious adorable girlfriend.. He kept on laughing and saying... Van babe you know you're really crazy...and it only made her angry...

She was definitely Crazy... Vanessa thought as she recalled what had happened back then... She was curiously crazy.... She remembered the look on Marks face when he tried to cheer her up that day for not getting to see the chef's face.. He was comforting her, but at the same time he was enjoying watching her pout and sulk....

"he was so mischievous" she giggled to herself...

It had been forty minutes since Vanessa had been sitting down there, and Mark was yet to show up...

She was tempted to go and check if he was still at the office, considering the fact that his office was just twenty-eight stories above her....

That's right..., the restaurant was in the same building as Mark's office...

The building held different things in it... The floor where Mark worked was being used by a Law firm... He worked as a lawyer there... So she could actually just stroll up there and check on him...

But then she thought "what if he already left, I'll just be wasting time, then he would come here and I won't be here, he might just leave.... Or what if he's still busy working, then I'll be disturbing him... No. No.. No" she vigorously shakes her head, moving the thought away from her head...

"I'll just wait for him... She decided....

" Hey babe I'm so so sorry I'm late, my work took longer than expected.... Mark said when he finally showed up at 9:25...

I hope I did not keep you waiting for too long... He said with no or little expression on his face....

No., no of course not... I just got here also... About ten minutes ago...

Yeah right, ten minutes, more like almost three hours... You've filled your empty tummy with almost twelve glasses of water waiting.... and you say just ten minutes .... But she didn't want to ruin their date so she lied....

Oh thank God, I thought you'd have been waiting for hours....

Somewhere at a corner of the restaurant, a pair of jealous angry eyes glared at Vanessa, if only Vanessa could feel the fire shooting out of those eyes, her skin would definitely get burnt...

Ashley felt like Vanessa was stealing her position, like that seat in front of Mark was supposed to be hers...

Wake up girl, you are the one sleeping with someone else's boyfriend, and besides you are going to have him all to yourself later that night, so what's your problem....

She walked over to their table....,

Hey Mark.... Immediately Vanessa heard the voice, she recognized it as the voice of the woman on the phone.... What is she doing here, I thought he said she was his coworker, so what was she doing here...

Oh right.., this was actually where their office was... Silly Vanessa...

Hey Ashley..., Mark was obviously surprised to see her there... I thought you left already, what are you doing here??

Well I forgot some papers, and came back for them... Oh forgive me.. She looks over to Vanessa..., Mark, we are completely being rude... Won't you introduce me to your guest... She gives him a nudge on the shoulder....

Guest??.... This crazy super hot lady was getting more annoying by each second....Wench you are the guest, I'm his girlfriend, you are disturbing our date... Vanessa could not scream out these words, she just sat there and listened to another super hot lady call her a guest in front of her boyfriend....

Oh yes., yes right, Vanessa meet Ashley my coworker, Ashley... Vanessa...m..my girlfriend.... He stuttered., why did he stutter like he was not sure if she was his girlfriend or not... Another worry Vanessa should have voiced out, but she didn't... She just smiled and stretched out her hand to the super model in front of her, standing close to her boyfriend, with her hands on his shoulder like she owned it...

HI, nice to meet you.. I think I've actually seen you a couple of times, when I came to visit Mark.... She said smiling as modestly as she could...

Oh really, I'm glad you noticed.... Ashley replied in a tone that sounded more like a mockery...

Either Vanessa did not get the hint of Ashley's tone, or she just chose to ignore it...

Well I better get going, I just saw you Mark and thought I should say hi...

You really didn't have to, I'm sure you were with him the whole day, so just leave already.... Oh Vanessa voice out your thoughts.

Oh thank you..... Mark who was not too comfortable with the situation said.... Well then have a nice night Mark... she bends down, places her hands on his, and gives him a kiss on the cheek..., No.., to be more precise, it was very close to his lips...

Then turned to look at Vanessa... Her face had a smirk on it, one that sent a serious message to Vanessa...

But once again, either Vanessa could not read the open message, or she just chose to ignore it....

Ashley turned to leave....

Well finally, leave me let me enjoy my date in peace....

But then she turned back to face Mark as if she had forgotten something....

What in the world could this crazy lady want again huh... really... Just go already....

"Mark., Don't forget our meeting, don't be late "... She smiled, and winked, but only Mark could see that... Then she finally walked away..

Hope it's been worth your time so far.,

If it has been, then add it to you reading list.

If it hasn't., still add it.. You don't know when it might get breathtaking for you...

_Queen_Acreators' thoughts