
Chapter 2 Marriage Certificate

Old Mrs. Griffin took a deep breath before opening her mouth again.

"Yang is looking for a wife for his grandson, so I told him about you."

"You did what?!"

"Hear me out first. Although I haven't met his grandson, I trust Yang when he said that his grandson would never hurt you."


Jennifer brought out a file and gave it to Chase. Chase looked at the file then at her grandmother with a look of surprise.

"Marriage certificate?!"

" Before you say anything, I want you to go home and think about this. I'm not getting any younger. I need to see my great grandkids before I die."

'This is serious.' Chase thought to herself. It was obvious her grandmother really wanted her to sign this and she rarely asked for any sort of favor. But this was her life. Whatever decision she takes now would affect her in future.

With a conflicted sigh, she stood up and Jennifer did the same.

"I'll go now grandma."

"Do you need me to escort you?"

"No need. I'll go by myself. Bye."

At The Lu Ancestral Mansion

A man could be seen reading a document with a stick of cigar in-between his index and middle finger. He had a dominating and cold aura which would make anyone think ten times before going close to him.

An older man walked into the study. The sound of his walking stick was the only thing heard. He sat down on the chair as the man behind the table finally looked at him with his cold gaze.

"No warm welcome? That's harsh." The old man said also staring intensely at his cold grandson.

"Why are you here?" The man said finally breaking the silence.

"Why I'm I here? I am sure you have the answer to that." The old man otherwise known as Lu Yang, said. "I need to see your kids running around this boring mansion." You need to get married soon."

"No." Came Declan's single reply

"I already found a suitable wife for you." Lu Yang said with a huge smile on his face. "Her name is Chase Griffin. I have already told her grandma to tell Chase about you." I am just waiting for her to sign the marriage certificate and then you MUST sign it as well and your father and I can finally die in peace."

At this moment, Declan couldn't help but wonder if this was really his family. He had no plans of signing the so-called marriage certificate.

Of course he knew who the Griffins were. They were the second most powerful family in Country CA, right after the Lus.

"I'm. Busy." Declan stressed each word as he looked back at the document on the table. "Lock the door on your way out."

Chase let herself fall on the bed immediately she arrived at her Condominium. Right now her brain was tired and needed a good sleep so she fell into a deep sleep without changing her clothes.