
In love with my Enigmatic Billionaire Boss

In the fast-paced world of corporate power and hidden desires, Emily Carter, an art-loving secretary, spills more than just coffee when she meets the enigmatic billionaire CEO, Alex Reynolds. A laugh shared in the midst of chaos sparks an unbreakable connection between them, defying the boundaries of their roles. As their romance blossoms, Emily discovers the man beneath the polished exterior—a man with dreams, fears, and a heart yearning for love. Alex, in turn, finds solace in Emily's genuineness and unwavering support. But when their worlds collide with a business challenge, their love faces the ultimate test. Can they navigate the storm of uncertainty and insecurity together?

Daoistmqg7ha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

The Billionaire's Fears

"Childhood is usually viewed to be without worries for a number of kids born into wealthy homes like me, but the reverse is the case. A number of times, I wondered why people see rich kids like we have it all. Meanwhile, the least of our worries is the greatest worry for the so-called poor kids 'cause I don't see them as poor but I see them as less privileged. Unfortunately, we don't get to tell anyone what we are going through as we must protect the image of the family" Alex started on a very confusing note.

"Do you have worries? You have everything you need at the snap of your fingers, you don't get to struggle to get all the good things in life so what is the worry? Emily asked really confused.

"You see, life is far beyond getting everything we need and want at the snap of the fingers. What about our dreams, our visions, our hobbies, our likes, our dislikes, those things that gives us fulfillment that have been snatched from us all in the name of keeping the portfolio that our parents have built? We get to sacrifice our own achievements for our parents' achievements and this is a very big worry that is more than getting what money can buy" Alex explained

"Oh! I see" Emily marvelled at the kind of intelligent words that came out of Alex's mouth. Although she doesn't know what he is driving at yet but she sure knows that it has to do with his pains and they must really hurt him so much.

"I have never got the chance to talk to anyone about this before so I feel a little reluctant but I guess it is time I spilled it" Alex continued. "Life has been bed of roses for an only child of the billionaire business tycoon, Lowell Reynolds and one of the most successful entrepreneur, Beline Reynolds. I got everything I ever needed as a child, I attended the best schools in town and I had my higher education out of the country. I really do not have much terrible experienced like you but I bet you don't ever want to go through what I went through" Alex said smiling and getting up from the bench. Emily got up as well and they both started walking towards the direction they came from.

"My life had always revolved around my parents dreams and not mine, I had to do everything on their terms and at a point I shut myself out of the outer world. I always keep to myself and the only friend I had was myself. I don't get to see my parents due to their busy schedules and I was left in the care of domestic workers. My nanny was a beast and molested me in every way anyone can imagine and it was never possible to report to my parents as they always shut me up either claiming tired or busy" Alex paused and swallowed hard. Emily could sense his pain and shaky voice, he was on the verge of bursting into tears but then, he controlled himself, he is a man after all. Emily held his hands as there was little or nothing she could do.

"I had to live like that untill I got into college and told my parents I did not need any nanny. My mother objected at first but she later thought I could make some certain decision of which objecting to a nanny was one of them. I couldn't make friends because of my overbearing mother, no body was just too good enough to be my friend. It is either their mother was not her cacus or their father was not my father's cacus. The position has so gotten into my mother's head that she always thought nobody is her match. So I didn't have a friend to share my fears with. Few months into college, my father had an auto crash which claimed his life and I had to live with the my worst nightmare again" Alex continued

"Oh! Accept my condolence. So sorry about that" Emily sympathized.

"It's okay. My mother had to manage her business and dad's company together which made her more aggressive and annoying. She doesn't want to hear anything except what she decides. She decided that I study business administration in higher institution so that I can manage my father's company, my worst nightmare, I had never imagined myself managing my father's company, I have my dreams too, but she wouldn't listen. I objected at first but she threatened me with everything she knew I could not live without and I succumbed" Alex explained further

"And what are those things?" Emily asked 

"All the luxuries" Alex replied

"Oh! I see" Emily exclaimed in awe, "luxuries?" She thought, "I never lived with them, is it so difficult to live without them?" She asked

"I don't know either, I have never lived without them. I agree I am not a man of my words. I live on my mother's terms. Of course I am not pleased with it which explains why I usually transfer aggressions to my workers. I always want to be alone as I don't even knyhow to mingle with people. "*They are not a match for you*" as my mother always say" Alex replied

"I thought as much, I always wondered why only one person is so cruel, shut out, annoying and ridiculously insatiable. So they were all transferred aggressions. I see" Emily spoke bluntly

"Oh My God!!!, We're those for me?" Alex questioned surprised

"Oh! I'm sorry if it sounded like an insult but it is just the definition of who you are" Emily apologized while still making her point

"It's nothing to be sorry for. I know I have not been a good man and boss all the while but I was only trying to frustrate my mother so she could take the company off my neck and let me be. She made sure I returned from overseas immediately after my masters and she just put me on that seat as the CEO and the annoying thing is that with my mom, you must never make a mistake. Everything has to be perfect. I had lived my life like that, I read books like my life was depending on it because I must be the best in school "*be the best or nothing*" she always snapped when I was younger. But I have learnt that it is always okay to make mistakes, mistakes makes us stronger" Alex lamented.

"Yeah, I have make countless mistakes all my life and I don't regret them, I always come out of them stronger and better" Emily replied in affirmation. "So you wanted to frustrate your mom, how?" She asked 

"Yes, I thought if nobody is able to work with me, she would be forced to get another person to manage the company and I'll face my dreams" Alex replied.

"And did that work?" Emily asked.

"It never did, she makes me realize how much of a failure I am everyday because I can't keep secretaries and that pisses me off" Alex replied

"No wonder you come to the office everyday with a angry face" Emily joked "So talking about dreams, what are your your dreams?" She asked

"I just want to live a normal life like every other man and do things on my own terms, make my own decisions and pursue my own career. I don't want to be a mommy's boy all my life" Alex replied worried

"So, go for what you want" Emily urged

"How?" Alex asked. "I have my fears, would I be able to cope alone? Would I be able to make those decisions? I am even afraid of failure, what if I fail? Will I be able to get back on my feet after failure? Won't people mock me? Would I be able to face the unknown? I have never failed in anything since I was a child, so I feel I might get choked if I fail once" Alex spilled his fears

"Hmmmm, you can do it, if you believe in yourself. Talking of career, what exactly have you ever wanted to become?" Emily asked further

"I don't like talking about it, I had a bad experience with it courtesy my mom before I finally gave up on it" Alex replied

"It's okay not to talk about it but anytime you feel like talking about it, I'm always here with opened ears to listen" Emily assured him

"Thanks a lot Emily, you are amazing, and you have endured my excesses this far and I'm glad I have found a friend in you" Alex said. They were already at the car and the time was already far spent. "Will you be my friend Emily?" Alex asked stretching his hands out for a handshake. Emily hesitated for a moment then she replied, "Sure, friends" she said stretching her hands out to receive the handshake.

"Shall we?" Alex gestured at her to get into the car. They both got into the car and he drove down to her house as Emily gave the directions.

Emily alighted the car and waved at Alex as he drove off them she got into the house and bumped in on her mother at the door waiting for her, she was a bit startled as time was already far spent, it was Past 9 pm already.

"Where on earth are you coming from Emily?" Catherine snapped

"Erm, Erm…Erm…." Emily stammered.