
In love with my Enigmatic Billionaire Boss

In the fast-paced world of corporate power and hidden desires, Emily Carter, an art-loving secretary, spills more than just coffee when she meets the enigmatic billionaire CEO, Alex Reynolds. A laugh shared in the midst of chaos sparks an unbreakable connection between them, defying the boundaries of their roles. As their romance blossoms, Emily discovers the man beneath the polished exterior—a man with dreams, fears, and a heart yearning for love. Alex, in turn, finds solace in Emily's genuineness and unwavering support. But when their worlds collide with a business challenge, their love faces the ultimate test. Can they navigate the storm of uncertainty and insecurity together?

Daoistmqg7ha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Mr Paranoid

"Good morning, Spencer" Emily greeted as she saw Alex's driver in the car. "What is the occasion?" She asked since it was a usual habit of their boss to send him to her if he wanted her to attend to some businesses outside work for him. Businesses like getting him some stuffs he must have noted down in a paper and sent through Spencer. "Why do I have to do these for him, I'm not his maid and this isn't work related, also today is not a Saturday either" she mumbled to herself. 

It had been Alex's usual habit to send his secretaries on non official assignments which had always pissed Emily off. He had always claimed he needed a female touch on his appearances and since they were his secretary, they should know how best he should appear and to him it was part of their official assignment. The only thing that amazed Emily was that, it usually happens on Saturdays, not during the week and he usually tells her before hand that he was going to send Spencer to her of which he didn't make mention of such yesterday, do why today? she thought.

"Shall we?" Spencer butt into Emily's thought. 

"Yeah, sure" Emily replied as she got into the front sit beside Spencer. He handed her the note from Alex and going through it, she told him where to head out to. She got all what she was asked to but she did that in serious confusion, "who the hell is this man?", He had given her reason to see him in a different perspective yesterday but she doesn't know why he had to start her day like this, without prior notice and he was very difficult to satisfy so she always prepared against running his errands, searching the net thoroughly for those things that would be okay for a paranoid like him but this particular day, she hope she doesn't get into problems because she wasn't prepared at all.


"Good morning sir" Emily greeted as she entered Alex's office after knocking.

"Morning" Alex replied cold as usual.

"Here are the things you ordered sir" She said as she placed them on his cushion. She gave him a breakdown of his schedule for the day as usual and made him tea as he requested. "Would that be all sir?" She asked.

"Yes, you may leave, would ring you if there is anything" Alex replied and Emily left the office.


Few hours later, Emily was at her desk doing her job as usual and also in thought of what changed Alex's attitude overnight again, or perhaps yesterday was a mistake, she thought 

"Ring, ring ring" her office line blared and picking up the receiver Emily said, "Yes????"

"Meet me in my office NOW!!!" Alex's voice thundered on the other side of the phone. Knocked off balance, Emily was right there in front of him in no time.

"What the hell is this?" He shouted, "is this red?" He said gesturing at the tie in his hands.

"Bu, bb, bbb...." Emily stammered, and before she could bring herself to finishing her statement, Alex fired again

"But what? I clearly wrote red tie but you bought wine? He shouted at her. 

"But sir, you didn't state the color, it was just a tie in the list, all the same I'm sorry sir" she apologized with great amusement and shock. This attitude of his was a huge contrast to what he did yesterday. 

"Sorry for yourself" he retorted. Then Emily made a move to leave the office and when she was almost at the door, she turned back, "But Mr Alexander Reynolds, my ever paranoid and aloof boss, in my own opinion, you really need to work on your temper, if you have personal issues, you do not have to transfer aggressions and as a matter of fact, you are getting angry over nothing, you shift blames on other people to ease yourself, it isn't really nice. Hey! Mr, work on yourself 'cause you never wrote a tie in the list given, I bought it on my own Accord!!!" Emily yelled making sure it was clear enough from her voice that she was really mad at him. 

"Good day" she added as she slammed the door behind her.

Alex stood dumbfounded, unable to say a word and blank as to what to think. Did she just talk back at him, did he really not write a red tie on the list, he was so confused and he also didn't expect such reactions from her.

He had thought about her throughout the night and felt something about her that he couldn't explain yet, he send Spencer to her in the morning because he wanted him to pick her to the office, sending her those things were just to divert her attention from the main purpose and he would have been there himself but his ego would not allow. And why did he even yell at her?, All these were running through his mind and without a conclusive answer, he stepped out of his office and as he got to her desk, she wasn't there, he picked up a painting that he saw on her table and looked at it closely, although it is not his first time of seeing her with paintings but there was something about this one he couldn't place, placing the painting back on her table, he went outside the building, stepped in his car and off he went without his driver, Spencer.

Emily on the the other hand wondered where she got the nerves to talk back at him "but someone has to talk senses into him someday" she thought.


*Knock, knock, knock" Emily knocked on Alex's office door and stepped in and soon realized he was not on sit, she dropped the file with her on his table and left wondering where he was, where on earth is he? She thought. She hoped she hadn't stepped on the python's tail.

Seconds rolled into minutes and minutes into hours and up until the close of the day, Alex never came back to the office that day. Emily left for home really bothered but there was almost nothing she could do.

The next morning, she got to the office as early as she could but he still wasn't there, she was so troubled now, "did I say something wrong?" She said to herself. While at her desk, heads down, doing some official work and mumbling somethings to herself, a hand placed a box on her table

"I'm sorry for yesterday" a voice said, Emily looked up to know who is apologizing and why? 

"What???" She marvelled at the sight of the person.