
In love with my Enigmatic Billionaire Boss

In the fast-paced world of corporate power and hidden desires, Emily Carter, an art-loving secretary, spills more than just coffee when she meets the enigmatic billionaire CEO, Alex Reynolds. A laugh shared in the midst of chaos sparks an unbreakable connection between them, defying the boundaries of their roles. As their romance blossoms, Emily discovers the man beneath the polished exterior—a man with dreams, fears, and a heart yearning for love. Alex, in turn, finds solace in Emily's genuineness and unwavering support. But when their worlds collide with a business challenge, their love faces the ultimate test. Can they navigate the storm of uncertainty and insecurity together?

Daoistmqg7ha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Mother's Fears

It was Alex, could this be a dream?

"Yes, I'm sorry for yelling at you for no cause, I sincerely apologize" Alex apologized.

"Oh! It's okay sir, you didn't have to get this, it's fine" Emily answered 

"I had to, accept it as an act of kindness at least as an apology" Alex said

"Okay, thanks" Emily replied

Alex left for his office and Emily marvelled as she opened the box, "Wow!!!", She exclaimed, it was a painting she had longed to purchase, it would have cost him a fortune, she thought and she became more determined to unravel the mystery behind his cold attitude. Something must be wrong after all.


As days turned into weeks, Emily and Alex started getting relaxed in each others company and workplace was beginning to seem like a second home to the both of them. All these were noticed by Emily's mother, Catherine as Emily's bright mood of recent is enough to tell that she is happier and Catherine couldn't help but show her concerns for her daughter.

"Morning darling" Catherine greeted as she walked into Emily's room after knocking on a bright Saturday morning.

"Good morning mom" Emily replied sleepy. "Is it morning already? I don't know why I don't seem to ever get enough sleep" she added.

"Lazy bone, it's past 9 am already, won't you come down for breakfast?" Catherine asked.

"I sure would mom, but please let me get some more sleep" she begged

"No, no, no, you are coming with me right away, get that sleep after breakfast, I want to see you eat and I would have to be at the salon for my cleaning job at 11 am" Catherine objected.

"Oh! mom, nobody wins with you, okay, I would be out shortly" Emily replied.

"Okay dear" Catherine said, and as she was about leaving the room she turned around and called out, "Emily dear?"

"Yes mom" Emily answered

Catherine moved closer to Emily who was already on her feet trying to get out of her night wear, She placed her hands on Emily's shoulder and made her sit on the bed while sitting by her side.

"My dear, you have been so happy and lovelier these past days and you stopped complaining about your boss as well, hope you are really doing good dear?" Catherine asked.

"Oh! mom, that?" Emily started "My boss has been so different lately and I work happier now, I feel relaxed and I don't feel choked anymore and I can now give out my best at work, I am so happy mom" she concluded.

"Really dear?" Catherine laughed, she looked straight into her daughter's eyes and saw something different in there. She reflected on how Emily had always complained about her boss every other day and how she had always hoped to get another job with a better boss. As a mother, Catherine knew there was more than just her boss' change in behavior, it is boldly written on Emily's face and her eyeball could tell a lot. "Emily, your boss'change in behavior clearly explains your relaxed mood but your eyeballs are telling me something different" Catherine concluded.

"Oh! Mom! There is nothing more, I am just happy and relaxed" Emily replied without realizing that she was already blushing.

"You can tell me anything dear, have you started liking him?" Catherine asked

"Mom!!!" Emily screamed on the top of her voice. "Liking who? My beast boss? Who knows if he is just pretending, nothing as such mom" she concluded

"I can see it on your face dear, you won't blush if that is not the case, anyways, you have to be so careful, rich people are so dramatic and problematic, I don't want you getting into what would affect your job, you know well what it means to this family. Also, your lasting happiness is very important because these rich folks are very good in dashing people's hopes, I don't want you to be hurt dear, please" Catherine pleaded.

"Mom, don't be too bothered, I won't be hurt and I would be just fine, I know your worries and I am not a kid either, okay mom?" Emily said.

"I know you are an adult but I need to watch out for you, you are still my baby after all and you have never being in a relationship, so I must look out for you" Catherine admonished.

"Okay mom, I'll be just fine, I have to take the breakfast now, you have taken all the food left in me with your talks" Emily joked.

They both laughed and her mother hugged her and left the room. Soon Emily joined the family at the table. The Cartar family was a family of four, Andrew, the father, Catherine, the mother, Emily, the first child and little Ryan, the second and last child. Ryan was just 12 years old but he is a very smart kid.

"Good morning dad" Emily greeted

"Good morning Angel" Andrew replied "trust your night was restful" he added.

"It was fine dad, although, it's like I am not well rested" Emily replied as Ryan butted in.

"You wouldn't rest well since there is someone making you blush always, won't you tell me about him?" Ryan teased.

"Oh! My God, Ryan!!! You are a child, what are you talking about? Who is HIM?" She asked surprised and shocked.

"You think I can't tell on your face that you are seeing someone?" Ryan teased further as he quickly stuffs his food down his throat.

"You are so naughty, mom, this boy is so spoilt…" Emily was halfway through with her statement when their dad cleared his throat in interruption

"Hmmmmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmm, please sit Emily, let's eat quietly" He said.

"Okay dad" Emily said as she sat to eat, looking at her mother, Catherine have her a "I said it" look and Emily quickly looked away.

"Ring, ring, ring" Emily's phone rang from her room, "Ryan please get my phone" Emily asked Ryan politely and Ryan quickly got it for her.

"Hello!" She answered the call

"Good morning, how are you doing and how was your night?" A voice on the other end answered

"I'm fine, may I know you please?" Emily asked

"Will you be available for lunch by 2 pm today?" The voice asked

"I should....." Emily was still speaking when her dad interrupted

"You shouldn't do this with food in your mouth, it is not good" Andrew cautioned

"I am sorry dad" she answered as she returned to the call, "I should know you, I can't just go on lunch with a random person" she continued the phone call.

"Oh! This is Alexander Reynolds" the voice declared

"Alexa...…" she couldn't finish the name when the food in her mouth went the wrong way with some crumbs escaping from her mouth and messing up the table

"Oh! Sorry, Alex?" She continued.

"Yes" Alex replied over the phone leaving Emily practically speechless.