
The Incident

Percy Jackson.

I opened my eyes slowly and met myself on a hospital bed. I felt a sharp pain inside my head, I looked into the mirror and I could see the bruises and injuries on my face clearly, water ran down from my eyes and I felt a hand wiping off the tears

"Don't worry Percy, he has been arrested. You need to give your self rest, immediately you are discharged, you are going out there to face the reporters" Diana said to me.

"Isn't there anything we can do to get rid of those reporters?" I asked still staring into the mirror.

"I don't think there is. They have been coming to this hospital since the day we brought you here" a sigh escaped my mouth.

"This is not the first guy that would do this to me, I am" she cuts in, making me unable to finish the sentence.

"I don't think that's what you should be thinking about right now" she paused.

"We've got movies to produce, interviews and award winning show and I think you should forget about anything called a 'relationship' now, think of how you'll get better and go out there to face real world" she said to me before walking towards the entrance.

"The doctor will come and discharge you in a while, we've got interviews to face" she said to me.

"What about the bruises on my face?" I asked

"You'll wear makeup"

"You know I don't like makeup" I finally faced her.

"You have no choice baby" she walked out of the room and I closed my eyes.

After I was discharged, Diana called a makeup artist who would help me with the makeup. Diana threw me the new dress she got for me and I went into the bathroom to change my clothes, I looked at my self in the mirror

"hmm, makeup isn't that has though" I said to my self, after putting on my sandals, I came out of the bathroom.

"I'm ready" I said to Diana

"Are you sure?, those reporters are like hungry lions looking for rabbits to feed on, when they see you, I'm sure you know what's gonna happen" Diana said a smirk dancing around her face

"You talk to much, let's go"

She followed me outside and when I saw the reporters through the hospital door, then I knew Diana wasn't exaggerating.

"Shit, where are my bodyguards?" I asked

"They are outside, they'll cover you when you step out".

I sighed and came out of the hospital and immediately my bodyguards covered me.

"Percy Jackson can you please tell us about the incident" A reporter asked as they all run after me.

"Percy Jackson" all of the reporters echoed.

It was crowdy and when I finally entered the car it felt like I just finished fighting a war and won.

"Please Percy has just been discharged and she wouldn't like to talk about the incident right now" I heard Diana say to the reporters before she entered the car and drove off.

Immediately we got to my massive mansion, I came down from the car and went straight inside , I sat on the couch.

"Percy we have an interview and we have two hours to prepare" Diana said to me and I looked up at her angrily.

"Can't I have some time for myself to rest?" I asked.

"This interview is to introduce the movie we are going to produce next to the world Diana"

"What if I'm still in the hospital?"

"Fortunately, you're not" she said to me as she took of her coat and dropped it on the couch.

"Diana, you are my personal assistant and you should do what I tell you to do” I said to her.

"Percy, I am trying to help you, this was the date we arranged for this interview and unfortunately all this has happened" she said slowly "forget about the incident and go put there to your fans, Percy please"

"Introduce the movie huh?, you'll be shocked when they ask about the incident" I stood up and went up stairs to my room.

I pushed the door of my room open and the scent of vanilla filled my nose. I put my phone on the couch and lay flat on the bed, I stared at the ceiling for some minute before I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello mum"

"Hello my dear, I heard about what happened, why didn't you tell Diana to call me and tell me about it?"

"I didn't want you to be worried mum" she sighed.

"I'm so sorry my love, Brian as been worried about you all day, and please don't think about it"

"Mum tell him I am okay already and I'll call him as soon as I am done with my interview, okay?"

"Okay my love"

"Bye mum" I hung up.