
Meeting The Beautiful Man

Percy Jackson.

"I have been seeing trailers of 'In The Dark' on Netflix and I can't just wait for it to be out" The interviewer said

"It'll be out in the cinema on the fifth of July this year watch out for it people" I said playing a fake smile on my lips

"How did you think of such a beautiful story?" The interviewer asked

"I didn't think of the story at first, it was my brother that wouldn't stop talking about in the dark and he was always telling me you want me to write a script and the title of the movie should be In The Dark, I actually didn't know where he heard it from but ideas started rushing in and I couldn't help but write them down"

"Wow, that so nice, you should compensate him" she said and laughed.

"Oh please" I chirped

"What's challenging about bringing this story to life?" The interviewer asked putting on a bright smile

"Well nothing much you know sometimes ideas seize from coming, taught seize and writers are not privileged to write anything in a period of time due to writers block and you don't want to stress your brain too much, that's the only challenging thing about bringing the script to life"

"Ohh, call someone out by name who must come to see this show"

"Brian!, I have done what you asked me to do the show is all because of you" I laughed, this time a real one, I miss him so much and I can't wait to see him.

"Recently, an incident happened, and as the new spread it was said that your boyfriend beat you and landed in the hospital" the smile on my lips vanished

"Yeah, yeah" I stammered

"Yeah, I have nothing else to say about it, thank God he has been arrested"

After the awkward interview, I told Diana to drive me straight on after I got home, I went into my room staring at the ceiling as usual, the news about Francis beating me has gone viral, it was the first thing I would see immediately I turn on my phone. I picked up my phone and called Brian, he was the best younger brother even if you were sometimes silly, he was the only one that makes me feel better.

"Hey sis"

"Brian" I let out a sigh

"I'm so sorry, you should have let me know all this while, I'm sure that wasn't the first time he would be laying that his filthy hands on you, why” I cut in

"I taught he would change as time goes" tears gush out of my eyes

"Really?, change?, where is the Percy I know?, Percy that won't take rubbish, the aggressive one, where is she?, has she disappeared in thin air?, where are all those words you used to tell me 'I will work to earn my money, I won't let a guy use me' where are those words?" I became dumbfounded, words stuck in my throat and they couldn't come out, I found myself crying.

"I'm sorry, I felt I wasn't getting any younger, I, I know I messed up"

"I'll come sometime this week okay?"

"Okay" he hung up and immediately I texted Diana to come meet me.

"You called for me" she walked in

"Yeah I did, I need a driver" I said

"What?, but I drive you wherever you want"

"Remember when you had to run something's for me and you went and I had an interview, I had to tell Derick to drive me which I didn't want because I hired him as a bodyguard not a driver" I stated raising my brows

"Okay, but you can drive yourself" she said while checking out my new perfume

"It makes no sense, I have bodyguards in the car and I'm driving myself, besides, I don't think I'm in my safest mind to drive myself"

"Okay, fine, I'll do as you say, anyways your perfume is nice" she said and exited from the room. I stood up from the bed and went to take a warm shower, changed into my pajamas before I went to sleep.

"Wake up sleepy head" Diana voice woke me, I started opening my eyes little by little, I first had a blurry vision before everything became clear, the first thing I saw was my breakfast which my sweet Diana made for me followed by bunch of gifts beside my bed

"What is this?" I asked curiously

"What does it look like?, a pancake"

"No I mean the gifts"

"Oh, they are gifts from your fans and your fellow artists for your upcoming birthday, but.....most brought it because of the incident, they wanted you to feel better" I smiled

"I'm grateful" I said still putting on a smile

"Thousands of people want to be your driver but I picked the responsible one, they're coming by 2pm for their interview" Diana said as she ate out of my pancakes

"2pm for an interview?" I laughed

"How many are they?" I asked


" well you have a lot of work to do" I chuckled

"Me, no, you're interviewing them yourself, my schedule is tight, you should be happy to have me"

"Whatever, so you're leaving me alone to do the interview myself?" I asked and drank my tea

"Of course, you and your guards, let me go and get ready for the day, I'm taking Dennis with me" she said as she exit out of the room, well, she's right, I should be happy to have her.

I sat down in my office, Derick and Emmanuel were at my back as I stare at this weird guy that has been staring at me for the past two minutes

"Umm, don't you have anything to say" I asked as I furrowed my eye brow

"I can't just believe I'm sitting in front of Percy Jackson"

"Oh, yeah, right"

"Well, I'm Daniel, I drive a lot, in fact my father was a driver before he died " he kept on blabbing and when I got tired to him I called for the next person

"Well, you see, I used to drive Harry styles, Olivia Rodrigo, a lot of artist, in fact bill gates, I'm a professional in this..."

"Next please" I shouted as I looked straight at the television"

"I'm so sorry about that happened between you and your boyfriend, I was so shocked when I heard, I.."

"Next please" I shouted angrily

It took a couple of seconds for this black good looking guy came in

"I'm Mark Phillip, I came here for the driver job, I'm a Nigerian" he kept talking and I stared at his firm lips, I don't know what connection I had with this guy but I knew he has gotten the job.