

Azarel cried in pain. "Hrrghh do something get the baby out...she shouted at the nurse.

"Please calm down, you know you're carrying a powerful child, don't expect to get an easy birth.

"But I'm suffering Renie,the pain is unbearable...Azarel said between gritted teeth. "That's because you were once a human. You're are not carrying and ordinary child,you are carrying the heir of the Persian empire. The son of Dracula,so just shut up and push.


"What is taking her this much time... Dracula blurted while pacing up and down in the hallway.

The door of the bedroom swung open and Renie came out holding the baby in her hands.

Dracula turned swiftly and saw the beautiful sight.

"It's a boy your Majesty. she carefully walked to him and handed his son over to him with a sad look on.

'What's with that look? he asked ignoring her and staring at his son. He was soo beautiful in his sight.

"Her highness is not well...she managed to say. Dracula shifted his attention from his son to Renie.

Come on have the baby. He gently handed his son who was rapped in a lion fur fabric to her. He hurriedly walked into the Queen's Chambers. He was abruptly stopped by someone. Oo someone definitely wants a death wish. He looked up with the murderous look in his red eyes.

The murderous look began to die when he realized the person.

"Glinda" He called out with respect.

"Have patience Dracula,you are king not some servant.

"How can I, my Queen...

"I know". She cut him in midway with her hand raised in the air. You look soo pale,cut it out you're the King of Vampires. Don't let your feelings get the best of you.

"I'm sorry Dracula but her condition is very bad and you can't see her at this moment.

"Listen to me carefully, your son cannot be raised amongst your kind. He's to be raised amongst Humans specifically the Royals.

"He's destined for great purpose and I'm afraid that your kind might kill him. It's will also be good cause it will help with the treatment of Azarel.

"You're trying to say my son is danger to his own mother?

"That's not the point, he staying away from her will force her to come back.

"And what do you mean by that? Dracula asked confused.

"Azarel has fallen into a deep sleep and I can't tell when she will wake up, if ever she will

"Glinda!!! watch what you say.... Dracula yelled.

"Mind the way you talk to me, I know more than you do. "Of course I know you're powerful. A drosht ,you're from a line of powerful witches I know that,but remember this I'm King.

"I demand your respect Dracula,I'm centuries older than you,I'm capable of being your mother.

"You already have my respect Glinda, what do we do about my boy?

"Azarel whispered Damien before she slept. I assume that's the name she wants for your son. Dracula nodded thoughtfully.."So be it,he announced.

"Your son should be given away to the Queen of persia, you rule the underworld of persia but your son will rule both the underworld and human world. Your son posses too much power, I can't explain it and I don't know the source,all I know is he's under threat neither you nor I can protect him.

"But the humans will? He asked with a quirked brow. Those creatures are nothing but weak pathetic fools.

"You got married to one.... Glinda said with a quirked brow.

"I...I...you know Azarel

"It's enough, you've nothing saying. I know a spell which can protect him when he's in the human world.