
In love with a two faced bastard CEO

As the Demon queen, falling in love with a spirit is the last thing she could think of doing, but when that happens along with her being summoned back to the Nether world, coming to earth to meet her beloved more different than ever was the new last thing she could think of But then again, she has always stood to be corrected

Prudi_Bae · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Khalid picked up his phone and dialed a number, He placed the phone against his ear as the sound of the other party picking the call sounded

"yo! Khal what's up? you actually took the initiative to call me, something juicy must have happened. Were you involved in a scandal, nah, such trivial matters are of-"

"Kris, you talk too much" Khalid said in an annoyed tone. The other party laughed

"I've recently had much more caffeine than necessary" he said

"I need you to gather info on a girl for me, very tall, about 6 ft 5, brown hair, hazel eyes and bears the name Adelaide"

"Family name?" Kris asked

"Hades" Khalid replied making his friend whistle

"Damn, you went ahead to marry a stranger huh? I knew close by women weren't your type, but that's serious" Khalid rubbed his temples wondering how he befriended such an idiot

"just do it, I'm not obligated to clarify anything" Khalid said. Kris laughed

"I should trust you won't indulge me. Anyway, why do you need my helo, you're the almighty Young Master Hades who stormed and conquered the business world in just two years. You have all the information you want at your finger tips" he stated half gloating over his acquaintance with such a metaphorical beast.

"You know the eyes of the stalkers are on me. I don't need to draw more public attention to the lady before I

actually speak with her" Khalid answered

"Well, I've git eyes on me too" Kris replied

"And yet you own the most known and feared assassination organisation with no one finding out. I'm sure simply obtaining info should be simple enough for you" Khalid replied irked by his friend's act of hypocrisy. Kris laughed once again

"If I didn't know you, I'd think you were out to implicate me. So, when do you want the information?"

"Before 7pm today"

"Damn Khal, that's early, are you sure this lady's mot your wife?"

"Not funny, will you do it or not?"

"Of course, I mustn't disappoint after being acknowledged. I just wanted to know the status of your relationship with my subject" Kris said

"She's not your subject" Khalid emphasized

"Possessive I see" Kris teased

"I expect feedback before the appointed time" Khalid simply cut the call not ready to battle with his friend's antiques 'if not for his usefulness' he thought with a sigh..



Adelaide downed another bottle of whiskey while Beila sat in front of her watching with pity for friend

"Come on Ad, go easy on yourself. I'm sure you've never applied for a job before so it's normal to get rejected. It's your first try after all, even being called for the interview is a feat on it's own" she said cheerily trying to console Adelaide. Adelaide hiccuped completely drunk already as she slammed the empty bottle on the wooden table

"H-h-he *hic* did bot forget *hic* I know *hic* he *hic* didn't" she muttered more in a slur with strong feelings of denial

"Ad, stop talking, I'll go get you water" Beila said standing up to go but Adelaide pushed her back down by the arm

"I need you here, yet you're going to meet a cute boy behind my back" Adelaide slurred

"What gave you that conclusion" Beila muttered tiredly as she submitted to her friend's request

"Who the hell where you talking about anyway?" she asked sipping from her own glass of whiskey. Adelaide popped open another bottle and took a big chug

"*hic* my darling spirit boy" at that Beila's eyes widened. She clearly remembered that when she first met her demon friend, she was obsessed with finding some spirit boy she had fallen for before finally giving up and settling for staring at pics of popular CEO Khalid Hades. Now a recollection of the said spirit boy caused Beila to have a slight head ache

"Seriously? now when you've forgotten him he suddenly pops up?! and in Laide corporations at that!" Beila exclaimed downing her entire glass. She herself was beginning for feel tipsy and felt the images in front of her swirl

*bang!* Beila was snapped out her intoxication when she heard the sound and immediately glanced over at Adelaide with worry when she noticed she had fallen face down on the table, hard

"shit!, tht must've hurt right?" she muttered trying to pry Ad's face off the table

"Not as much as my heart does right now*hic* he claimed he didn't *hic* know me" Adelaide answered as tears welled up in her eyes again. Beila sighed giving up on lifting her head up and just sat back in her chair pouring herself another glass of whiskey

"sigh....handsome men are really wonderful creatures but they're always the biggest of jerks when it comes down to it" she muttered sipping more whiskey.


😁😁I am quite pleased If I say so myself.. Please comment and vote and we'll all enjoy a blessed life in the name of God, Amen

Ja ne😘