
Treatment of prisoners and deaths in the camp

The number of prisoners who passed through the camp between 1943 and 1945 is estimated to be around 120,000. Due to the destruction of the camp archives by the SS, the names of only 55,000 are known.

The treatment of SS prisoners varied in each section of the camp. In the beginning, the prisoners of the "Exchange Camp" used to be better treated. However, in October 1943, the SS selected 1,800 men and women for the Sonderlager ("Special Camp"), Jews from Poland who had obtained passports from Latin American countries. Since most of the governments of those nations began to refuse passports, these people lost their value to the regime. Under the pretext of sending them to a fictitious Bergau camp , the SS transported them to Auschwitz-Birkenau , where they were murdered in the gas chambers.