
CHAPTER 9 Will pay dearly for the slap

  It was like a never-ending staring contest going on and Sia wasn't ready to back down because the man standing before her had wronged her in so many ways that all she wanted was to rip him into shreds and feed him to the dogs but for now, she was going to keep calm and do things step by step

  "I see what you are trying to do here," Emiliano said in a hushed voice that only the two of them could hear, his arm was still suspended against the wall trapping Sia completely

  "Do you think I don't know how women like you go around trapping rich men like me just to have a comfortable life?" he remarked with a sarcastic smirk that had Sia clenching her fist tightly such that her slightly long nails were digging deep in her flesh but even though she was in pain she couldn't feel it due to the anger inside her

  "Shut up" she whispered and closed her eyes for a while trying to keep calm, but Emiliano went on in saying more hurtful things