
She Was Such A Hopeless Pushover

Penelope noticed over the next several weeks that Roman finally seemed to have backed off…aside from texting every few days to talk about documentaries she had recommended when they were stuck waiting for the tow truck. She didn't respond to them the first several times but eventually she got so annoyed by the unanswered messages that she caved. 

Dealing with Roman behind a screen wasn't as bad as dealing with him in person. And he did have interesting things to say about the documentaries. 

Ugh, she was such a hopeless pushover. She absolutely could not let Percy know about this or he would give her a hard time about it, especially in the wake of their conversation the day after she got tricked into going to Disneyland. 

Penelope did her best not to think about Roman and sometimes managed to succeed until he texted her again. Why couldn't she just block his number and be done with it? Because of how awkward it would be if she ran into him at work again?