
Left the lane of My love and Come back

I realized that I was in a desert where even the birds migrated, where the hot dust burned the ants, where even if the snakes drank the salty water may died, the leaves would die as yellow as if Adam had been burning since time immemorial. Seeing this desolation, My eyes began to burn and I turned around and closed myself. Seeing these fallen streets in a room, My thoughts became so dim that after thinking for twenty-five days, found out that I was going to lane of Beloved. Took the street of Beloved and Dip this hot dust on my chest and dip in salt water. Ask these leaves about their condition. Then the tree in its semi-dead state said that you used to hide in the shade.

"The fall on this street came on the day you left it alone. All the colors were with you. The dove that was the messenger. The dust that flew in the air. Now they are dead. This desolation is surrounded by calamities. I have spent my life hoping to come back for him. Now I can't pay the price. Tell him to come back before autumn comes and no price left. "