
In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique

Uchiro Madara, a modern otaku is transmigrated into Jujutsu Kaisen world with a God like Cursed Technique.

David_555 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

Hidden Inventory XI: Decisive Battle II; Madara vs Urahara (I)

" Madara!! Uchiro Madara!! I've been waiting for you!!!!" Back at the airport, Madara had finally appeared on the scene, however, everyone around him could sense that something wasn't right with him after seeing the situation. No one could be calm if one of their closest friends was dead and another was on the verge of dying.

Madara looked at Urahara murderously. On the surface he looked calm, but on the inside, he was like an active volcano on the verge of eruption. " Oi Madara..... For someone who can... manipulate time..cough cough.... you sure don't arrive on time."

Kurama chuckled, while coughing out several mouthfuls of blood.

" I'm sorry my friend. I'm sorry." Madara uttered as he closed his eyes. " Here, Ichigo gave me this before he passed away, I think I should give it to you since I won't make it." Kurama opened his left fist, the only limb left on his body and flicked a bloodied piece of paper which Madara caught.

" I'm- I'm sorry." Madara immediately turned teary eyed. No matter how powerful he was, he was still a teenager. No matter how indifferent and apathetic he became, he still cared about the lives of his loved ones.

" Ichigo doesn't blame you Madara, neither do I. " Kurama then spoke his last words and took his last breath. " I'm sorry." Seeing the calm look on Ichigo's face, and the relived smile on Kurama's face, Madara broke down into tears, as he knelt and wept bitterly.

He felt like his heart was bleeding from being clenched so hard.

" It's alright Madara. It's not your fault. It's not your fault..." Yuki hugged him tightly on the ground as she whispered to try to calm him.

" Hahahaha!!! This feels so good!!! And satisfying. In the end Madara! You're still human just like everyone else! You may have great power, but you're not God and in the end I won!!!" Urahara let out a deranged laughter.

" You're going to suffer for this you bastard." A second later, Satoru reappeared with Suguru as he spoke menacingly.

" Hahaha! Look who it is! Another human with some special ability claiming to be God." Urahara chuckled as he looked at Satoru and said.

" Do you know why I haven't escaped even in the presence of the three strongest sorcerers? It's because I am not afraid of you anymore!! I have transcended and have become a God, one above all! You can't stop me anymore!!!" He took a step forward and began to speak, immediately, all the demonized humans and curses began to merge into his body as he let out a mad roar.

" This is a technique hidden within the Geto clan!!! A technique hidden from the public! A technique that allows me to combine with every single curse in my arsenal and use their abilities once for a limited period. It might not be much, but it's enough to take care of all of you!!! And like I said today, the Jujutsu empire is going to fall!!!"

Urahara roared out, as cursed energy began to bubble around his body like a flame.

Instantly, the entire airport building collapsed, along with several other buildings in the area. Satoru protected everyone with his infinity technique, hence no one was hurt.

" Hahahaha!! This is true power! A power beyond Special Grade!! A god like power!!" Urahara appeared once more, but he looked totally different now. His clothes were torn apart, and his torso and limbs were covered in dark black hexagonal scales. His hair also grew longer, reaching beyond his back.

Behind him, a pair of dark long feathery wings sprouted.

Standing beside Satoru, Suguru looked on with an unsettling expression. Could he be able to achieve such power, would it possible to also transcend the limit of Special Grade?

He asked himself as he stood silently.

" You look good, at the very least. What do you call this transformation?" Satoru gave a round of applause, as he chuckled.

" I call it the Nephilim form! I can only use it once and maintain it for just an hour." Urahara laughed and said.

" Interesting!" Satoru chuckled before he suddenly vanished. Instantly, a figure appeared in his position with a huge fist drawn, as he smashed it into the ground.

" You're fast. Not a bad form at all." Satoru smiled as he reappeared a few meters away. Taking a step forward, his body shot forward like an arrow leaving its bow. He instantly appeared before Urahara and threw out a fist.

" Booommmm!!" Urahara immediately responded and smashed his fist into Satoru's fist, causing a loud boom, as shockwaves erupted everywhere, and both of them were pushed back on equal ground.

" Massive increase in strength, speed, and reflexes, not bad at all." Satoru chuckled, before he joined his fingers into a finger gun seal and pointed it towards Urahara.

" Let's see if you can ta- -.." " Satoru, this is my fight, please don't interfere." Satoru was about to use a technique, when Madara spoke as he stood up slowly from Yuki's arms.

" Are you sure Madara? You sure you don't need help?" Satoru stopped for a second and looked at Madara.

Shaking his head he walked forward and stood a few meters away from Urahara.

" It's my fault my friends died. I have to fix this myself." Madara spoke after taking a deep breath. " Madara are you sure, we can help if you wa—" Yuki spoke with a worried expression, but was cut of before she could finish her statement.

" It's alright Yuki. I'll handle this." He said and looked ahead, while he began to take steady yet deep breaths.

" I must admit Madara!! The proudest achievement ever since I was born is killing those two. You should've seen their faces at that moment. It was so satisfying." Urahara spoke, as his wings fluttered and opened wide.

Madara only took a deep breath and closed his eyes. " Boom!!!!" The moment he opened his eyes, his pupils turned completely light green, before an extremely massive cursed energy signature exploded from within his body pushing almost everyone back.

" Uchiro Madara.. what are you?" Suguru murmured as he was pushed back several steps. Even Yuki was pushed back several steps just like him as her eyes widened in shock. Only Satoru stood perfectly fine, as he watched on with a smile.

Suguru and Yuki smiled bitterly. The four of them were classified as Special Grade, yet why was the difference so huge. It was as if they weren't even worthy to stand close to them. Unbeknownst to them, someone was having it even worse than they were.

" How is he so strong?!!" Urahara murmured to himself as he stabilized himself after being pushed back several meters. Looking at the cold, unfeeling and murderous look on Madara's face, he couldn't help but feel a jolt down his spine. And it was then that he knew...

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Keep the powerstones coming folks. Stay tuned for more. Peace!!!!!