
In God's World of Swords and Magic

Kiara Velorum is a girl raised by her parents who hold a history of adventuring. A beloved girl of beautiful pink hair, would never see the outside world. In this world, there are those who are blessed with 'Divine Intervention', a miracle passed to humans who behold promising futures. As if by fate, Kiara would one day dream a dream that played like a memory, and on that same day, would be granted a blessing herself the moment she touched her father's training sword. 'Blessing of Astra', a blessing that would lead Kiara to believe in one path, and one path alone. The path to extend her reach to the stars, to follow the future and to write her own story through her actions like a well known Hero once did. Now blessed, Kiara's life has been taken into her own hands, as a new chapter unfolds, many tales, many songs, and many tragedies may occur. But, it is Kiara who will ultimately choose her path. In this aimless world, what is it that she will choose to do? Is she prepared to take on the trivialities along the way? Will she even make it? So long as she questions these herself, perhaps her quest to find herself in the land of the free may prove to be a long, long journey. Whomever she may find along the way, Kiara's path will prove to be a heart breaking one- one that will challenge her very reason for being and one that'll test her will.

Marumaru · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Chapter 02: A New Chapter

The day was over before I realised it. Uncle Tsuku graduated me, and having taught me what a breathing art is, I still generally feel as though I haven't lived up to the right standards. Renlin is a mage whose advanced through many tiers of magic. He's an exceptional spell caster, but I only ever learnt up to intermediate magic and from there- he'd teach me more on incantationless magic. The very idea was frightening, but over time, I came to be proficient at casting said magic.

"Incantationless magic is something I want you to master. Performing it can be quite daunting, as the very idea of incantationless magic involves 'Spiritual Memory'."

"Spiritual Memory? I've never heard of that before..."

"In Somnia, we learn these things to excel our power. But, I interpreted things my own way. I thought, if Spiritual Memory was the magic equivalent of Muscle Memory- and that our Spiritual Mana is merely an extension of our body, then why would that be only limited to power?"

"I'm... Not getting it... It's so hard just to concentrate to produce mana in the first place."

"Kiara, mana is more complicated than a simple produce and exert motion. Mana is like the blood of your body, it circulates and pulsates around your body at all times- you're simply just not aware of it. Like how you breathe without thinking, but the moment it's mentioned you become conscious. Mana is the same, this why you almost have to force your mana out. Incantations are a reflection of that, a means to force that breath out of your lungs the moment you're conscious of it."

"Oh, I think I get it, but Uncle Renlin, it sounds so complicated."

"That's fine. It's not something you learn and master in a day. You wanted to know why I won't teach you beyond Intermediate Magic- it's because as your body develops, so too does your mana limit. You can only exert so much of your mana, and like your body's blood, if it leaks too much- you could fall unconscious or maybe get into tougher situations."

"Is that why you get me to cast magic everyday?"

"Yeah. You can think of it as exercising your mana. Exercise it enough, and it'll be strong before you know it."

"Oh, sorry for disrupting what you were going to say!"

"Heh. You're a good girl Kiara..."

Opening my eyes from the dream I was having, a memory from three years ago, Renlin's voice echoed in my head.

"Incantationless magic, isn't just about making your magic powerful. It makes it flexible."

Getting up from my bed sheets, I looked to the comb that I had left on my desk, and decided to cast magic on it. Waving my hand, the comb flung straight towards it, catching it mid-air.

Uncle Renlin taught me about the flexibility of magic and the possibility of it. By casting wind magic, I can feel the mana exiting my body. But, that mana generated wind is an extension of my body. Instead of making it stronger or weaker, I can also change it's direction, or accelerate or decelerate its force. Picking up a small item may seem trivial, but it does require a lot of attention. The force of its mass being attracted to gravity, the air resistance relative to its surface, keeping it steady and stable mid-air while constantly shifting the winds to flow smoothly, all whilst controlling its strength so as to not test its durability. Uncle Renlin suggested this method as a means to understand and practice control of magic in a safe way.

It was thanks to Uncle Renlin's teaching of incantationless magic that when Uncle Tsuku taught me Breathing Arts, I was able to control my mana flow throughout my body. I still struggle with it, since I subconsciously fear the idea of spilling too much Mana. At the rate mana is consumed relative to my limit, I have no context on the numbers and more or less have to rely on feel.

Today, is the day that I embark on the travel to the north of Freiheit, a quest to reach the capital city and to attend at the Origins Academy. My new life begins now.

"C'mon Kiara, it's time to sleep isn't it?"

"Aww, I wanna play some more!"

"Hey, you're 5 years old now, you're supposed to be all grown up!"

"Daddy! You're 30 years old, I'm still young!"

"Ouch... I'm just getting older."

"Daddy, read me a story!"

My father tucked me in after I was jumping on the bed. He was always gentle, and treated me with what I could only define as pure love. I too, loved him very much. Every night, he'd spend time with me despite having worked many hours each day. He's the reason that we had food on the table, why we had such a comforting home and the greatest dinners with his stories of his adventures.

Looking over the bed sheets, I'd remember he'd walk over the bookshelves, and each night, I'd stare intensely at the green book with the simple writing. 'Tales of the Hero Origin.' He'd reach his hand to other books, hear me grumble. He knew how to tease me, but he must've loved the look I'd give when he reached for that book, knowing full well it was my favourite story.

"How about we read the Tales of the Hero Origin?"

"Yay! Can I read with you?!"

"Hehe, of course Kiara."

He'd reach for that stool and place it next to my pillow. He'd arch over his back, and I'm sure that over time it must've been hard to keep that posture, but he did it anyway. He'd open the book in front of me, and the front page that'd excite me every time was my favourite part. The image of the Hero, clad in garments of black and gold, holding his sword up high in pride with a divine light. The mere silhouette of him was enough to make me imagine if I was like that. Someone cool, someone everyone loved, and someone who fought dazzlingly.

The Hero, stood in front of his friends, sword held high as a mighty dragon would descend in front of the God of Storms.

"The story of the Hero Origin. In times of ancient, the world was much different to now. Everyone was sad, and the Gods were cruel. In these times, us humans were nothing more than tools."

My father started. I could recall the story exactly.

The slave Origin wished for a world where he could be free. His friends would get hurt day after day, and even when he got hurt, he would always stand up for them. A boy who was free, had saw the slave boy get hurt one day, and wished to befriend him. 'I am Genesis, it's nice to meet you, Origin.' The boy said. Genesis was the first person who called him by his name. He wasn't called slave, nor was he called anything bad.

Origin grew fond of the boy and the two ran away together. 'One day Origin, I want the entire world to be free.' Genesis said, looking into the vast sky where the birds flew freely. Origin couldn't take his eyes off those birds, and responded. 'I wish for that too. If I have to fight for it, then I will.' On that day, Origin made a wish, and that was for everyone to be free.

Origin, day in and day out, would take brutal beatings, but he'd always train, and train, so that he could fight one day. That day, would come eventually, as once Genesis freed him, the two took a stand against the world.

They fought and fought, and even at their lowest points, they helped each other up and continued fighting. Nothing could stop them, because they truly believed in their wish, to bare the fruits of their desire of freedom.

The God of Storms would send armies after them, but their wishes sung to the people's hearts. Everyone rallied together and had fought for their united wish led by Genesis and Origin.

But, when they reached the God of Storms and pleaded to him, the God struck with a mighty ancient dragon that existed in this world for longer than even the Gods. Genesis died during that battle, but hearing Genesis' final wish, Origin overcame all odds and bested not only the ancient dragon, but also the God of Storms. He claimed the God's life, and became the new God of Freiheit.

'We will stand, as a nation of freedom. We will strive for a future that benefits all. I am Origin, the God of Freedom, and I hereby abolish all slavery and will unite our lands!' he roared, the people crying in their astonishing achievement.

Origin became not only a God, but a notion that will forever be heard in the history of Freiheit.

I'd always cry at Genesis' passing, as without Genesis, Origin wouldn't have achieved so much, but to that end, I'm certain the Origin would have embarked on this journey regardless.

By the time my father would finish reading it out to me, I'd have already fallen asleep. That way, I'd dream about a life where I'd take up a sword and face a calamity that would destroy the world.



"Kiara?! What's wrong?!"

"Dad... I... had a dream... The King and Princess... They..."

My dad would embrace me, not with a look of sympathy, but rather, one of concern. Not of me, but looking back on it, it's as if he was worried about something happening.

15 years ago, around the time I was born, the Princess, King and Hero had died. Since their deaths, a war was waged between Freiheit and Proder Ukaxa as it was an assassin who murdered them. What was more concerning, is the rumoured reports of the Matters of Dark that were seen that day.

My father and mother had moved to the very far south of Freiheit, into a remote village away from the capital- perhaps because they thought it too dangerous to stay near. But for as long as I could remember, this place was always home. Reading the story of Origin, only made me curious about the world- what sort of world he had created and if he would've been happy about this world.

Of course, I also had my own ambitions aside from my own curiosity. My father would train often on his own, and one day...

"Dad? Would it be okay if I trained too?"

"Huh? You want to join in?"

"Yes. It looks fun..."

"Haha! I wouldn't say it's fun. I have to do this for my job. But, what's the harm?"

My dad handed me his usual wooden training sword, and he switched to his own sword. But, the moment I picked that sword up, a voice sounded in my head...


"What is it sweetie?"

He looked at me as if he was looking at a ghost. But I asked him one question.

"What is the Blessing of Astra?"

Since that day, my dad decided to tutor me. I was only 8 years old at the time, and my mother and dad would often have serious conversations. They always seemed to be arguing about something. But, I didn't want to take initiative.

Each day, my father would train me, and when I grew curious about magic, my mother stepped in.

After two years, they would hire two tutors, who I call Uncle Renlin and Uncle Tsuku. They were both incredibly talented, but I learnt that they were once all apart of the same party. My father was a Warrior who knew aggression in swordplay, while my mother was a Priestess who knew the abundance of healing. Uncle Tsuku was a Swordmaster, whose blade works unparalleled, and Uncle Renlin was a Sage, whose magic transcended mortal minds.

My father didn't mention who the other two members were, but I never did find out. Only that they were exceptional and that they carried the team. In my child-like mind, they were mysterious adventurers who were fierce.

My fifteen years of life was somewhat isolated. I never made friends, and I usually remained home. I trained and trained, studied and practiced- each day was more or less the same. I never got to experience the social life of a child, and for the first time in my life, I was going to go beyond the fence of my gate to see the world for itself.

What did the Hero see? What will I see?

"Kiara, you're up."

"Father... Today's the day."

"Yes. Your mother and I have been long anticipating this day, and finally, our little girl is going out to the world for herself."

"Do you think I'm ready?"

"Heh, do I? Before I went out adventuring, I didn't know a thing about swords. You're more than just fine sweetie."


I was already up and dressed in my adventuring gear. A white tunic, with leather pads that protected my shoulders, arms and forearms, with leather boots with a magical enchantment to help in any environment. I wore harness with leather straps to keep my sword nice and tight to my back, and a utility belt that carried my satchel- along with the two gifts that Uncle Tsuku and Uncle Renlin left with me after they departed.

A scabbard with healing powers, it'd heal my wounds passively if I sustained any injury, and it's shape would adapt depending on the sword I carried- and a magic pocket that Renlin casted on the pair of trousers I wore. 'Pick-up' was the incantation that he told me to use when wanting to store something, and he said that it was it's own dimension meaning that I could store anything inside it if I wanted to, so long as it wasn't alive and breathing since it could destroy the dimension. It was convenient if anything as it was weightless.

Tightening the harness, my dad chuckled a litte.

"You're excited, aren't you?"

"Hm? Of course I am... But, I do feel a little scared."

"That's okay. Kiara, before you go, your father and your mother has a gift for you. Would you kindly accept?"

"What is it?"

My mum suddenly came walking in, how long was she hiding?

"Kiara, you're our sweet little girl... I love you so much, and it does pain me to see you leave. I want you to have this. It'll protect you no matter what."

She held her hands out, revealing an enchanted hair pin. Setting the pin directly on top of the braid going over the right side of my hair, I couldn't help but adore it, considering the design was pretty cute. It was a floral garment, a steel pin that was glowing like a rainbow. As she attached it, I noticed a change in my hair. A largely significant change, as I witnessed the colours shifting from pink to brown.

"My hair- what happened?"

"It's an enchantment, it alters the appearance of your hair as long as you wear it. Promise me Kiara, to never take it off."

"... Why is that?"

"It's magical property protects you from corruption, and after what we witnessed in Freiheit- if a dark creature goes near you- it'll protect you."

"I see... Heh, the drawback is that you can't see my beautiful pink hair. That's fine, besides... It's a gift from you mom, so I'll never take it off!"

My mother embraced me, hugging me while my dad held out a dark sword.

"This is for you, Kiara."


My mother let go, before my dad approached while unsheathing the sword.

"It's a sword I used to use during my adventuring years. I had it reforged and reinforced with special steel. It's durability is incredibly high, so I'm sure it'll save you some money. But more than that, this sword's days of adventuring isn't over. I can tell, that it'll suit you more than it ever will have suited me."

I reached for the sword, grabbing it's hilt. It's light, yet I could feel the weight. It's enchanted, even I could tell. Yet, it didn't glow at all? Was it forged using enchanted steel?

"Dad... This is... too much."

"Heh. I figured you'd say that. But I will insist. At the very least, store it in your dimension pocket."

I smiled, and decided against following his suggestion. Instead, I unsheathed my sword and placed it into the scabbard for the dark sword, and stored that into my dimension pocket. With the new sword, I sheathed it into Tsuku's scabbard, to which its shape shifted and had a mighty sound as it clung on.

"Thank you Dad. You too Mom."

"Kiara... This is a new chapter in your life. So, take it with your hands, and make this world yours."

"You've worked so hard for this. As your parents, we couldn't be prouder."

I rushed at them with a hug, trying to hold in the tears. How long would it be before I see them again? I'm not sure, but if I ever do see them again, it'll be as a full fledged knight, and I'll tell them about my time at the capital serving as the Holy Knights.

Before long, the door to the outside world, was right before my very feet.