
In God's World of Swords and Magic

Kiara Velorum is a girl raised by her parents who hold a history of adventuring. A beloved girl of beautiful pink hair, would never see the outside world. In this world, there are those who are blessed with 'Divine Intervention', a miracle passed to humans who behold promising futures. As if by fate, Kiara would one day dream a dream that played like a memory, and on that same day, would be granted a blessing herself the moment she touched her father's training sword. 'Blessing of Astra', a blessing that would lead Kiara to believe in one path, and one path alone. The path to extend her reach to the stars, to follow the future and to write her own story through her actions like a well known Hero once did. Now blessed, Kiara's life has been taken into her own hands, as a new chapter unfolds, many tales, many songs, and many tragedies may occur. But, it is Kiara who will ultimately choose her path. In this aimless world, what is it that she will choose to do? Is she prepared to take on the trivialities along the way? Will she even make it? So long as she questions these herself, perhaps her quest to find herself in the land of the free may prove to be a long, long journey. Whomever she may find along the way, Kiara's path will prove to be a heart breaking one- one that will challenge her very reason for being and one that'll test her will.

Marumaru · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Chapter 01: The Dreams

In the world of Tartarus, swords and magic, it is a world brimming with the essence of life. A world teeming with magical energy that surrounds and sustains the very land that the seven superior races dwell upon. Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Dragonborn, Basilisks, Beastlings, and Ogres, races that have proven their worth to the Gods and have sustained themselves in seven different continents that are overruled by seven different figures who overlook their respective nation.

The Empire of Poder Ukaxa, the Halidom of Somnia, the Kingdom of Freiheit, the Domain of Kholodnaya Stal, the Sanctum of Yaiba, the Realm of Huayuan, and the Dynasty of Creer, the seven continents are living proof of the prestigious achievements that these seven races have accomplished.

However, let us tell the tale of the Legend of the Seven Gods. A century ago, a war befell upon the United world of Tartarus that lay waste to the thousand plains and lush forests, leaving desolate lands and raging flames to consume the light of the world. Seven heroes of multiple races, stood against the threat of war and established common ground in order to defeat the proceeding enemy. Despite their previous losses, hope was never lost and so the Heroes stood their ground. Gifted with Armaments blessed with divinity, they reclaimed the world ravaged by the Dark Harbingers and restored the light that was engulfed by the darkness.

These Heroes, would be acknowledged by the Gods and upon their ascension, they would become revered as the Seven Gods who fought for the world's life.

The Empire of Poder Ukaxa is a nation led by the Orges with the notion of Power. Their prestigious God of War believed in military might and had grown accustomed to the idea of 'power leads all'. Living in harsh environments, blistering cold mountains permeated with ice and snow, desolate lands of sand and deserts where war once waged and home to fierce brimstone and volcanos, the Ogres have adapted to such an environment that their skin is hardened with horns that are as hard as steel. Their thirst for combat and constant dealings with devastating predators have over time empowered the Ogre's physical strength and has even effected their height. Their improvement to their bodies would come with a naturally high need for nutrients to sustain their body and have even adapted with teeth that are sharp enough to tear skin by a simple graze.

The Halidom of Somnia, is a forest brimming with magic and is home to the Tree of Life, Ygdrassil, a giant tree that the God of Dreams left behind so as to create a beautiful bountiful land for the Elves to live in. However, despite such luxurious lands, the two races of Elves held two different ideals. The Dark Elves, who believed in the advancement of their nation through the bounties Ygdrassil provides, and the Light Elves, who believed in the preservation and abundance of their nation through protecting the forest. The two races waged a civil war, but the war resulted on a stalemate with neither side being able to conquer the other. The Dark Elves were once proficient in all Magic Arts, but in their desperation of clearing the Light Elves, they resorted and have adapted to the Dark Arts of Magic, while the Light Elves have continued to pursue the Magic Arts in retaining loyal to their God's ambition.

As a result of the unending conflict, two leaders arose in the nation of Elves, and had established order between the two through a treaty. The Light Elves were to remain on the surface, benefitting from the foliage of Ygdrassil, whilst the Dark Elves were to live underneath the surface where they would benefit from the roots of Ygdrassil.

The Domain of Kholodnaya Stal, is one of industrialization. The Dwarves are revered as innovators and inventors, and are of topnotch mastery in forging and smithing. They are the ones who forged the technology of today with all races capable of wielding magitech, a form of technology that incorporates magic within the system. Magitech is a truly incredible invention, with energy shields that protect and weapons that shift magically into the wielder's form.

The lands of Kholodnaya Stal is one of no sky, with black clouds constantly filling the sky as a result of the never ending smoke that plagued the bounty around, and remains as a mostly underground nation where the air remains at its purest. How strange that the surface is more intoxicated than what's below. It is believed that the God of Steel, is the one who forged the armaments that helped serve the Heroes to victory, and thus remains as one of the most important Gods.

The Sanctum of Yaiba is of peace and harmony, one of tradition and elegance and one of precision and mastery. It is more commonly known as the Land of Swords, under the rule of a noble Emperor who abides by the God of Swords. In a land full of swordmasters, it is a place where ordeals are settled by the blade for one's position is labelled by their skill.

Of them, the talented Emperor, is believed to be the reincarnate of the Sword God, honing his sword arts to the absolute pinnacle of perfection. However, even he relishes the very thought of the potency of their Sword God's blade works. This, is the home of the Beastlings of multitude of races, whether it's the Nekomata, the Inuyasha, the Kitsune, they are all one race, of multiple races.

The land of Yaiba is one of beauty and serenity, with cherry blossom trees that colour their land with spring-like colours of nature and carefully crafted homes using wood and clay. These homes are built with the idea of comfort, as one's peace begins with a place of comfort.

The Realm of Huayuan is a Sanctum full of Dragonborn, believed to be the pinnacle of all races. In this nation, even their God doesn't stand at the top, as it is home to the Celestial Dragon, the one who is believed to be the Father of the God of Dragons. They're fierce in nature clad in scales when in their dragon form, yet almost too humanlike in their polymorph form.

The Dragonborn are a wonderful race who can alter their appearance at will, whether they choose to call on their wings, their horns, their tail, claws- you name it. However, their human form is often relevant to the person within, as their dragon form is one of strength, their human form is one of weakness. Their land is mystical, enshrouded and enriched by magic with vast plains, forests, volcanoes, lakes, snowy tundras and mountains that all kinds of dragons live in. The Wind Dragons live amidst the skies of plains, the Nature Dragons live within the shelter of their forests, Flame Dragons live near sources of warm lava or fire, Aquatic Dragons live under the waters of lakes and oceans, Silver Dragons live in the pure white lands of snow and the Earth Dragons live deep underground or slumber within mountains.

The Dynasty of Creer, is an underwater nation home to the Basilisks who overrule the waters. Though most of the ocean is plagued by raging torrents and sea creatures that swim underneath the abyss, the Basilisks have made home in a beautiful magically protected nation of one of the continents that was completely sinked as a result of the War of Darkness.

Though they may seem strong and fierce, the Basilisks aren't a simple race of simple minds. They worship the God of Creation, a Basilisk God who was innovative and was capable of creating structures that could withstand even the might of the entire ocean. The Basilisks, are a race of like-minded individuals who wish to live in peace in a nation hard to reach, and the unending bounty of the sea would feed their stomaches and be the only nation of the seven who can self sustain themselves. Their built land is surrounded by an invisible magic field that almost appears to be one large and significant bubble, and inside that bubble stands an aquatic land of crystals with tall buildings and cities that all surround a mystical palace of magic that sustains the very land around it.

Finally, our story begins within the Kingdom of Freiheit, a nation with the notion of Freedom, a blessing gifted to them by the God of Freedom who fought valiantly to free their lands from the turmoil of war where the Humans were once enslaved, but freed from their chains that once bound their very lives.

The Kingdom, is ruled by a benevolent King, and armed by a mighty clan of knights known as the Holy Knights. The Nation of Freiheit believes in the ideal of freedom, and is the very nation that established the Adventurer's Guild, a job in which even the most average race has a shot at becoming something more. Though this world has seven main races, the Adventurer's guild has given light to the other races who do everything they can to live freely in this world.

The Kingdom is one of pure brick and stone, built as a populace as once the remains of a nation that enslaved the people, but remains to be a nation of free minds. The very heart of the people is the King Polaris Von Astraeum.

"In our land of freedom, where the plains stretch as far as the eye can see, we have had withstood the test of time despite our harsh history. Today, is the very day where our God, Origin, had fought against the malevolent God of Storms to free our people. So, it is my wish to celebrate this occasion with today's Hero who bares the Sigil of Ragna. Everyone, my daughter's husband, stands before you today to give a speech."

The King, clad in his royal garments of pure white and gold threads, took a step to the side as a man clad in white with deep black hair stood to the front before speaking.

"Everyone, I am glad to stand where I am today, to serve as the nation's protector. I am Lumen Ragnarok, the 7th Hero of the 14th Generation of the Ragna Clan. Though I may claim to protect this nation, it is thanks to the ideals of our King, and the efforts that our citizens put into our daily lives that have led to this nation's prosperity. Your majesty, I once again thank you for commemorating the Princess's and my engagement."

The King looked to the Hero with a pleased look, one of gratification yet solemness. Placing one hand on the the Hero's shoulder, he spoke- not as himself, not as the King, but as a proud father.

"Take care of my daughter, future King of Freiheit."

The claps and cheers of the people resonated between the two, for what the world was looking at wasn't simply just the sight of a prideful father under the rule of a beautiful nation, but also the very future of said nation, a righteous man of great stature and achievements.

Raise your glasses, and feast to no end, that was the occasion. The city being full of parades and the voices of the happy citizens, the King sat with the Princess of beautiful pink hair, dressed in her royal garbs that matched the King's outfit, and another man who stood near them who was clad in gallant armour forged with a type of iron that seemed more formidable than the typical steel, stained in white and silver.

"Here's to another successful year."

"To Freiheit."

The Hero and King clanged their glasses of liquor together, as they both drank to their heart's content.

"Father, you seemed to be incredibly humble in your speech."

"Haha, well, my dear daughter, it's only natural. My rule is one of peace and prosperity, and such is one that I'll never forget."

The King laughed with his daughter, yet the Hero simply stared at his drink. Though the cheers of everyone could be heard, the Hero's tension grew all the more as the sounds of joy began to sink into the background.

"Hm... Lumen? Is everything alright?"

"Ah, sorry Your Majesty."

"Please, Lumen. This is an informal occasion, you may call me Aris."

"... Forgive me, Polaris."

"Heh, that's close enough. Tell me, Lumen, is it that vision again?"

"Yes. I can't explain the details, but... It's like the world around us being lit aflame, as if everything we know and love- it will end in war."

"Hm... Such is the curse of your blessing."

"Lumen, try to relax. It is a time of celebration, there's no need to be so stern."

The princess held her husband's arm, looking with her eyebrows narrowed. She expressed great concern, but the tension was soon broken at last.

"You're right. Perhaps I've been a bit too anxious. Even if things happen to go wrong, we have the King, the Hero, the Pontifex, the Guildmaster and Grandmaster. This nation is far too brilliant to simply fall, and not to mention the other nation's brilliance."

"Lumen, sir. I can at least assure you that our nation is safe and sound. As the Grandmaster of the Knights, I have ensured that each of my men are soundly trained and very much prepared to save the nation in case of any dire-"

The blonde knight spoke, but was interrupted by screams of terror. Amidst the crowd, was a veil of darkness extended its arms. It's body was a mystery, one of incomprehension with a mouth that consumed. Viscously, it attacked, grabbing the people and tearing them apart before ultimately eating them.

"What is that?!"

"Your Majesties, you must return to the castle!"

The steadfast knight drew his greatsword alongside the Hero who drew his blade.

"Father, we must leave!"


The King looked on, his heart pacing as the dark creature moved as if it was floating, yet still ravaging the very floor with each step it took. The buildings around it collapsed with a simple swing, and as the people ran away, several armed men surrounded the beast with helpless attempts to impale the creature with their spears, axes and blades.

"Your majesty, please go now!"

Lumen shouted, leaping forward with the Grandmaster to stave the beast off. The Princess grasped her Father's arms and begins to drag him away, for if the King should fall- the nation's heart would stop beating.

"Father, we must hurry!"

"Sideralis, my dear... I'm sorry... My old legs are finding this difficult."

"Then, let me help you!"

The Princess held her wand out, before casting a quick spell that lifted his body. Carrying him with his arm over her shoulders, she began to move at once.

Magic is one of the many wonders of the world yet is commonly incorporated to every day use. The Princess is adept at wind magic, and used wind magic to lighten the weight of her father to help him run.

Clashes of metal and an ear bending roar sounded from the monster as the Grandmaster cleaved one of its arms.

"What is this thing?!"

"I'm not so sure... But, judging from it's appearance, it's almost as if..."

"It couldn't be... A harbinger of darkness?"

"It could be. Hero Lumen, we must be careful."

"Well said, Grandmaster Arvis."

With only one arm at it's disposal, the creature launched it but the reach caught the two by surprise, as not only did it's arm extend, but the sheer force of it was far too great for the two to block.

"Arvis, I'll distract it and you flank it!"


Vulnerable after it's attack, Lumen jumped at the creature and slashed it's head, but it resulted with nothing as it simply shrieked. Lumen's ears bled, and a constant ringing surrounded his ears as his vision grew somewhat blurry.

In that very moment, the nation would cry.

"We'll be safe here father..."

"Yes... Yes I do hope so."

"What was that thing?"

"That... I'm certain of it... It's a denizen of darkness. The creatures that once plagued our lands and the Gods raised against."

The princess grew in distress, holding her father close and tight with the situation at hand.

"Will... Will Lumen be alright..?"

Briefly letting go of her father's hug, her chest began to ache. The look of her father was one of surprise. His face, was pale, his eyes were widened as were hers. The two looked at each other, but behind her father, was a figure she couldn't quite make out. His face, his body, everything about the man- it's someone she knows. Yet this person, had driven his blade into both the King, and herself.

This blade, was driven into Lumen, as the Dark creature vanished. The look, of one whose face didn't change. A straight look, with no remorse for the action committed, a look of a pure murderer.

"Ar... vis..?"

Sideralis asked, as Arvis' face remained unchanged. Blood streamed from the blade, dripping to the floor. The blood, consisting of the royal family, and that of the Hero Lumen.

"Arvis... Why..?"

Asked Lumen, as his body fell to the cold floor of the city streets that was once bustling, but now empty and quiet.

"Heh. I'm not Arvis. But, perhaps the face of your closest friend would help relieve the pain of your death, Hero."

"That... Voice... You're..."

"Shh... Your city's reign ends here."

"I'm sorry, your Majesties. But if I don't act now, then this world will be in danger."

"Arvis... Please... Don't kill... Lumen."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Sideralis. But the Pontifex has already dealt with him. It was my task to kill you two here. Now, that mission is fulfilled."

Arvis stood, one a fake, one the real, having their blades through the chest of both royals, and the Hero.

'That... That dream again... I keep having it, and I keep wondering why?

These events, they happened 15 years ago, yet they replay in my mind like it was yesterday. But did they really happen? I'm not sure. Why would I have anything to do with any of this?

After all, I live in the south of Freiheit, the capital is far north. I'm no one, just a human who lives in a remote village. Yet, it's as if these dreams hold some secret message. What? What is it?'

Awakening from the dream that repeated a thousand times, I looked to the ceiling of my home. A wooden framed house with reforged stone using earth magic and enforced with clay to retain warmth inside.

It's approaching the end of summer, and the start of my academic life was soon to begin.

"Kiara? It's breakfast time!"


I forced myself out of bed, my hair messy and my mouth dry. Was I drooling? My face does feel sticky near my mouth. Approaching the mirror, I saw a complete monster- an ugly mess!

Well, that'd be me. I'm small, 5'4 with bed hair that looks really messy. My mom will have a go at me if I don't at least comb it, but there's so much of it and I hate having to do it up every morning.

Yet, I do it anyway because it delays my day to day events. With a toothbrush lodged in my mouth, I began to brush, and brush my hair.

"Kiara, your food will get cold!"

"Yesh I know! Juscht waiet a minit!"

Gotta do my braids after all. My hair is thick, and braids is necessary! I hate my hair, but it's so beautiful and I would hate to cut it!

Staring at the mirror for long enough, I began to notice something unacceptable. After finishing the braid on the right side of my head that went to the back of my head, I let the left side of my hair strand loose and tied a part of it to the small ponytail from the braid, and let my bangs fall. As for the lower part of my hair, the braiding had thinned most of my hair out, and the rest looks quite thin. It's a complicated hairstyle, but I find myself liking this style the most.

Doing it everyday was a chore, but I do enjoy it as I go along with it. As for the unforgivable detail, I wiped my luscious pink eyes to get rid of the eye boogers, and finished brushing my teeth.

"There, all done..."

Getting out of my nightgown, I grasped the usual uniform I wear which consisted of a simple white dress shirt and loose trousers. I made sure to wear my comfortable socks before heading down the stairs. Why comfort socks? Because I wear these boots that feel so uncomfortable without them!

"Kiara, did you stay up late again?"

"Sorry Mom, Renlin gave me a magic assignment so I had to study a bit more."

"But you have Tsuku training you today."

"W-well I like to keep on top!"

"Hm... Well, I won't tell you not to."

Looking at my breakfast plate, I thanked the lord for the fact that the eggs were cooked this time.

"Why are you clasping your hands together?"

"A-ah! Nothing!"

"Kiara, it was a one time slip up. Your father wanted to go out so I didn't have enough time to finish things properly!"

"... And the sausages?"

"Agh! Since when did you become such a smartass? I remember you being so well behaved as a little girl!"

"Hehe... Anyway, I'm gonna head out Mom. Uncle Tsuku will rip into me if I'm not there early."

"H-hey! At least finish your sausages!"

But I had already left! I scoffed the entire thing down, and had left the house. Looking forward past the fence, was a road that led directly to the village center where a fountain is surrounded by multiple stalls and several homes. It's a remote village, so it's rather small in size- but where I needed to go was west of the fountain near the well. Trees surrounded our village, but past the small amount of trees are vast plains and other villages in the far distance separated by streams of rivers and lakes, as well as a variety of small forests and caves.

As I made my way down the path...

"Good morning Kiara, you seem cheerful this morning!"

"Haha, I can never be too cheerful. Uncle Tsuku will tear into me today so I best enjoy the day while it's good!"

"Hoho... So hard working, if only my son was as talented as you."

"Thank you Auntie Sheena."

"You know my youngest really likes you, he said that he wanted to marry you one day!"

"Haha... Thanks for the offer!"

"Hoho, well Kiara, I hope your training goes well today."

Yeah... Training... Why is it that when that word appears in my mind, two frightening individuals begin to laugh in my ears?

One is that of a scruffy man dressed in a kimono. He has ears of an Inu, with a scruffy beard and that stick that is always in his mouth. His hand is always placed on that scary sharp katana of his, and his laugh belongs to a deep and scraggly old man.

The other is of a green haired sorcerer, who dons glasses that seem to always be reflecting impossible light to hide that shady grin behind that chuckle. All sorts of elemental magic at the palm of his hand, overshadowing me as the brilliance of his mana overwhelm my mind. His ears are twitching, that Elf sure knows how to frighten me.

Uncle Tsuku, and Uncle Renlin- two very scary individuals who don't hold back, and today, it's that scary Inuyasha.

As I approach the well, there he sat, the man of a red and black kimono, meditating with his hand on his sword. This isn't a moment of peace however. For him, it was that of meditation. For me, a test.

Grasping the hilt of my sword to my side, I took a step forward to which his sword hand moved only an inch- yet cutting at a piece of my clothing. I dodged out the way however in that moment, having seen that move a hundred times, I immediately pierce with my thin blade, feeling the weight of something being stabbed- but it wasn't a body. Rather, it felt as if I had poked a scabbard.

'Behind me!'

I thought, immediately pulling up my scabbard and blocking the incoming Katana.

"Hoho... Impressive."

He spoke, before sweeping his feet under me and catching me off guard. Falling to the floor, he continued to thrust his Katana into the ground, but the scary part wasn't the part that he was out to kill me- but the very fact that his pure strength had pierced the concrete underneath. After rolling, and dodging, the blade was right next to my face, before I kicked flipped against the hilt of his sword, flinging myself up with my sword in hand to deal the finishing blow against his neck.

At last! I lost. Before I could even bring my sword close to his neck, his katana, even though I kicked his balance off- had already been steadied and pointed to my own neck with both my hands raised up to swing down with my blade.

"Match, and point. I'm surprised Kiara, this is the longest you've lasted."

"Yeah, but I still couldn't get to you."

Tsuku began to laugh, from deep within his chest. Grasping a small flask he carried, he opened the lid before taking a sip.

Yeah... This guy bested me, while drinking alcohol- and this early in the morning too.

"Your form is getting there, but it's not precise enough. With enough practice, you might make it, but it looks like your own at home practice is taking over."

"... Sorry Uncle Tsuku."

"That's Mr. Tsuku to you. I can't fault you however. You are very young, yet you are already this talented to be able to not only learn two sword styles, but have also adapted into making your own style. Not many is capable at such a young age Kiara."

"You're being awfully humble today... What's the occasion?"

"What's wrong with wanting to be an uncle every now and then?"

"You aren't actually my uncle, and weren't you supposed to be my teacher a second ago?"

"... Your mother is right... You are starting to have a foul mouth."

"W-well you started it!"

"Bwahaha! Well Kiara, allow me to congratulate you. As of last lesson, you have learnt everything I can teach you."

"H-huh? But wait, isn't there more?"

"Kiara, I've trained you for five years. You can't seriously be asking for more."


"Swordsmanship is one that cannot be mastered through master and student alone. You're at an age where you'll be attending school soon, and there you'll meet many foes who may be just as talented and as hard working as you."

"I-... But- what about the whole mastering thing?"

"Mastery comes with experience. When you fight against the same opponent for 5 years, you only learn how to beat that opponent, not how to wield your blade."

"... Sigh."

"What's wrong?"

"It's just- it feels like I'm... No, nevermind."

Uncle Tsuku and Uncle Renlin are leagues above me. I've never been able to earn their respect, I've never been able to best either of them, yet Uncle Renlin last week had announced the end of my training and returned to Somnia. Now, Uncle Tsuku is saying he's finished too. I haven't accomplished anything, I haven't earned anyone's recognition and I'm about to enter a school full of people who I won't be able to prove myself to either.

"It just feels like my goals are too far away." I said, unable to convey the full extent of how I felt. Yes, partial to my emotions is this feeling of chasing an unending goal, but I truly lack the ability to ever reach that goal.

"Well, some goals are set beyond your expectations of yourself. Perhaps it's a future goal envisioning the ideal version of yourself, but you gotta accept that maybe you aren't so perfect."

"... Yeah. I guess you're right." Maybe my goals are just that, just a pipe dream. I'll never be as good as I want to be. My mother and father are ex-adventurers who ranked as far as S, and I wanted to partake in the stories that they would tell me.

When I picked up the sword and magic, I learnt just how difficult that was, and even after training for 5 years, it feels as though I'd never reach those dreams.

If after 5 years, I haven't made progress, then what is it really that I'm achieving?

"Look, Kiara, there's no need to look so down. Yes, your goals may be unpursuable at times, but you shouldn't stray away from it regardless. I ain't telling you to just flat out give up on your goal. But, you gotta realise that there's gonna be many steps to take before reaching that end."

"How long did it take you..?"

"I still haven't reached my goal. After all, I learnt of my limits and realised I could never achieve it. But, that didn't stray me away from doing my best. The pinnacle of sword arts, how I yearned to witness it- yet, the best I could do was develop my own. Not so bad, is it?"


"See? I still went ahead and chased my goal but made something out of it. I think you can do the same too, if your heart is in the right place."

I get what Uncle Tsuku is saying, but he and I are completely different people. He's far better than me than I could ever hope to realise, and if even he can't achieve his wish...

"Well, Kiara, let's see if you've been doing homework."

"Right. I'll do my best to demonstrate."

I held my sword forward, inhaling as I began to focus on the concentration of flow in my body. Magic, it courses through us like magic- and the way to allow it to flow that I found best is to envision blood vessels surrounding your body- and to envision a beautiful rich substance constantly pumping around with my heart being it's center.

This is an art correlated with Sword Arts... Breathing Arts, a form of mana circulation that empowers the body and mind, allowing for greater feats with the assistance of magic.

"Oh... I can see your mana flow much clearer now, but it's still incredible stuff."

"Ah... Its hard to maintain."

"Heh. Well, you'll learn overtime at the Academy. Practice it everyday Kiara, until it becomes second nature. I'm certain it will come handy."

"The Academy... Freiheit's pride, The Origin Academy."

"That's the one. It's the most prestigious school you could possibly get into. It trains only the mightiest of Knights."

That's right... I wanted to become a Knight, to be able to live in the capital and to become something in this world.

Growing up, I was absolutely obsessed with the Hero Origin...

During ancient times, when the Old Gods roamed the lands, a boy named Origin was enslaved and had been freed by a boy from a rich family. The boy's name was Genesis, and the two were incredibly fond of each other. Origin asked Genesis, 'why, why are we enslaved and abused by the mobility?'

Genesis couldn't find a direct answer to the question, but instead fired back with another question. 'What would this world be like if we were free? Don't you want to fight for that freedom?'

That single question changed Origin's life, as the two would depart on a never ending quest facing against demons and creatures they've never faced before, and claimed lands owned by the 9 Lords of Gale. Origin was a Hero to the slaves, and Genesis assisted him through his influence and capabilities as a Swordsman.

The two stood their ground, and rose a revolution to claim Freiheit as their own, seizing the corrupt rule and establishing a clan of knights that would later on become the Holy Knights of Freiheit.

When faced against the God of Gales, Origin was posed one question. 'Hero of Ideals, you came all this way to face me, yet are you even prepared to face the Truth?'

The Hero didn't falter, and with the help of Genesis, was able to defeat the God of Gales and had cried in victory as the people's roar of freedom would forever mark the change in history that would set Freiheit's fate free.

'Hero Origin... You have been acknowledged as the deity of these lands. You will be granted godhood so that you may continue to watch over the nation you have created."

Origin, would ascend to Godhood after being spoken to by the heavens, and would become the very God that humans of today praise.

But it wasn't his achievements that made me wish to be like him... No, it was because that he was nothing who had became something. He was just like me, someone of no origin, wanting to make a change to the world.

For me, I don't wish to make a change. I merely want to make my mark. Perhaps it's a fear I have. The idea of dying and everyone forgetting me. It feels the same as living a nameless life. Sure, there are plentiful of people doing that, but they settle in, have families and are content with that life.

But for me, I want something more. Maybe that is because I trained so much and have gotten too far in to back out, but it's still my ambition regardless. I can't just put in all this work just to turn around and say I'd be satisfied with an easy life.

I wouldn't know what to do with myself knowing I could've been something more.

That's absolutely why I must attend this school... Not to learn, not to master anything... But to see if I am even worthy to try and mark myself in this world.

"I start this semester, and I passed the entrance exam already..."

"You've already opened these doors Kiara. It's almost time for you to take a step in and see what's in store for you. Are you ready?"

I'm not sure... You can't just ask me that... I'm leaving my own home, my lifestyle, in pursuit of a goal that I don't know if I can achieve- telling me to explore a territory that remains uncharted. The very idea terrifies me. Yet...

"I'm ready."

I'm too far in to just back down now. Whatever scary adventures lay ahead, whoever I meet along the way, whoever stands in my way... My life is in my own hands the moment that day arrives, and to this end- I am in control of everything. Taking on this responsibility, it's a frightening thought. But, if I look at it from a positive standpoint, it's better to take a step and take one step back, than to not take a step at all.

I am Kiara Velorum. This is my story.