
32. Mother knows

"I want to ask you something but I don't want you to get mad." Quentin sounded nervous playing with his fingers.

"Then ask me."

"I know your past situation with your father, you have been guarded all the time. But maybe you.. I mean you .. Damn it's not going the same as I thought it in my head!" Quentin sighed frustrated.

"It's ok. You can ask me anything." Guen smiled touching his hands.

"I don't know how to formulate the correct question. I don't want you to think that is my main interest. I am just curious because you said that you're the only one who has seen yourself bare naked. Haven't you had any relationship ? Look if you don't want to answer it's ok. " Quentin gulped shaking his leg nervously.

Guendolin smiled: " It's ok. I understood what you want to ask. I have had crushes, the problem is that they didn't know I existed.

It started with Piter Pan, I imagined he would come to save me, to take me with him far away from my father and his guards.

Then I had this huge crush on Iker Casillas, goalkeeper and captain of Spain in football. He is twice my age now happily married with children. I even learnt spanish for that guy. Then I passed into fictional characters like Liam from 'The boy who sneaks in my bedroom window. '

Growing up I developed a huge crush on Sham Tabrezi a persian poet. I read about him in '40 rules of love' .

And the list goes on and on. I thought the problem with me was that I wanted to have crushes that were untouchable and didn't know about my existence.

Now that I think, I was afraid of not feeling being loved. I wanted something special, chemistry, butterflies, I wanted a soulmate. Then I wanted a twinflame. Then I met you, now I have a mate. "

Guen finished smiling looking at the sky the whole time.

" How do you feel with me? "

" How do you think I feel? " Guen responded playfully.

" I want to know if you feel good with the fact that I'm a werewolf."

" You are amazing Quentin. I love the fact that you are a werewolf. Wait it's my turn. List of names, pictures, home addresses of all those piranhas before you met me. I have a war to attend soon. " Guen made a forced laugh.

" There will be no war little mate, I won't allow anyone to come in between us . "

"Oh look the sundown. I love how the sky changes. It is so beautiful." Guen stared at the sky pouting her lips .

" Yes it is so beautiful. " Quentin repeated looking at his mate. She is so beautiful, he thought .


" Mom? " Guen knocked before entering the room. Her mom was no where . Was she still locked at the restaurant?

Worried she went toward Sinthia's room .

" Sinthia? "

"What's up Guen?" Sinthia smiled typing on her phone .

"My mom isn't here yet. Are they still locked there?"

"Don't worry beta Dalton is capable of opening the door with one push." Sinthia spoke without taking her eyes off of her phone .

" Not if she doesn't know that he is a werewolf. I have this bad feeling in my stomach. Please take me there I have to make sure she is alright. "

" Guen she is alright, otherwise beta Dalton would have called. " Sinthia responded calmly smiling at the screen of her phone .

Guen waited 20 minutes more walking back and forth in the room then she headed towards Quentin's room. She knocked there was no answer from inside. Guen pushed the door open to find his room empty. The bed was untouched, maybe he was in the bathroom she thought as she entered and called his name. No answer, she knocked on the bathroom door, then pushed the door open.

"Quentin?" He was not there either.

Guen went in the living room there was no one. She didn't want to disturb Quentin's parents so she decided to go on her own. It was dark and a bit chilly outside. It was 35 minutes away by foot the restaurant. She continued walking fast, even though she was scared. On half of the way she heard howlings coming from the woods. Then she heard a scream, it was her mother's voice. Guen runned toward the scream, yelling .

" Mom? Where are you mom? "

She tried to find the source of the noises but it was confusing until a body crashed with hers running. They both screamed. It was her mother .

"Mom? Are you alright? What happened?"

Isolde hugged her daughter: "I was coming for you. We have to leave from here, come on." She pulled her daughter by her hand.

"Wait, mom, wait! What happened?"

"This place is not safe. There are animals , dangerous animals ." Isolde whispered pulling her daughter again by her hand .

"I know, mom they are not dangerous. Wait, let me explain to you. They are wolves, werewolves. They are not bad. Mom, please look at me." Guen begged but her mother continued pulling her.

"That men turned into a wolf Guen. He kissed me, I kissed that beast. Then he turned into a wolf." Isolde wipped her tears.

"You kissed Dalton?" Guen laughed.

"Why are you laughing? He turned into a wolf!" Isolde stopped and turned to face her daughter.

"Mom you know the tale when you kiss the frog to turn him into a prince, maybe you should kiss the wolf to turn him back into human again. " Guen joked but her mother was petrified. Then she became serious and continued.

" What happened there, where is Dalton? How did you come here alone? "

" We were at the restaurant, we were locked inside I don't know how, then two wolves break the glasses they come inside. We were cornered by those two wolves, then Dalton yells 'Run' and throws himself towards them , he shifts into a wolf as well . I runed and I came to take you. We have to leave. "

" Mom, no. Dalton is there alone he needs help. We have to tell the alpha, or Quentin. "

" What alpha are you saying? "

" I will explain later. But Dalton is a good guy mom, he is not the bad one. You run home and tell Quentin's parents that Dalton is fighting alone. I will try to find Quentin he wasn't at home, so he must be here somewhere . "

" No I'm not leaving you alone. "

" Mom, I'm ok. Quentin will take care of me. Now go please. Dalton is the right one for you, I don't want you to loose him. " Guen hugged her mother and pushed her lightly to go .

She searched during her way for Quentin , there was no sign of him. She was near the restaurant, noises were heard. They must be still fighting, she thought. But how could she help Dalton against two werewolves? She was just a human . Guen took a piece of broken glass covered it with her handkerchief that she kept on her ankle and walked towards the wolves .

She had never seen Dalton as an wolf, she didn't know who he was from the three wolves but noticed two of them fighting against one.

"That must be him. I'm doing this for you mom." Guen whispered to herself then yelled to be heard by them.

"Hey you wolves?! Isn't it unfair two against one? " The wolves attention was now on her.

Two wolves lazily as if playing with their prey before eating her started to walk towards her . But Dalton jumped and stood in front of her facing the wolves. He let out a menacing growl.

Her heart was exploding, she felt like it would stop beating at any moment. The wolf must have felt her fear. She tried to sound confident but her knees were shaking . She couldn't feel her knees at all , she thought she would fall.