
In Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

When he woke up, Ye Zhiqiu’s find himself in Douluo Dalu world and he became Tang San’s neighbor and a young boy. Ye Zhiqiu, who had originally thought that he could only hug Tang’s legs tightly, awakened his main martial arts spirit at the age of six, followed by the Naruto System. Since then, he has gone farther and farther on the road of greatness. ---------------------------------------------------- I am trying to stockpile a lot of chapters so starting releases will be slow and chapters will be divided into two but after some time I will upload regularly and full size chapters. You can support me on pateron - https://www.patreon.com/EdwardElite

EdwardElite · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
231 Chs

Chapter 108 - Susanoo

Bonus Chapter Milestones:-

300 Power Stones - 1 Chapter

400 Power Stones - 2 Chapters

500 Power Stones - 4 Chapters

700 Power Stones - 10 Chapters


Although it was late at night, Ye Zhiqiu could still see clearly with his eyesight. It was a tyrannosaurus-like spirit beast, a bit like those western dragons in Ye Zhiqiu's previous life.

The most conspicuous thing was the single horn of its head. The roots had the thickness of thighs and were dark in color. The tip was full of cold light under the moonlight. It was more than two meters long. Now, even if it was a giant beast of the size of the Titan Great Ape, it would probably also get a  hole in the flesh if he was attacked by the horn.

Behind it, there was a pair of equally black fleshy wings, exuding a metallic luster, and fist-sized black scales were scattered all over the body, shining with black light.

This was a sub-dragon spirit beast whose whole body was jet black, and its body was surrounded by a faint black mist. During the flight, a long black mist trail was drawn behind it.

"Is this the Unicorn Evil Dragon? It looks pretty cool." Ye Zhiqiu watched the spirit beast and his eyes brighten. If this could be caught as a mount, it was a pity that he lacked a spirit ring now, so he would catch a real dragon later. He believed that the appearance of a real dragon should be more handsome than it!

The one-horned evil dragon landed on the ground dozens of meters in front of the giant ape. Its black eyes looked at the giant ape and then glanced at Ye Zhiqiu on its head. When it saw Ye Zhiqiu's outermost ten-thousand-year spirit ring circled, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Roar~!" The unicorn evil dragon looked at the Titan Great Ape and roared. It looked like it was questioning. Ye Zhiqiu heard the anger from its roar.

"Oh~Oh~!" The Titan Great Ape patted his chest with both hands and made a loud "dong dong" noise. Then, it made a move that made Ye Zhiqiu stunned. The Titan Great Ape suddenly turned around and lifted his butt and, sway it from side to side towards the evil dragon...

Was asking for his co.... Bah... No this was a naked provocation. It seemed that Er Ming should have a deep resentment for this guy, but doing this kind of action would not suit your 100,000-year spirit beast's reputation. Well?

Ye Zhiqiu, standing on Er Ming's head, felt a bit embarrassed. What kind of strange provocation was this?

However, the one-horned evil dragon on the opposite side was furious in an instant, and two long black breaths of air spurted from his nostrils.

"Roar~" The one-horned evil dragon rushed along with its two strong and exaggerated short legs "booming" all the way, the big tree blocking it was either broken or slapped by its wings.

There was a smug look in Er Ming's eyes with his back to it. Er Ming was afraid that this dragon would fly up. Every time it flew, Er Ming could do nothing to it. Instead, it was in Er Ming's best interest to do hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing that the one-horned evil dragon rushed up recklessly as if he had lost his mind, Er Ming turned around flexibly and also roared, the grinning boss rushed up with excitement.

The two giants blinked and approached, and their bodies collided fiercely.

A muffled sound mixed with transparent airwaves spread to the surroundings, spreading far away.

As this was the site of a 100,000-year spirit beast, other spirit beasts dared not approach it, otherwise, the battle of two 100,000-year soul beasts might have blown them away.

The two beasts fought in close quarters, their palms and claws fought against each other, and the battlefield became hot at the beginning.

The horn on top of the evil dragon's head was the hardest part of its body. At this time, when both claws were restricted by the other side, it did not hesitate to lower its head slightly, and the horn was aimed at the top of Er Ming's throat.

Er Ming's actions were much simpler, it was more inclined to human attack methods but more violent.

"Wow~!" Er Ming roared excitedly, and moved his head slightly to the side, avoiding the single horn that wanted to pierce his throat. Leaning his head back slightly, he suddenly slammed his forehead towards the back of the unicorn evil dragon whose head was slightly lowered.

The heads of the two giant beasts collided, and the sound was like beating a drum, spreading far away. One-horned evil dragon was staggered, and Er Ming's yellow pupils suddenly showed a touch of color.

Taking advantage of the unsteady shape of the evil dragon, Er Ming used his strength to stabilize his figure. Suddenly one of his legs lifted and stamped on the toes of the unicorn evil dragon.

At this moment, the black pupils of the unicorn evil dragon widened, and Ye Zhiqiu even saw tears in his eyes. Needless to say, this foot must be very painful...

But this was not over yet. After Er Ming stamped his first foot, his foot lifted again and he chopped his second foot...

"Roar~~~" The unicorn evil dragon's eyes were tearful, showing resentment. If you look at its feet now, you could find that the toe of one of its feet had been squashed.

The angry one-horned evil dragon opened his mouth, and a mouthful of black inflammation sprayed towards Er Ming's head. Before it could get closer, Ye Zhiqiu noticed a scorching tropical smelly smell on his face, and there was a faint tingling on his skin.

"Huh?" Er Ming was taken aback, why this beast couldn't afford to play fairly and was using the dragon's breath to fight melee.

At this time, Er Ming wanted to evade his claws on the spot. After all, being spit by the dragon's breath was not a joke. It couldn't die because of its thick and thick skin, but it was estimated that it had to burn all of his hair. However, even if Er Ming, slammed his palms hard he was unable to twitch.

Its palm was firmly grasped by the claws of the evil unicorn dragon. At this time, the eyes of the evil unicorn dragon showed a sense of revenge.

You can step on my toes, isn't it ok for me to spit?

Just when Er Ming "Aoao" yelled and wanted to carry it down, Ye Zhiqiu, who was standing on top of it, put his hands flat on his chest, and the hexagonal windmill in his pupils turned crazily, and the tingling sensation came, and the two red lines acted as tears flowed. Bloodstains spilled from the corner of his eyes and slipped.



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For next chapter   :-


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Chapter 121 - Zhu Zhuqing's Massage

Chapter 126 - Stripping Ning Rongrong And Zhu Zhuqing

EdwardElitecreators' thoughts