
In DC?

What began as an ordinary spring day quickly spiraled into chaos when an unexpected thunderstorm rolled in, baffling even the most seasoned meteorologists. This sudden turn of events marked the beginning of an unpredictable journey for me, an imprudent individual who despite the tempest chose to ponder about salary increment on the fourth-floor balcony. Fate intertwined dramatically as I was struck by multicolored lightning bolts, catapulting me into an alternate reality. In this strange new world, I found myself in the midst of the explosive event at the S.T.A.R. Labs, a scene straight out of the CW's "The Flash" TV series. This unpredictable twist of fate thrust me into a realm where fiction and reality collided, leading to unforeseen adventures and challenges.

DemoloRD · TV
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23 Chs

Ch - 18 Vigilance?

It's been a week since I started living in my new house. Although it's too big for a single individual, I don't mind that.

Ever since I moved out of the orphanage I grew up in my previous world, I've mostly lived by myself. In college, I sometimes had to share a room with others who came to study in the city, but that was only due to insufficient money. Even though the caretaker of the orphanage said not to worry about money and to concentrate on my studies, I had already realized the value and importance of money. I always looked for different jobs to earn money, but I had to stop because higher education was a whole other level of difficulty. After I started to concentrate on my studies, the full-time job of guiding tourists around became too straining, eventually leading me to stop altogether because it diverted my focus from my studies. Thankfully, I managed to earn my degree thanks to my persistent nature.

Since I had few contacts, I didn't face any trouble living alone in this farmhouse. I say alone, but Cisco and Caitlin frequently visited my place since they also loved the peaceful and comfortable environment.

A week ago, when I started living here, I suspected that Eobard would place hidden cameras to monitor my every activity, just like how he monitored Barry Allen's whole life. Surprisingly, there were none. Either he had hidden the cameras extremely well, or he didn't need to place them at all. If the first scenario was true, my enhanced senses would have spotted the cameras. Since I didn't find any, it could only mean one thing: Eobard didn't feel the need to monitor my every action. If the second scenario was true, it meant either I was not a threat to him or his plan to return to the future, or he had found a way to deal with me. It's also possible that since Barry Allen is going to wakeup either today or tomorrow, so he doesn't believe that monitoring me would be worthwhile. Although I am invulnerable to physical damage and possibly psychic damage, there are ways to counter invulnerability. One such attack is the signature move of Reverse Flash, where he vibrates the molecules of his hand to phase through the victim's body and stop their heart.

Although I didn't spot any surveillance devices in my house, I didn't drop my vigilance. I continued to act as I did when I was in S.T.A.R. Labs, maintaining my cautious behavior.

Even though I started living independently, I wasn't a native of this world and was a complete stranger to everything and everyone, at least according to the trio. In addition to providing me a house, they also offered me a job as an assistant researcher, with the main research subject being myself, to study how much further my abilities can be enhanced and evolved. In simple words, I was getting paid to grow stronger, which I would have done even if I wasn't paid. But whatever, who doesn't like some extra cash?