
In DC with James Lee’s perfect body and skills

this is not a reincarnation thing

Fuqyou · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Season 2 chapter 4: the warden

Travis moved towards Sin, his eyes burning with anger. Sin was trying to get up from the rubble, blood trickling from a cut on his face. Despite his injuries, he still managed to smirk. "You think you can beat me, Travis? You're just a cheap imitation," he taunted.

Travis's hands clenched into fists, his body radiating power. "I may be a successor, but I'm stronger than the man I replace," he said, his voice low and threatening. He grabbed Sin by the collar, lifting him off the ground, and started punching him.

Sin coughed up blood, grabbing at Travis's arm. "Stop, you brute." Travis smirked. "What was that?" He leaned in closer. "Oh, you want mercy now. Just get me out of this, you monster." Sin's voice was weak, a tear rolling down his cheek. "What are you saying? Maybe you're confused from the beating. Well, brace yourself." He then landed another punch.

20 seconds later

A young Asian-American warden, only 19, walked past the fallen bodies outside. He was muscular, wearing a green hat and smoking a cigarette. "One kid did all this?" He asked, looking at the guards behind him. "And where were you when this happened?" He scolded them, walking towards Teddy's injured body. "What a mess."

They walked through the destruction left by Travis's fight with Sin. "You guys are useless. But then again, this is a Gotham juvenile prison," he said, laughing.

When he reached Travis's body, he noticed the dislocated limbs and the tubes that were no longer working. The warden crouched down, looking at the tubes. "What a shame," He sighed, taking out his cigarette. "What's wrong, sir?" A guard asked. "Travis was one of my top choices for my team, along with Teddy." He said, rubbing his temples. "Sir, maybe you should consider the man who caused all this." The guard suggested. "But who could be better than Bane's successor?" The warden complained. "No, I can still use him."

Two guards brought Sin's body to the Warden. "Sir, we found him," they said as Sin groaned. "What's his story?" The warden asked, looking at Sin. "He killed Lazlo Valentin, also known as Professor Pyg. His friends tried to stop him and got hurt. Wait, you don't know your own prisoners?" The guard asked. "I manage a thousand prisons and a thousand candidates. I don't have time to check everyone." He said, looking at Sin's eyes. "What's with these?" he asked. "They weren't always like this. His friend Alex said it was because of some kind of outburst."

The warden shook Sin. "Hey, wake up," he said, slapping him. "Ouch," Sin winced, surprised by the warden's creepy smile. "W-what do you want!" He stuttered. "I want you to come to my office," the warden said, walking towards a janitor's closet. "What the hell?" Sin said as the guards led him into the closet, revealing a large mansion inside.

The mansion was a stark contrast to the grimy janitor's closet. It was grand, with high ceilings, ornate chandeliers, and plush furniture. The walls were adorned with portraits of stern-looking men and women, their eyes seeming to follow Sin as he was led through the opulent hallway.

The warden, who had been walking ahead, turned around and gestured towards the mansion with a wide grin. "Impressive, isn't it?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement at Sin's obvious surprise. "This is where the real business happens. The prison is just a front."

Sin was led into a large office, the centerpiece of which was a massive mahogany desk. The warden took a seat behind the desk, gesturing for Sin to sit in the chair opposite him. As Sin sat down, he noticed a large, intimidating man standing in the corner of the room. The man was dressed in a black suit, his arms crossed over his chest, and his eyes never leaving Sin.

The warden lit another cigarette, the smoke curling up into the air as he leaned back in his chair. "Now, let's talk about why you're here, Sin," he began, his voice calm but authoritative. "You've caused quite a stir in my prison. And I'm not just talking about the fight with Travis."

Sin swallowed hard, his eyes darting between the warden and the man in the corner. He had a feeling that his life was about to take a very unexpected turn. "So what do you want with me?" He put his legs on the desk and crossed his arms. The warden smiled and rested his chin in his hand. "I want you to join my generation."

"Your generation? What the hell are you talking about." Sin said, kinda interesting. "Well you know, the whole generation, we have our Superman's, Batman's, Aquaman, flashes, ect." The warden explained.

"Ah, I see. You're talking about heroes," Sin said, his eyes narrowing. "You want me to be a part of your team of successors. But why me? I'm not a hero. I'm not even a good person."

The warden chuckled, taking a long drag from his cigarette. "Good, bad, hero, villain... those are just labels, Sin. What matters is fighting prowess. And you have a lot of it. Also, it's not a team of heroes. More like bad people, people who don't like when bigger bad people get away with horrible shit."

Sin was silent for a moment, considering the warden's words. He then leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "And what if I refuse?" The warden's smile didn't falter. "Well, Sin," she said, tapping the ash from his cigarette into a crystal ashtray on the desk. "Refusal isn't really an option here. You're in my prison, under my rules. And I think you'll find that life can be... quite uncomfortable for those who don't play along." Sin's smirk faded, replaced by a scowl. "You're threatening me," he said, his voice low and dangerous. But the warden simply shrugged, seemingly unfazed by Sin's anger.

"Call it what you want, Sin," he replied, his tone casual. "I prefer to think of it as... motivation. Now, are you in, or do I need to make my point clearer?" Sin clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white but he nodded. "And of course I can't let just anyone join, you need to test." The warden said while standing up and the man in the corner stood up while cracking his knuckles.

"What do I have to do, fight him?" Sin asked while pointing his thumb at the corner. "Fight him? Nah he's just there for emotional support." The warden said while removing his hat and tying his hair back. "What?" Sin replied while turning his head back to see a foot flying to his face and he eagerly ducked. "What the?! This guy…his speed!?" Sin thought to himself dodges out of the way and he felt his cheek which had a cut of blood.

"Whoa, you're fast. Haha!" The warden rapidly began throwing kicks at Sin who was able to barely dodge. "Is that all you got?" The warden laughed out and did a backhandspring off the ground and kicked Sin in the chin causing him to stagger back. "Aww man, I can't tell if you're weak or holding back. Why won't you fight back."

"Oh well, I'm guessing Travis just slipped or something, Disappointing." The warden raised his leg to deliver an ax kick to Sin. "Can you handle me," Sin invisible kicked the warden in the chest causing him to gag and fall on his knees. "At full force?"


Sin's voice was weak, a tear rolling down his cheek. "What are you saying? Maybe you're confused from the beating. Well, brace yourself." Travis then landed another punch.

"Fine, you've proven yourself worthy of the perfect body. Now I'm giving you it for right now." The voice inside of Sin's head, or rather the UI said in an anxious voice. "Haha, so this proves it. If I die, then you can't live on anymore, you said that I'll be begging, but it's you begging to give it back to me." Sin replied in his head.

Travis's fist was stopped as Sin sent consecutive invisible kicks towards him causing him to be knocked unconscious. "Shit, I'm too rusty in this body." Sin said with his vision blurry and he also passed out.


The warden coughed blood and stood up with a crazy smile. "YOU'RE INCREDIBLE STRONG!" As Sin went to launch another invisible kick the warden ripped off his shirt revealing scars on his body and also multiple yakuza tattoos above his haramaki wrap. He then got into a kyokushin karate stance and tanked the invisible attack. "What the hell?!" Sin said and was then thrown in the air by the warden's aikido. "Did you think I was the warden by accident?"

As Sin was in the air he managed to handstand on his head and kick him into the ground. "Seems they make anyone warden." Sin muttered but was immediately kicked with a half-moon kick. "Gah! Capoeira too?!"

The warden smirked and stood up, wiping the blood from his mouth. "You're in Sin." He said with a chuckle. "What do you think, Commander?" The warden turned to the man who gave a thumbs up. "So what now?" Sin asked and wiped blood from his cheek.

The warden pulled out a jacket from his closet and threw it at Sin. "You are now the leader of the 1st Division. And you will have two commanders on your side."

"Who will they be?" Sin asked while putting the jacket on. "Don't worry about it." The warden said and gave Sin a suitcase full of clothes. "Your room is on the second floor on the left. Have fun. And by the way, call me Bara Yamazaki." He said with a smile.