
In Danmachi world with Obito's power.

The remake of my previous fanfic with same title. There's no much change but if i just upload it on the same book, the review Will be different with the story', so i decided to make another book with same title.

KissShot6 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

7 With the protagonist

"So, Ms.Eina told you to make a party with me?" Tobi, who walks beside Bell, ask.

They are going to Babel tower right now. After they met in front of the Hostess of Fertility, they decided to walk together. Well, that's Tobi's plan from the start though, so he is ok with that.

"Yes. She said it will get easier if we go together."

"Hmm, that's weird. I just met her yesterday, so why did she tell you to go with me even though she doesn't know how strong I am? And she doesn't even know if I'm a trustworthy person or not, so why?" Tobi said while touching his chin, thinking.

'With her personality, there's no way she will recommend a stranger to go with Bell to the dungeon. She care about Bell so much, even so far as getting worried whenever he went out to dangerous levels in the dungeon. So why?'

"....I wonder why….." Bell wondered about that too. Now that he realized, he too was confused why he didn't questioned it and just accepted the suggestion as if it's normal even though they never met before. Is that because he simply belive Eina?

"Well, I'm ok if you want to go together." Tobi said "Btw, what is your weapon? Mine is, well, my weapon is kinda weird for you guys, so i don't know if i can describe it. But since you will see it later, it will be easier if you just saw it by yourself."

His weapon is from Naruto world, and it was weird for the people of this world if they saw it. Maybe the scythe is not that weird, but still weird, but for the Gunbai, they would think that it was not even a 'weapon'. And it's too troublesome for him to explain it, and he is also bad at explaining things. 

"I see. My weapon is this dagger."

Bell takes out the dagger on his waist. He still uses the cheap dagger, not the one that Hestia gave.

'Well, she has not asked Hephaestus to make it yet, so it's obvious that he still uses that cheap dagger.'

"Humu humu. Well? You want to go together?" Tobi ask.

Bell's eyes widened with sparkle. This is his first time going to the dungeon with someone else. And this is his first time to have a party. It makes him excited.

"Yes!" He said with a wide smile on his face.

"Well, I will be in your care, se~n~pa~i~." Tobi said, teasing him.

(A/N : I want to make it like Tobi but why does it sounds like Nagatoro, lmao.)

Bell, who is called 'senpai' embarrassed while blushing.

'Why people in this world easily blushing?' he thought.

'Maybe if this is a fanfic, and there's a reader who read the fanfic, they will say 'what the hell? Why do you go with him? Why you not do your own stuff and become stronger? Why you bothering yourself to follow the story?' or something like that. Well, this is danmachi world, like it or not he is the protagonist of this world. So making a connection with him is pretty important. And maybe I can get his luck and get my own harem, kekeke.'

While thinking something stupid like that, they arrive at the entrance of the dungeon. After the gatekeeper checks them, they go inside the dungeon.

On the 1st floor, both of them take out their weapons. Bell with his dagger, and Tobi with his Gunbai and scythe. When Bell saw his gunbai, he ask,

"What is that?"

"My cute special weapon, it's called 'Gunbai'. Just one in the world and I'm its owner!" He said while lifting his weapon above his head.

"Oooohhhhhh, so cool! How it works?"

"Well, you know, it has a special ability one of them is making a wind out of it." Tobi said

But Bell was just standing there with a confused face.

"Like a Magic Sword?" he ask, "But its not a sword." he said with low voice.

"It's better to show you rather than explaining."

After that they walk for few minutes, 4 goblin come out from the wall.

Bell ready to attack them with his dagger but Tobi stop him. Tobi swing his Gunbai and a huge wind tornado come out of it and kill all the goblins. Not long after that the goblins disappears and drops the magic stone. Since Tobi killed them, he took the magic stone and put them inside the bag. Of course he is planning to share it with Bell. And later Bell is the one who will change the magic stone into money from the guild, that way Tobi will not get cut for 30%. Well since they share the money, Tobi will still lose some Valis, but that can't be helped since he wants to be involved with Bell.

Bell's surprised by Tobi's gunbai. He never sees a weapon like that, and the fact that it can kill the monster easily makes him more curious. Tobi who saw that ask him if he want to try it or not, and he nodded excitedly. But when Bell tries to touch it, his hand just pass through it. Tobi didn't use his mangekyou sharingan right now, which means other people can't use it.

'Seems like no one can use this weapon besides me. Well that's good news. That way even though I left my weapon somewhere, it will not get stolen since they can't touch it. Well it won't work on me though even if they can use it. I have my Mangekyou Sharingan.'

The monster on the 1st floor is weak, so they smoothly go to the 2nd floor. On the 2nd floor, the monster becomes stronger but it still weak for them, but they use it for combination practice since this is the first time they fight together.

But since Tobi's attack can make a pack of monsters killed easily, it's pretty much a waste of time to try to fight together. Bell is not that strong yet, and the monster in the upper floor is really weak for Tobi. But since it will make their relationship got deeper, Tobi do it anyway.

Bell fight the monster with his dagger while Tobi slice the monster with his scythe. He rarely use his wind attack since it will make the 'combination practice' useless. He sometimes covers Bell if he gets attacked by a few monsters at once.

Just like that they arrive at the 4th floor. This time, beside kobold and goblins, there's a dungeon lizard too. A red-scaled humanoid lizard with a club on its hands.

"This is my first time fighting them." said Bell nervously.

Even though Bell went to the 5th floor before, surprisingly he never met the Dungeon Lizard. So this is his first time fighting them.

"Well, this is also my first time fighting them. But the problem is not only that lizard, but their number."

They were surrounded. There's a pack of monsters surrounding them. Even though there's a wall beside them, the room itself is wide, so there's plenty of space for monsters to surround them.

"So? What should we do, senpai? Run away? I can help you if you want to run, hm?" Tobi ask.

Bell just silent for a few seconds. He remember how pitiful is he running while get chased by minotaur, he remember how he get saved by Ais, he also remember Eina said that he need to become strong if he want o approach her. He want to become strong so he can reach her and walk beside her. So he decided,

"No." His face became serious. "We will fight them."

(A/N : I know he is blushing in the anime while he imagine Ais cheering him, but now he with Tobi, so it change.)

Tobi smiles behind his mask and activates his Mangekyou Sharingan. He don't know how strong his opponent, so it's better to be safe than sorry. Though he is really confident of winning.

"Roger!" He swing his gunbai but not channeling too much chakra into it. He killed some of the goblin while ignore the rest of them. Bell need them to become stronger.

Bell charging to the monster in front of them. With his agility, he dodges their attack and slices the monster.

Tobi also charging to the monster on the opposite direction of Bell. When he close to them, he jump with some of his strength. If he use all of his strength, his jump would be too high and make him bump the ceiling. He lift both of his weapon into the air and when he almost touch the ground he smash both of his weapon. A huge *bang* can be heard inside that floor. Some of the monster get killed, while some of them that far from the spot that he land still survive. He scans the remaining monster with his eyes and when he feels most of them looking at his eyes, he uses Genjutsu on them and their body is suddenly frozen. He channeling his chakra into the scythe and swing it horizontally. A wind slice come out of it and kill the monsters.

There's still 4 more, and 4 of them are the Dungeon Lizard. They charge towards Tobi with their big club in their hands. Tobi put the gunbai and scythe to his back and started making a hand sign.

"Fire Style : Great Fireball Jutsu!" A huge fireball comes out from in front of his mask and then explodes when it hits the dungeon lizard. 3 of them are dead in an instant but one of them survives, but not in condition to fight, it can't even stand because half of its body is gone. Tobi approaches it while taking his weapon and kill it.

When Tobi starts running towards the monster, Bell who already attacking his opponent in front of him, with much effort, trying to kill the monster. There's a lot of them, and he uses a dagger, the combination is bad. But with his high agility he still manages to kill some of them while dodging their attack. 5 goblins attacking him but he manage to kill them. But when he kill the last goblin, the Dungeon Lizard swings his club to him. Bell manage to dodge it but the impact makes him fly backwards. He is starting to get tired and his breath is heavy.

When he focusing to the opponent in front of him, a huge explosion happens behind him. He want to see it but he can't look away from his opponent.

"Bell! You okay there?"

He heard Tobi's voice from behind.

'So that was Tobi's doing. He is so strong. I too can't lose!'

"I'm okay!"

"Ok. Just tell me if you need help!"

Bell just nodded his head.

He regulate his breathing and focuses his mind on his opponent. 7 left, 4 kobolds and 3 Dungeon Lizards. He then attacking them. The kobolds who saw him start attacking, move forwards and try to surround him. Bell kicks one of them while dodging another kobold's attack. He slice the attacker on it leg make the kobold fell to the ground. Without wasting that chance, he stab the kobold on it's throat and kills it. The remaining kobold attacking him at once. Bell prepares his dagger in front of him and stabs his dagger to the one of kobold's chest. Another kobold attack him from the left but he manage to dodge it while slicing it's stomach. The other one also attacking him, he parry it with his left hand and stab his dagger to its throat. The one that get sliced on the stomach not died yet so he finish him.

The Dungeon Lizard still there but Bell is already too tired to fight them. He fell to his knee with heavy breathing.

"Well, good work." Said Tobi who already beside him. While Bell fighting the kobold, he gather the magic stone from the monster that he kill. Of course while watching Bell fighting to help him if something happens.

"Hahaha….thank you…" Said Bell with tired smile.

Tobi didn't reply and just stand in front of Bell. He use his Kamui to release the air from Kamui Dimension and then he make hand sign.

"Fire Style : Bomb Blast Dance!" A huge fire comes out from in front of his mask and follows the flow of the air from Kamui Dimension. The fire became bigger and bigger, swallowing the 3 Dungeon Lizards. The fire is bigger than he expected.

'I think its overkill…..'

When the fire is gone, the Lizard is gone too, dropping the magic stone.

"Even insects smell good when roasted." He said even though there's no smell at all.

Bell who saw that stunned on the place with agape.

Tobi who saw that try to wake him into reality with shaking his body. It took a minute to do that.

"So, how is it, Bell?" Tobi asked.

"How's what?"

"Do you enjoy the fight, Bell? Do you feel the blood rush down there? Do you feel the excitement? Hm?" Tobi asks with a wide smile inside his mask.

"Hahaha…." Bell laugh dryly. "Well, I don't know what you are talking about but I feel I have become stronger." Said Bell while clenching his fist.

After that, they gathered the magic stone and decided to exit the dungeon.

They go to the guild and meet Eina Tulle. Bell tell her about their adventure in the dungeon. But since Bell go with Tobi this time, he didn't get scolded like before. After that Bell changes the Magic Stone into Valis and gets 80.000 Valis.

This is the first time Bell got this much money, so he was shocked and happy. When Tobi shares it 50:50, Bell declines it at first since Tobi is the one who fight the most, but then he give up since Tobi keeps pushing the money.

After that Bell go back to his Goddesses place, and Tobi back to the Inn. They promised to meet later on Hostess of Fertility.

'I want to meet Hestia but maybe this is not the time yet.' He thought.