
In Danmachi with Plasmids

One chap every Sunday and Tuesday with the possibility of a bonus one on Thursday. -------- A man who lost his family due to an accident dies from overwork trying to prove himself to society. He gains a second chance in a parallel world studying and researching for decades in order to find a way to travel to other worlds, only to once again die alone, overworked, alone and bored, achieving nothing. In the end, he achieved power, respect, and fame, but he still wasn't satisfied. Yet destiny has something reserved for this hardworking man. Will he now achieve his dreams in a world of magic and Gods, with a power from another world? Or will he be shunned for being different? ----- I have a Patr30n go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true And the Discord Server of course https://discord.gg/CfsXtGd4Yb The first chap will be more about exposing the world of Bioshock and how Plasmids works and setting up the storyline for the future. I am not a writer, I do this for fun and you are reading this for free. The minimum you can do is to just leave a reasonable opinion, please don't hate mail me. Work in progress. Tags: Bioshock Danmachi R18- In the medium to far future Slow romance Magic Adventure Gore- In some fighting scenes Action Intelligent Mc Reincarnation Fastpaced- At the start Medium-paced, it's neither slow nor fast. And more to come if I feel like adding them. I don't own the cover image, the world of Danmachi and Bioshock, or the characters apart from the Ocs. Thank you for reading!

Abadom · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
311 Chs

Romantic Dinner…

(New chapter let's goo!

One thing to note, I finished volume two! Now I will focus on adding details and changing some things in each chapter to make them better.

As I said before, writing these last chapters were quite hard since my main objective is like this:

-I need to make a main plot and possibly end it within that volume.

-At the same time, I need to make one or two subplots that may or may not connect with that

-And I need to quick start the events that will lead to new plots and arcs for the next volume.

-Fill the rest with stuff.

That's what I usually plan for a volume, minor details arent included.

I am definitely not good at foreshadowing like the Original writer, but I hoped that at the end, for more predictable things may be, that they were entertaining to read.

I also have a pretty decent idea as to what I plan to do with Side chapters.

After here, I will post the next advanced chapter on my Patr3on as always, and also, I will release 2 more advanced chapters for a total of 5. The link can as always, be found on the Novel description. If you are interested, make sure to take a look.

After my vacation starts, I will try to make a Tier with 10 advanced chapters then I will stop there for a good while. Probably until February since that's when my Uni ends... Yes, it's just 3-4 months, they want to cram a full period in just this time... Sigh.

In any case, I am happy to say we are starting to catch up with the interesting stuff.







'In the workshop, Silver could be seen in his smithing attire working on a red hot sword.'

"... Hm… Good."

'Silver had just finished forging yet another sword.'

"The balance is decent, it's sharp but what about its durability?"

/Cling! Clang!/

'He started to test the sword, by swinging it from one side to the other, he even slashed a few metal plates on the side.

These plates had dozens if not hundreds of slashes already, some deep passing through the plate while others were shallow.'

"I am getting better at this."

'He went to the side and writer something on a notebook.'

"Test 28 successful."

This time, I tried making a Damascus sword using the rare Damascus metal imported from Steel Mining Country Sharm.


It is much stronger than normal iron but I think it still lacks pretty much everything the Dungeon has to offer.

Nevertheless, it is still a very easy metal to work with, providing enough hardness and flexibility when under the hands of a proficient smith. Good enough to be considered as a weapon material for Level 2 adventurers and light armor for early Level 3 adventurers.

"What's next on the list?..."

'He looked and his notebook and said:'

"Should I try mining for Adamantite?"

The Dungeon produces its own array of metals and even plants that are used in an array of things.

Blacksmithing, potion-making, and etc.

The reason for that is unknown, but it may be due to the magic power concentration in the Dungeon.

Another possibility is that these metals and plants are created by the Dungeon as a way to add diversity into its ecosystem.

'Silver stopped to think.'

"They may also be a result of the Dungeon inner workings, waste products is a way to describe them… However, I can't prove any of these possibilities, nor do they matter right now anyway."

Adamantite, Blood Onix, Mithril, Nosteel, Oricalchun, Under coral, Holydite, Valmart… And many others

These are all metals that can be found in the Dungeon. Up to the Deep floors...

From there, the amount of research and information gets scarce to the point I couldn't even find what sort of metals and plants are produced there.

They normally get stronger as you go deeper, more flexible, more durable, more… Incredible.

Just like monsters and plants get stronger and stranger the deeper you go… So does the environment.

To the point, they stop making sense… Not that this world ever made any…

But certain metals like Adamantite can be found on any floor, although its purity increases as you go deeper.

It's simply a waste of time to look around on the first floor for it, even if you found it, it would be a few impure rocks. The final amount after being purified would be in grams and still not perfectly pure…

What can you do with a few grams of metal? This isn't a Cultivation Novel…

Unless you have a Development ability or Skill... But that's rather specific.

"I wonder what sort of metals will appear in the unexplored floors..."

Super metals and mystical plants… I get excited just thinking about it. Just what I can do with them?

"Nevertheless, it's not like I would be able to make use of them."

On the surface, blacksmiths may struggle to get their development ability to even G much less A and S.

(To those who forgot, DA's goes from I to S like normal stats. I-H-G-F-E-D-C-B-A-S…)

"I find it impressive that the best gear is made from these rank I-G blacksmiths… Ignoring the Gods of course."

Makes me scared of what an S rank blacksmith can actually do.

"However, such a rank isn't something that can be achieved just from working on the forge…"

"Otherwise, those old Elves and Dwarves would already be high ranks, yet, just look at them."

Really, just who made things so hard? Even Ais, the swordsman genius named the Sword Princess, only got her Swordsman DA later on and even when she reached Level 6, it was only at H.

(It was her third DA according to the wiki.)

At that speed, it would take decades for her to reach even E… If she ever had the chance to do it that is.

Ottar is the very example of this, he was the person who had max stats every Level up, a genius who seeks only strength.

Yet, his highest DA was only at E, and he was at the pinnacle of Level 7…

However, I don't know how he is in the real world, nor how he is right now, although its two years earlier, he shouldn't be that weaker…

Nevertheless, he is only 30 right now, so I guess he has some time to grow?

The only one who I can remember that got into an unbelievable realm with age was the Sage Fels, who after getting 'Immortality' he studied magic for 800+ years, getting into a realm where he could even revive someone from the dead with mere traditional magic.

'Silver got up and started to clean the forge.'

"I might not be able to add special attributes to my gear, but I can still make good gear… Good enough for me."

And in a sense, this is in line with my work style.

It makes me less dependent on equipment and it saves me the money from having to buy proper gear and get ripped off by those blacksmiths.

I can also sell most of these since Low Level gear does not have all of those fancy attributes…

"The problem is actually selling them..."

I will just keep the gear I make in my inventory. If I ever find a possible buyer I will sell one to them…

Not like I am in need of money…

Well, I did consume quite a bit of my wealth buying materials and potions…

"However, being properly equipped is a must. If I end up in a situation where I can't defeat an enemy by myself, then the gear is what is going to make up for my deficiencies."

'Silver looked to the side and noticed a large array of swords, spears, axes, shields… And much more.'

'That was his past two weeks of hard work!'

"They look quite cool over there… But I feel something is wrong..."

(Anime Title: I used to be a super CEO BOSS in an underwater city until I died from old age, so I reincarnated in a world with magic so I just want to live a carefree life with my Goddess in my blacksmith shop.)

"It's nothing… In any case..."

'Silver stored all of the gear inside his inventory and proceeded to clean the workshop.'

'Around an hour later, he was done and went to take a shower.'

'With a bath taken and feeling refreshed. Silver put on some stylish casual clothes and went towards Babel.'

'This time, he wasn't wearing his scarf.'

'Although it was super convenient, being extremely resistant, comfortable, and somehow, still very resistant to dirt. he couldn't wear a Scarf in this sort of scenario…

It would be a bit too… Not ugly, but weird.'

'Although it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary since it's still rather cold, winter only ends in March.'

'Today, it would be around a month since he became a member of Hestia Familia, so Hestia wanted to commemorate by eating in a restaurant.'

'A 'proper' restaurant…'

"That's why I didn't go to the Dungeon today. I spent most of my time in the forge."

'Silver wasn't wearing anything fancy, just some casual gear, although it was something to commemorate, it was also not that big of a deal.'

'However, he had the Drip…'

"It's around 6… Hestia should be ending her work soon."


'As Silver walked in the busy roads of Orario, he couldn't help but see a figure running on the rooftops of the houses.'

'However, the figure soon vanished as it ran into a corner.'

"Hum... Not my problem."

It is Illegal to run on top of other people's houses… For obvious reasons.

Although there is a silent rule that such a thing is allowed during emergency situations.

"If it's someone famous walking on your roof, most people would feel honored. But if it's a masked dude with a black cloak… The first thing the civilians will do is scream."

I didn't get a good glimpse, but he was wearing some sneaky clothes…

It's either a thief or an undercover agent from some Familia.

"... Not my problem."

'Silver completely ignored the side quest and went directly towards his main quest.'

"So, where are we going to eat today?" Asked Hestia

'Hestia was wearing some fancy things today, she wasn't wearing makeup, at least, it wasn't noticeable. Not that she needed it anyway.'

'Her hair was down, making her seem more mature and she was wearing some fancy casual clothes like Silver. However, it was clear she put a lot of thought into her attire.'

'It was the ones he bought for her last week when they went shopping. Something she couldn't do in the original work due to how tight money was for the Hestia Familia.'

"There was this famous restaurant on the North road that I wanted to try, they only accept reservations so I made one last week."

'Hestia seemed surprised.'

"Last week?!"

Did you prepare everything since then?... And I thought I was being hasty…

'Silver looked at her with a smug smile.'

"It was obvious that you would want to commemorate today. Even more so when you dragged me to buy clothes last week. So I just booked a table."

And even if you didn't, I could just ask you out and use the reservation…


"The restaurant is called Hero's rest… The reason for that is supposedly because that place has a very long tradition, going as far as 300 years ago. Although the place only became a restaurant around 60 years ago."

'Hestia didn't seem happy.'

"Isn't such a place… very expensive?"


Initially, I was planning on going to another restaurant, but I received a certain opportunity a week ago…

/Flashback time/

"... Counting these… Alright. Perfect job as always Silver." Said Loiju as he organized a small pile of papers.

"Phew… You really gave me some tricky commissions this time huh? Plus that minor thing I had to do on the way... Today was quite tiring."

"And yet… You finished them all. Do you know what the others have been calling you Silver?" Asked the Elf.

"What? Tell me it's a good name…"

"Do-All, they say there isn't a single job you can't do…"

'Silver face sank…'

"Wow… Such an honor…" Said Silver in an apathetic tone.

"Hold your horse! That's quite an achievement, considering you are only Level 1. To get this, you showed perfect skills as a warrior when you completed all of those killing Commissions."

"You showed scout skills, mining skills, mapper skills, and more."

"This Title is not for nothing."

'Silver seemed a little better.'

"As long as it doesn't last, the last thing I want is for that Title to become my alias."

"Haha… That's hard, but not entirely impossible. And compared to what some people can gain, getting recognized as someone who can do everything as your first alias is quite good, at least you won't need to worry about finding a job."

'Silver looked at the Elf with a 'Are you serious?' expression. '

"You think I will ever need to look for a job? Let's be realistic Loiju. That won't happen in at least 3-4 decades."

"... Sigh, I guess you are right."

'Loiju started to pile up some papers...'

"Is that all for today then? Otherwise, I will be on my way."

"Wait a bit."

'He turned around and went to a table on the back, he searched a little until he found something and came back.'

"Here. This is something I've been wanting to give to you for a little while."

'In his hand was a silver paper, it looked fancy.'

"What's this?" Asked Silver

"It's a promotional Coupon for the Hero's rest restaurant. I got it by chance a few days ago."

"It gives you over 90% discount on all of its normal plates while giving a considerable discount to special plates, drinks, and wines. It even gives you a table on the fourth open floor. I was told it has quite the view of Orario."


"... Are you talking about that fancy building on the North road? How did you get something like this? I heard that place is very strict with such things."

"That isn't a fancy restaurant, although they are expensive nonetheless… let's leave it between you and me, but I got this when I went gambling some time ago…"

'Silver lifted one of his eyebrows.'

"Really? Gambling? I didn't expect the strict Elf to do such a thing."

"Arg… Don't make me remember… It's a bad habit from my youth, one that I already threw away, it's just that the opportunity showed itself and I got lucky after playing a bit…" He said as he placed one of his hands behind his head.

There was a reason why I left my home forest...

"Hum… Let me guess, you spent quite the amount and now you want to get rid of it?"

"NO!... No…"

'After screaming once, Loiju started to speak in a smaller tone.'

"I did spend quite the amount, but I got most of it back, and if you count the coupon, then I did not lose anything at all."

"So why give it to me?"

"Cough!... I am not into that sort of place, so there isn't anything I can do. So giving it to you seems like the best option… Just make sure to pay for a few drinks later."

'Silver didn't seem to believe his explanation, so he took a look at the paper and he found what he was looking for when he read what was written on the back.'

"... PFFT! I see it now… How sad Loiju, don't worry, me, your boy, will help you in…"

'Loiju soon placed his hands on Silver's mouth.'

"One more word and I promise to not give you a single good commission for the next month."

"... Okay okay… What a shame. I know quite a few beautiful Elf girls… Guess you are not interested…"

'Loiju suddenly changed his warning expression into a warm and welcoming one.'

"Come on Silver, don't be such a villain! Tell your Bro what you know…"

'Silver started to tease and play with his friend, the coupon was soon left aside on the counter.'

'It read: This coupon is only valid for couples.'

'Later on, Silver passed by the restaurant, confirming the veracity of the cupon and reserving a table on the fourth floor, it was a table with a perfect view of Orario's North with the Loki Familia Castle in the background.'

'Quite magical.'

/Back to the present/

"Don't worry too much about the cost since I got everything covered. Otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen such a place." Said Silver


'Silver placed his right hand on Hestia's head and patted it.'

"Now now. How about we start to enjoy this? This is by no means, something hard for me to pull off since I can make over 100K Valis a day. And in the future, once I become a high-Level adventurer, eating in such fancy places can become the norm if you wish."

This is how much money a high-Level adventurer can make.

'Hestia seemed to be conflicted, but she took a deep breath and focused.'

'Hestia finally showed a smile as she grabbed Silver's hand and pulled it as she rushed towards the restaurant.'

"Let's go Silver! I am excited to know how good their food truly is!"

'As she led Silver across the streets she couldn't help but think she really did choose a good Familia member…'

'Silver and Hestia finally arrived at the restaurant and went under the guide of a butler to the fourth floor where a table had already been reserved.'

'Compared to most restaurants in the city, this one was definitely fancy, however, it was still behind some of the truly high-class ones.'

'Nevertheless, its fame comes from its long history and good food.'

'It had a modern look compared to the Rustic RPG'ish look of the other establishments across Orario.'

"If you need me, just ring the bell on the table. Now, if you excuse me…" Said the butler as he bowed, turned around, and left to attend to someone else.

"Wow… This place is so fancy." Said Hestia as she controlled her urge to ring the bell.

"So far so good, but let's see how good the food actually is…" Replied Silver

'He picked the menu and started to go through the selection of plates…'

'Hestia did the same.'

"... Hum… How about this? Bife a la Pasta? Sounds interesting." Said Silver

'Hestia looked at the menu and soon exclaimed:'

"12-12-12K Valis?!"

'She was stunned by the price of the meat. Her face sweating.'

'Silver however didn't care in the slightest for the price, looking at the selection of drinks.'

'He wasn't a fan of drinking alcohol as he ate, however, today is a special day.'

"Sigh, I told you already, don't mind the price." Replied Silver as he put the menu down

I have a 90% discount… This plate won't even cost 2K

Although that's still a bit expensive, the HF special pasta only costs 300 and that plate is enough to feed 3-4…


'Hestia gulped as she read the name of the plates and their prices, but after a few minutes agonizing, she finally chose what she wanted.'


'After calling the butter and telling him their orders, the only thing left to do is to wait.'


'However, there was an awkward silence between the two of them.'



I am so used to living with Hestia that all of the break ice's I had were already spent during the course of this month.

Normally I wouldn't bother about something like this, but the situation requires some intervention.

There is literally nothing to talk about…

Wait… I could do that…

"How about a photo?"


"You always seemed interested in those photos I had in my collection, so how about we take one today?"

'Hestia's eyes sparkled.'



She is really excited for some reason.

'Silver sneakily removed his camera from his inventory by using the table as a cover. They got up and made their way to a balcony.'

'As for their table, no one would sit there, the restaurant is already used with their clients getting up and going to the many balconies to watch the night view of Orario.'

'He led Hestia to a balcony and asked her to pose.'

'It was the perfect place with the Loki Familia castle right behind her.

In the star filled sky with the moon fully round, the photo was destined to be beautiful.'


'Yet… She looked at him with an aggrieved face.'

"It's just one photo, after this one I will take one with you so be patient…"

'How could Silver not know what she was thinking?'


'With a flash, the Photo was taken.'

"That was one done…"

'Silver then proceeded to look around, noticing there was no one in the balcony, he used telekinesis to lift his camera and went to Hestia's side.'

"I don't think I had the chance to say it but… Thank you for allowing me into your Family." Said Silver in a light smile

'He knew there was no need to talk about this, however, break ice is break ice...'

"What?! No no… It was me who asked you to join! I should be the one thanking you…"

'She seemed as if she was going to say something but she stopped before saying:'

"I even feel as if… Having you is too much of a privilege. You do everything in a perfect way, you are kind and sometimes even humble… Even though I am working, I feel…"

'Silver placed his index finger on her lips.'

"Enough of that… Privilege? Don't make me laugh. Everything I did so far was in a way, thanks to you. There are many Gods in Orario, but for me, there is no one more perfect to be my Goddess other than you."

Urg... How embarrassing… Sigh, I will only say this once.

"So stop depreciating yourself like that, there is no point in trying to compare yourself to the others as nothing good will come out of it. Even more when you only stayed in Orario for a few months, while the others have been here for years if not decades."

"I promised to guarantee my safety in the Dungeon, so how about you promise to be yourself?"


'Hestia was on the verge of crying when she slapped her own cheeks and smiled wildly.'

'All of her thoughts culminated into a single thing:'

"Enough drama! Let's eat…" Said Hestia as she ran back into the restaurant.

Thank you… Silver.

"Where are you going? We didn't take our photo yet."


'Hestia turned around in embarrassment…'

'She went to his side, but remained a little bit far due to her being embarrassed, but Silver was taking none of that.'


'He pulled her to his side by the waist and said:'

"If you stay so far away, the camera isn't going to take the photo properly."


'With another flash of light, the photo was taken.'

"Alright, let's…"


'Suddenly, the sound of an explosion took to his ears as Silver went back into the restaurant…'

'He turned around and saw…'

"What the fuck is happening now?"

'The Loki Familia castle was on fire.'

(Image! If I have one....)





Sorry for the slightly slow chapter...

The entirety of the chapter passed during a single day sheesh...


I think there was only one moon, but I might be wrong, and also, what is its color again?